Windows 资源管理器高级版 Xplorer2 Ultimate 5.0.0 + x64 中文多语免费版

Xplorer2 Ultimate + x64 中文版大眼仔旭(发布。Xplorer2 包含了 Windows Explorer 应该有的很多功能。我们保留了最好的产品,并且以小而灵活,易于使用,消除了不一致和烦躁不安。乍看之下,一切看起来都很熟悉:经典的树型/视图用户界面,干净且无杂乱,应该让你立即开始。 Explorer?浏览模式可以很好地扩展到拥有数千个文件的大型文件夹。它读取速度快,提供可视过滤器和多种选择机制,可让您有效地管理文件。

Xplorer2 Ultimate + x64 中文多语特别版

Xplorer2 Ultimate + x64 中文版

Xplorer2 是一个文件和信息管理器,坚持“简单高效”的理念。在不重新开发的情况下,它将 Windows shell 体系结构的最佳功能集成在一个小巧,资源高效的软件包中,该软件包即时熟悉。但仔细观察一下,你会发现一个全新的世界,提供强大的功能,精确度和灵活性,并且会提高你的日常工作效率。所有来自 Windows 资源管理器的 shell 程序 – 没有任何麻烦!加上所有功能,你会从一个功能强大的标签式双窗格文件管理器,包括 Omni-Finder,一个查找文件模块,只是超出所有已知的搜索工具。不要拿我们的话来说,眼见为实!

XPLORER?是Windows资源管理器应该是什么。我们保留了最好的产品,并且以小而灵活,易于使用的包装消除了不一致和烦躁不安。乍看之下,一切看起来都很熟悉:经典的树型/视图用户界面,干净且无杂乱,应该让你立即开始。 XPLORER?将让你在所有的地方保持你的数字财富,包括 FTP,zipfolders,webfolders(webDAV)等命名空间扩展。

但这就是相似之处的结局。不像资源管理器,xplorer?允许您一次浏览多个文件夹,使用制表符和双窗格。整理和复制文件变得轻而易举。您可以使用收藏夹,可点击路径(面包屑),轻松访问根文件夹,树和书签窗格(下拉框)等快速浏览您的shell命名空间。您甚至可以在工作流程认为必要时保存和恢复文件夹组。 XPLORER?浏览模式可以很好地扩展到拥有数千个文件的大型文件夹。它读取速度快,提供可视过滤器和多种选择机制,可让您有效地管理文件。

Xplorer2 Ultimate 主要特点:
»浏览 shell 命名空间

Xplorer2 中文版是 2xExplorer 的后续版本,Xplorer2 拥有全新的界面,和系统的资源管理器一模一样的操作,让你不用学习即可快速上手。xplorer2 体积小巧,仅仅功能却很丰富,可以让双窗口垂直分割和横行分割,强大的快捷键,一键新建文件夹,分割文件,合并文件,不用按照压缩软件即可查看zip等压缩文件,预览窗口可以即时预览BMP,JPG,GIF,TIFF,PNG,MP3,AVI,MPEG,MOV,WMV,WMA等文件(某些文件需要相应插件支持)改变文件属性,强大的运行命令以及快速 DOS 窗口,强大的文件选择过滤功能,书签,以及搜索文本功能!


