- 创建连接sqlite3.connect
- 创建游标conn.cursor
- 通过游标执行sql语句cursor.execute(‘select * from user where id = ?’, (‘1’,)). ?为占位符
- 处理数据库返回结果cursor.rowcount,cursor.fetchall
- 关闭游标
- 提交事务:对表有修改(增删改)时需要提交
- 关闭连接
import os, sqlite3
db_file = ‘db/school.db’ if os.path.isfile(db_file): os.remove(db_file)
# 初始数据: conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(‘create table user(id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20), score int)’) cursor.execute(r”insert into user values (‘A-001’, ‘Adam’, 95)”) cursor.execute(r”insert into user values (‘A-002’, ‘Bart’, 62)”) cursor.execute(r”insert into user values (‘A-003’, ‘Lisa’, 78)”)
def get_score_in(low, high): cursor.execute(r”select name from user where score>? and score<? order by score” , (low,high)) # 用 sql排序 # cursor.execute(r”s elect * from user where score>? and score<?” , (low,high)) result = cursor.fetchall() # result = sorted(result,key=lambda t:t[2]) # 用Python排序 # names = [row[1] for row in result] # 遍历result,每一次遍历结果记为row ,取所有的row[1] print(result)
get_score_in(60,100) # 方法的定义必须在使用之前 cursor.close() conn.commit() conn.close() |
- 创建连接mysql.connector.connnect(user,password,database)
- 创建游标conn.cursor
- 通过游标执行sql语句cursor.execute(‘select * from user where id = %s’, (‘1’,)). %s为占位符
- 处理数据库返回结果cursor.rowcount,cursor.fetchall
- 关闭游标
- 提交事务
- 关闭连接
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import mysql.connector
# 初始数据 : conn = mysql.connector.connect( user= ‘root’, password= ‘password’, database= ‘test’) # 创建游标来执行 SQL 语句 cursor = conn.cursor() # cursor.execute(‘create table user(id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(20), score int)’)
# cursor.execute(r”insert into user values (‘A-001’, ‘Adam’, 95)”)
# cursor.execute(r”insert into user values (‘A-002’, ‘Bart’, 62)”)
# cursor.execute(r”insert into user values (‘A-003’, ‘Lisa’, 78)”)
def get_score_in(low, high): cursor.execute( r”select name from user where score>%s and score<%s order by score”, (low, high)) # 用 sql 排序 ,MySQL 的占位符是 %s,SQLite 的占位符是 ?
# cursor.execute(r”select * from user where score>? and score<?” , (low,high))
result = cursor.fetchall() # result = sorted(result,key=lambda t:t[2]) # 用 Python 排序
# names = [row[1] for row in result] # 遍历 result ,每一次遍历结果记为 row , 取所有的 row[1]
get_score_in( 60, 100) # 方法的定义必须在使用之前 cursor.close() conn.commit() conn.close() |
3、使用SQLAlchemy:提供SQL工具包和ORM(Object-Relational Mapping,实现关系数据库表与对象的映射)工具包
- 创建基础类
- 定义类(类名为数据库表名)
- 初始化数据库连接create_engine()
- 由sessionmaker创建DBsession类型(视为数据库连接,类似于mysql.connnector.connect)
- 创建session对象(类型为DBsession)
- 创建新的类对象
- 添加到session
- session提交
- session关闭
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy import * # from sqlalchemy import Column,String,INT,create_engine # 创建对象的基类
Base = declarative_base()
class User(Base): __tablename__ = ‘user’ # 与数据库表名一致
id = Column(String( 20), primary_key= True) name = Column(String( 20)) score = Column(INT) # 初始化数据库连接 engine = create_engine( ‘mysql+mysqlconnector://root:[email protected]:3306/test’)
DBSession = sessionmaker( bind=engine) # DBSession 相当于 mysql.connector.connection
session = DBSession()
# new_user = User(id=’2′,name=’Bob’,score=98)
# session.add(new_user)
user = session.query(User).filter(User.id== ‘5’).one() print(user.name) session.commit() # 一定要记得提交 session.close()
声明:学习廖雪峰的Python教程学习笔记,感谢Micheal Liao.