- User manual
- SLF4J error messages
- Bridging legacy APIs
- SLF4J Migrator
- SLF4J extensions
- Localization/Internalization support
Articles, blogs & presentations
- Simplifying the distinction between SL4J and commons logging, by Jay Vyas
- Logging in Java with slf4j, by Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
- Universal Logger Plug-ins for RCP Applications, by John J. Franey
- Thoughts on Java logging and SLF4J by Nicolas Frankel
- Logging with SLF4J and Guice, by Michael Glauche
- SLF4J in 10 slides, by Ceki Gülcü
- Devoxx-2009 video presentation, by Ceki Gülcü
- Version 99 Does Not Exist, by Erik van Oosten
- JUnit 4 Test Logging Tips using SLF4J, by Pete Sellars
- So long, commons-logging, hello SLF4J, by Howard Lewis Ship
- My Soapbox for SLF4J, by Bruce Snyder
- Logging Dependencies in Spring by Dave Syer
- Logging with SLF4J by Baptiste Wicht