What’s new in xplorer² Ultimate
February 28, 2021
mini website facelift with new screenshots and introductory demo videos .
Added REMOVE command in quick access list’s context menu to be used for removing items from the QAL. DELETE menu does the same but it could be misinterpreted in other regular tree nodes, where delete means REAL delete of the actual folder!
Registry tree option FTCOPT_QALNODROPTARGET (=2048) prevents stuff dropped INSIDE folders in quick access list. You lose some of the shell functionality, but prevent accidental moves inside folders, when all you meant to do was insert an item in the QAL!
A pane’s Miller property is persistent when you quit xplorer². The folders themselves are not saved, but upon restart “Column mode” is enabled and you can start side-by-side browsing immediately.
smarter swap panes command (GOTO menu) leaves the folders exactly as they were, view modes, locked tabs and all
new tips: 5c, 7a, 9g, 9h, 10a, 12a, 39b, 47b, 51b, 75b, 118a, 144c, 149a, 164b, 167a
OneDrive folders can be searched without GAOPT_FOLLOWJUNCTIONS advanced setting. The setting is reserved for real folder junctions. Double check it works for DropBox and other cloud drives too?
4 new demo videos in HELP > HOW DO I? menu explain the biggest of the new features (look out for NEW marker)
F1 help from dialog boxes opens the manual at the correct location if you use non-IE browsers (Chrome, Firefox etc)
lots of bugfixes and optimizations
[P] FILE > BROWSE FLAT menu command improved (quicker, half time to flatten 230K files)
[P] Check duplicates dialog has a CLEAR button to get rid of all the checkboxes, so you can start a new clean search
Divider bars (splitters) for dual pane should be easier to grab in high DPI. Also added advanced mainframe tweak DPF_THICKSPLITTER (=0x800000) to make the main dual pane splitter double the size, so you can tell it apart from miller column splitters, if need be.
[U] new duplicate files detection algorithm, 100 times faster than original, makes big difference in large file sets — makes checking duplicates for your entire hard disk feasible
[P] new macro commands KEYDOWN/UP, similar to SENDKEY but more flexible. For example SENDKEY A is equivalent to KEYDOWN A followed by KEYUP A. This is useful e.g. if you want to simulate pressing SHIFT key while clicking on a dialog button:
KEYUP shift
Note these keys don’t need a window context like SENDKEY, whichever window has the focus will receive the keystroke. You must match each down key with its equivalent UP, otherwise the keyboard will go funny.
Advanced registry option rgbTabHilite sets the color for highlighting the active tab and active miller pane. Available through the advanced settings editor
Advanced mainframe option DPF_TABINSERTNEXT (=0x400000) makes new tabs to open immediately after the active tab, instead of at the far end
[P] MILLER COLUMNS. This is the big one, a feature ported from Mac PCs and their Finder file manager. It is like tabbed browsing, allowing you to see many neighboring folders simultaneously. Perhaps it’s similar to locked tabs mode. For more details please refer to the documentation and watch the related demo video in HELP > HOW DO I? pane
Use FILE > COLUMN MODE menu command (or the toolbar/ribbon buttons) to enter miller mode. Then when you browse a folder (pressing ENTER or double-click) it opens in a new pane. If too many panes exist, a scrollbar is used to manage them. Each tab can have its own miller columns. The active folder in each set is what’s used for dual pane comparisons etc. You can use left-right arrows to jump pane. You can tweak many options, including the maximum number of side-by-side folders (nMaxMillers and MIVF_xxx) using the Advanced settings editor.
If you hate xplorer² ultimate orange icon, design your favorite one, call it X2ICON.ICO and drop it in the installation folder, then yours will be used instead! For the desktop shortcut icon (if any), edit the properties (right click) and change the icon there too (copy X2ICON.ICO file path from the installation folder). This will be also used if you PIN xplorer² on the taskbar.
(internal optimization) more efficient windows message routing (saves your CPU)
The quick previewer will show cloud previews for some images if they are in the thumbnail cache, regardless if they are marked “cloud only” (offline)
xplorer² will preview and show thumbnails of common image types PNG/JPG/GIF even if the windows thumbnail cache is busted
PEEK PREVIEW. Enable mouse peek from TOOLS > OPTIONS (Window page) then press both left+right mouse buttons together to see a large preview of the item under the cursor. Then let go of the mouse keys and the preview will go away! It is also available from VIEW > PEEK menu command, so you can preview the selected item with the keyboard (Alt+Q is the default key binding), then any key (except Pageup/Down) will dismiss the preview. Very handy.
The preview is similar to the DRAFT quick preview tab, so it will show images and plain text (including text extracted from DOC/PDF/XLS documents) only. Advanced options editor allows you to choose the preview size as a percent of your monitor. For text previews, the registry setting nPeekTextWidth is the maximum width of the popup preview window, for pics the size is determined by the bitmap dimensions.
Press alt+enter keys in the quickfilter box (next to addressbar) to apply the text filter on the inactive pane
[P] CMENU macro instruction works for dock sites, so for example the following snippets will float then dock the quick preview panel:
# from dock to float
FINDWND preview
CMENU float
# reverse action (float to dock)
CMENU dock
new fixed icon for UPDIR (..) item has a little green arrow for better visibility, to tell it apart from other folders — it’s always shown first too, regardless of the sort mode.
[P] PHONE BACKUP. Copy options like “overwrite if newer else skip” work for “fake” folders like phones and tablets. So you can copy from/to such devices and your local HD in backup mode. The user interface looks the same as explorer copy, but it supports advanced options — you set then as usual in the F5 robust copy dialog (or TOOLS > BACKUP menu command). Sorry no wildcard/filters allowed at present. For zipfolders and other compressed archives, it can only be used to get stuff OUT of them (into a regular filesystem folder)
