在前面的几篇关于Free编程的讨论示范中我们均使用了基础类型的运算结果。但在实际应用中因为需要考虑运算中出现异常的情况,常常会需要到更高阶复杂的运算结果类型如Option、Xor等。因为Monad无法实现组合(monad do not compose),我们如何在for-comprehension中组合这些运算呢?假如在我们上一篇讨论里的示范DSL是这样的:
1 trait Login[+A]
2 case class Authenticate(uid: String, pwd: String) extends Login[Option[Boolean]]
4 trait Auth[+A]
5 case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Xor[String,Boolean]]
这两个ADT在for-comprehension里如果我们勉强将Option和Xor叠加在一起就会产生所谓下台阶式运算(stair-stepping),因为monad do not compose! 我们可以看看下面的示范:
1 type Result[A] = Xor[String,Option[A]]
2 def getResult: Result[Int] = 62.some.right //> getResult: => demo.ws.catsMTX.Result[Int]
3 for {
4 optValue <- getResult
5 } yield {
6 for {
7 valueA <- optValue
8 } yield valueA + 18 //> res0: cats.data.Xor[String,Option[Int]] = Right(Some(80))
9 }
1 for {
2 optionData <- IO {readDB()}
3 } yield {
4 for {
5 data <- optionData
6 } yield Process(data)
7 }
final case class OptionT[F[_], A](value: F[Option[A]]) {...}
inal case class EitherT[F[_], A, B](value: F[Either[A, B]]) {...}
final class StateT[F[_], S, A](val runF: F[S => F[(S, A)]]) extends Serializable {...}
final case class WriterT[F[_], L, V](run: F[(L, V)]) {...}
OptionT[Xor,A](value: Xor[?,Option[A]]) >>> 代表的类型:Xor[?,Option[A]]
XorT[OptionT,A](value: Option[Xor[?,A]]) >>>代表的类型:Option[Xor[?,A]]
1 import cats._,cats.instances.all._
2 import cats.data.{Xor,XorT}
3 import cats.syntax.xor._
4 import cats.data.OptionT
5 import cats.syntax.option._
6 import cats.syntax.applicative._
8 type Error[A] = Xor[String,A]
9 type XResult[A] = OptionT[Error,A]
10 type OResult[A] = XorT[Option,String,A]
11 Applicative[XResult].pure(62) //> res0: demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[Int] = OptionT(Right(Some(62)))
12 62.pure[XResult] //> res1: demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[Int] = OptionT(Right(Some(62)))
13 Applicative[OResult].pure(62) //> res2: demo.ws.catsMTX.OResult[Int] = XorT(Some(Right(62)))
14 62.pure[OResult] //> res3: demo.ws.catsMTX.OResult[Int] = XorT(Some(Right(62)))
1 Applicative[XResult].pure(none[Int])
2 //> res4: demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[Option[Int]] = OptionT(Right(Some(None)))
3 (None: Option[Int]).pure[XResult]
4 //> res5: demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[Option[Int]] = OptionT(Right(Some(None)))
5 Applicative[XResult].pure("oh no".left[Int])
6 //> res6: demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[cats.data.Xor[String,Int]] = OptionT(Right(Some(Left(oh no))))
7 (Left[String,Int]("oh no")).pure[XResult]
8 //> res7: demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[scala.util.Left[String,Int]] = OptionT(Right(Some(Left(oh no))))
9 Applicative[OResult].pure(Left[String,Int]("oh no"))
10 //> res8: demo.ws.catsMTX.OResult[scala.util.Left[String,Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(Left(oh no))))
11 "oh no".left[Int].pure[OResult]
12 //> res9: demo.ws.catsMTX.OResult[cats.data.Xor[String,Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(Left(oh no))))
13 Applicative[OResult].pure(none[Int])
14 //> res10: demo.ws.catsMTX.OResult[Option[Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(None)))
15 (None: Option[Int]).pure[OResult]
16 //> res11: demo.ws.catsMTX.OResult[Option[Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(None)))
