Getting Started with Maven
- The Build Lifecycle @
- The POM @liguangsheng
- Profiles @draem0507
- Repositories @
- Standard Directory Layout
- The Dependency Mechanism @
- 可选的依赖和依赖排除 @config
- Creating Assemblies
- Configuring Archive Plugins
- Configuring Maven @九珍
- Mirror Settings @lagend
- Deployment and Security Settings
- Generating Sources
- Working with Manifests
- Maven Classloading
- Using Multiple Modules in a Build
- Using Multiple Repositories
- Using Proxies
- Using the Release Plugin
- Using Ant with Maven
- Using Modello
- Using Extensions
- Building For Different Environments with Maven 2
- Using Toolchains
- Encrypting passwords in settings.xml
- Guide to HTTP Connection Settings
- Guide to Selecting Alternative Wagon Providers
- Guide to Building JDK 1.4 Projects Using JDK 1.5
- Guide to Configuring Default Mojo Executions