This feature requires Windows Vista or later. Some of the less important copy options are ignored to allow backup copy to/from virtual folders, e.g. “clear readonly attribute”. In silent mode only errors are logged. For windows 7 and older, phones can only be the SOURCE, not the target of the backup.
[P] Robust copy through filters is much improved when only simple properties are used (name/size/date/path). If you use other more complex properties for copy filtering then you won’t see any improvement.
Robust copy log when in backup mode (overwrite if newer else skip) will only include actual copy information, and exclude any files skipped or filtered
MANUAL POSITIONS. In small folders set as large icon or thumbnail mode, use ARRANGE BY > MANUALLY menu command to move items with the mouse and leave them where you like. Then use ACTIONS > FOLDER SETTINGS > SAVE menu to put them inside DESKTOP.INI (with other custom folder settings), so when
you come back to that folder you’ll find the items where you left them.
Related advanced registry settings are nMaxPositions (max number of item positions to save) and CLVOPT_GRIDSNAP, which snaps icons to a grid (otherwise you can put them even one on top of the other!)
Note you can sort a manually positioned folder if you need, temporarily destroying your custom positions, but once you switch to ARRANGE BY > MANUALLY, the positions will be restored.
[P] Browser view option CLVOPT_CUSTOMAUTOSAVE (see registry.txt) will automatically save any changes inside custom folders, including icon positional information. So if you have used FOLDER SETTINGS > SAVE in a folder, and later do some changes, they will be automatically saved for you.
Press F3 key to find next keyword in advanced settings editor, useful when you’re trying to locate a tweak to configure
QUICKACCESS TREE. Similar to explorer’s quick access list (QAL), but not identical (no pins exist). Use TOOLS > OPTIONS menu and tick it in Window property page (tree options section). It shows some frequently used folders to begin with but you can put there whatever you like using drag-drop. Thus you have your own (flat) mini-tree with folders you access the most. You can rename and delete items in the QA list without affecting the real folders. You can even put network items in there and xplorer² shouldn’t be too slow starting up. Functionality almost identical to miniscrap really
The top node “Quick access” takes you to your recent folder, which holds documents you’ve used lately. The registry setting nFrequentQAL specifies how many folders of your top frequent folders list to add to the QAL — but once you have more than 12 items in the list, no frequent items are inserted automatically.
WARNING: when you try to insert a new folder in the QAL be careful to drop it INBETWEEN existing folders (you will see a horizontal insertion mark), otherwise you’ll end up MOVING the new folder inside the one existing in the QAL! For safety you can drag-drop new folders using the RIGHT mouse button, so if something goes wrong you can cancel the drop. Or use FTCOPT_QALNODROPTARGET advanced setting to disable drops altogether.
Editor² v2.98 supports dark mode through its options, and works better with unmarked unicode text files.
[P] xplorer² text search should work with Windows experimental beta UTF8 locale setting (control panel, language for non-unicode programs). But it is a rubbish setting really, because it completely breaks ANSI programs (like xplorer² lite) which are the ones that would benefit most out of it. So unless you have a serious reason to choose the option, let it be.
[P] advanced registry option GAO2_ORIENTALCP uses a robust (albeit a bit slower) method to detect unmarked unicode text files (without BOM). If you live in the far East then probably you should set it on through the advanced settings editor.
[P] Everybody will need NEW unlock keys for v5.0, but many will get free replacements. To check if you are entitled for a free or discounted v5.0 key use HELP > REGISTER PROGRAM menu, or the equivalent command under LICENSE MANAGEMENT in ribbon’s leftmost tab. If xplorer² cannot find your old license key (but you know where it is yourself) you can use this upgrade page .
For more information see
The change compared to previous major upgrades is that ALL customers that own a v4.x key will be allowed to upgrade at a discount — the old 2-year limit does not apply! This should allow more people to get the new version!
[P] Right click on an infobar to access a menu of saved column sets (as defined in CUSTOMIZE menu), and apply the column set on the infobar
[P] CAMEL CASE. Mass renaming has 2 new options, a camel that changes spaces and word breaks into capitals (e.g. “hello world-son” becomes helloWorldSon) and one to remove accents, so the German “über” will become “uber”.
Once you convert a name into camel case you can’t go back (undo) except using regular expressions (see below discussion in v4500)
[P] ACTIONS > FILE PROPERTIES menu command can also change en-mass numeric properties, although I can’t see many of them useful. Perhaps the track number # property is the only candidate. Use change templates that translate into numbers e.g. automatic counters
Various corrections to dark mode, e.g. dark checkboxes look less lame. Now you can turn dark mode on/off using the normal program options (TOOLS > OPTIONS menu, General property page)
[P] FOLDER SIZE PIES. The command TOOLS > FOLDER STATISTICS will show a little pie chart of the biggest folders in your list, one for each level you browse. It should help the visual folks to see the big folders eating up your hard disk space. Drag the splitter to make the pie bigger or smaller. The folder selected in the tree pops out a “pizza slice” so you can identify it. You can also use the tooltips over the pie pieces to discover the folder names.



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