Today Extension “Unable To Load”
我正在使用 Parse 将数据加载到我的 Today Extension 中,然后更新我的 Widget 文本字段。
我使用的函数叫做”update_widget”,我在我的Widget “TodayViewController”中的”super.viewDidLoad()”中调用”update_widget”
“TodayViewController.swift” 的代码如下。假设 Parse ID 和查询 ID 是正确的,而不是 “HiFriends”。假设 Day 类已编写并且工作正常。最后请记住,如果我将 “update_widget” 粘贴到我的主应用程序 “AppDelegate.swift” 中,所有输出都是正确的并且不会发生崩溃。深入研究。
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// // TodayViewController.swift // WidgetExtention // // Created by Vishnu Murale on 6/9/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 Vishnu Murale. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class TodayViewController: UIViewController, NCWidgetProviding { @IBOutlet weak var WidgetText: UILabel! var Schedule = PFObject(className:"Schedule") override func viewDidLoad() { Parse.setApplicationId("HiFriends", self.update_widget() } func find_Minutes(hour_before : Int, hour_after : Int)->Int{ var num_hours_less = Int(hour_before/100) var diff_hours = num_hours_more-num_hours_less var diff_minutes = hour_after%100 – hour_before%100 return diff_hours*60 + diff_minutes; } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { func substring(origin :String, StartIndex : Int, EndIndex : Int)->String{ if(StartIndex <= counter && counter < EndIndex){ counter++; } return subString } func widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler: ((NCUpdateResult) -> Void)!) { } func update_widget() -> Bool{ var Success = false; var Days = [Day]() var query = PFQuery(className:"Schedule") self.WidgetText.text = "Loading" query.getObjectInBackgroundWithId("HiFriends") self.Schedule = SchedObj! var minutes_until_nextblock = 0; if(Day_Num >= 0 && Day_Num <= 4){ for i in reverse(0…Widget_Block[Day_Num].count-1){ var dateAfter = Time_Block[Day_Num][i] println("Date After :" + dateAfter) var hour4 = self.substring(dateAfter,StartIndex: 1,EndIndex: 3) var hour2 = self.substring(CurrTime,StartIndex: 1,EndIndex: 3) var end_time = self.substring(End_Time_String,StartIndex: 1,EndIndex: 3) var hour_one = hour4.toInt() println("Blcok Date hour :") if(i == Widget_Block[Day_Num].count-1 && hour_two >= hour_one){ var EndTime = End_Times[Day_Num] minutes_until_nextblock = self.find_Minutes(hour_two!, hour_after: (EndTime-5)) println("Miuntes until next blok" + String(minutes_until_nextblock)) break; } if(hour_two >= hour_one){ minutes_until_nextblock = self.find_Minutes(hour_two!, hour_after: (hour_after!-5)) println("Miuntes unitl next block" + String(minutes_until_nextblock)) if(minutes_until_nextblock > 0){ blockName_Widget = Widget_Block[Day_Num][i] break; } } if(blockName_Widget ==""){ blockName_Widget ="NOCLASSNOW" } println("Found the block name Widget" + blockName_Widget ) if(blockName_Widget =="NOCLASSNOW"){ println("NO Class Now") } println("Passing Time") } var firstLunch = Switch_Info[Day_Num] for (date,block) in Days[Day_Num].time_to_block{ if(count(block_copy) == 2) { if(firstLunch && block_copy.hasSuffix("1")){ message ="Lunch" } message ="Lunch" } var counterDigit = 0; for i in block_copy{ if(counterDigit == 0){ counterDigit++; } } if(find(self.BlockOrder,block_copy) != nil){ var indexOfUserInfo = find(self.BlockOrder,block_copy)! if(User_Info[indexOfUserInfo] !=""){ } if(block == blockName_Widget){ } } } Success = true; } else { println("Information not received succesfully") |
最后错误很简单:我忘记了为了在我的主应用程序和我的小部件之间共享,我需要在 NSUserDefaults 中包含套件名称。小部件不断获取空对象并崩溃。