导读 | CentOS系统本身自带了说明,在/usr/share/doc/initscripts-(*)/sysvinitfiles,内容如下:所有System V init脚本都命名为/etc/rc.d/init.d/<servicename>,其中</servicename><servicename>是服务的名称。必须没有“.init”后缀。 |
#!/bin/bash # # /etc/rc.d/init.d/<servicename> # # <description of the *service*> # <any general comments about this init script> # # <tags -- see below for tag definitions. *Every line* from the top # of the file to the end of the tags section must begin with a # # character. After the tags section, there should be a blank line. # This keeps normal comments in the rest of the file from being # mistaken for tags, should they happen to fit the pattern.> # Source function library. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions <define any local shell functions used by the code that follows> case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting <servicename> services: " <start daemons, perhaps with the daemon function> touch /var/lock/subsys/<servicename> ;; stop) echo -n "Shutting down <servicename> services: " <stop daemons, perhaps with the killproc function> rm -f /var/lock/subsys/<servicename> ;; status) <report the status of the daemons in free-form format, perhaps with the status function> ;; restart) <restart the daemons, normally with $0 stop; $0 start> ;; reload) <cause the service configuration to be reread, either with kill -HUP or by restarting the daemons, possibly with $0 stop; $0 start> ;; probe) <optional. If it exists, then it should determine whether or not the service needs to be restarted or reloaded (or whatever) in order to activate any changes in the configuration scripts. It should print out a list of commands to give to $0; see the description under the probe tag below.> ;; *) echo "Usage: <servicename> {start|stop|status|reload|restart[|probe]" exit 1 ;; esac
vis: restart|reload)
不禁止您添加其他命令; 列出您打算以交互方式使用到使用消息的所有命令。
/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions函数 daemon [+/-nicelevel] program [arguments] [&]
killproc program [signal]
向程序发送信号; 默认情况下,它发送一个SIGTERM,如果进程没有死,它会在几秒钟后发送一个SIGKILL。
pidofproc program
试图找到一个程序的pid; 检查可能的pidfiles,使用pidof程序,甚至使用ps。主要用于此文件中的其他函数,但也可用于脚本。
status program
Tags. # chkconfig: <startlevellist> <startpriority> <endpriority>
# chkconfig:2345 20 80有关详细信息,请阅读“man chkconfig”。
除非有一个非常好的,显性相反的原因,<endpriority>应该等于 100 – <startpriority>
# description: <multi-line description of service>
# description[ln]: <multi-line description of service in the language / # ln, whatever that is>
# processname:
#processname:smdb #processname:nmdb # config:
# config: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf # config: /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf
# config: /etc/foobar.conf autoreload
可选,允许多个条目。使用就像配置条目一样,除了它指向pidfiles。假设pidfiles仅在进程创建时更新,而不是更晚。该文件的第一行应该是PID的ASCII表示; 终止换行符是可选的。不检查除第一行以外的任何行。
#project: true
可选,使用IN PLACE的processname,config和pidfile。如果存在,则可以通过运行以下命令来实现正确的重新加载 – 如果必要的循环:
command = $(/ etc / rd.d / init.d / SCRIPT probe) [ - n“$ command”] && /etc/rc.d/init.d/SCRIPT $ command
其中SCRIPT是服务的sysv init脚本的名称。
作为示例,需要执行复杂处理的脚本可以返回“run /var/tmp/<servicename.probe.$$”并实现“run”命令,该命令将执行命名脚本然后将其删除。
请注意,如果不需要执行任何操作使服务与其配置文件同步,则probe命令应该只是“exit 0”。
1、# chkconfig和# description不能少,必须写。
2、chkconfig的<startpriority> <endpriority>为启动优先级,在man中查询不到,一般end…不用理解,直接100-start…即可。start为开始的顺序,一般系统从小执行到大,数值任意,这个对于依赖启动有很大的帮助,比如控制先启动某个服务,再启动某个服务。以下是查询设置后的命令:
# 查询启动级别 chkconfig --list <servicename> # 查询启动顺序 grep chkconfig /etc/rc.d/init.d/<servicenaem>