17 Applicative[OResult].pure("oh no".left[Int])
18 //> res12: demo.ws.catsMTX.OResult[cats.data.Xor[String,Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(Left(oh no))))
19 (Left[String,Int]("oh no")).pure[OResult]
20 //> res13: demo.ws.catsMTX.OResult[scala.util.Left[String,Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(Left(oh no))))
Some(None),Right(Left(“oh no)))是什么意思呢?明显是错误。我们必须用MonadTransformer的构建器(constructor)才能正确的对这些边际值进行升格:
1 OptionT(none[Int].pure[Error])
2 //> res14: cats.data.OptionT[demo.ws.catsMTX.Error,Int] = OptionT(Right(None))
3 OptionT("oh no".left: Error[Option[Int]])
4 //> res15: cats.data.OptionT[demo.ws.catsMTX.Error,Int] = OptionT(Left(oh no))
5 XorT(none[Error[Int]])
6 //> res16: cats.data.XorT[Option,String,Int] = XorT(None)
7 XorT("oh no".left[Int].pure[Option])
8 //> res17: cats.data.XorT[Option,String,Int] = XorT(Some(Left(oh no)))
1 type Error[A] = Xor[String,A]
2 type XResult[A] = OptionT[Error,A]
3 type OResult[A] = XorT[Option,String,A]
4 def getXor(s: String): Error[String] = s.right //> getXor: (s: String)demo.ws.catsMTX.Error[String]
5 def getOption(s: String): Option[String] = s.some
6 //> getOption: (s: String)Option[String]
7 val composed: XResult[String] =
8 for {
9 s1 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("Hello "))
10 s2 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("World!"))
11 s3 <- OptionT(getOption("come to papa!").pure[Error])
12 } yield s1 + s2 + s3 //> composed : demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[String] = OptionT(Right(Some(Hello World!come to papa!)))
13 composed.value //> res18: demo.ws.catsMTX.Error[Option[String]] = Right(Some(Hello World!come to papa!))
1 val composed: XResult[String] =
2 for {
3 s1 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("Hello "))
4 s0 <- OptionT(none[String].pure[Error])
5 s2 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("World!"))
6 s3 <- OptionT(getOption("come to papa!").pure[Error])
7 } yield s1 + s2 + s3 //> composed : demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[String] = OptionT(Right(None))
8 composed.value //> res18: demo.ws.catsMTX.Error[Option[String]] = Right(None)
10 val composed: XResult[String] =
11 for {
12 s1 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("Hello "))
13 s0 <- OptionT("oh no".left: Error[Option[Int]])
14 s2 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("World!"))
15 s3 <- OptionT(getOption("come to papa!").pure[Error])
16 } yield s1 + s2 + s3 //> composed : demo.ws.catsMTX.XResult[String] = OptionT(Left(oh no))
17 composed.value //> res18: demo.ws.catsMTX.Error[Option[String]] = Left(oh no)
1 type FError[A] = XorT[Future,String,A]
2 type FResult[A] = OptionT[FError,A]
现在我们需要考虑如何进行MonadTransformer类型的升格了。请相信我,这项工作绝对是一场噩梦。具体示范可以在我这篇博客scalaz-monadtransformer中找到。我的意思是如果没有更好的办法,这项工作基本是一项不可能的任务(mission impossible)。
1 type Stack[A] = F[G[H[I[A]]]]
2 type O = F :&: G :&: H :&: I :&: Bulb
3 type Stack[A] = O#Layers[A]
1 import freek._
2 type O = Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
3 type MStack[A] = O#Layers[A]
1 sealed trait Foo[A]
2 final case class Foo1(s: String) extends Foo[Option[Int]]
3 final case class Foo2(i: Int) extends Foo[Xor[String, Int]]
4 final case object Foo3 extends Foo[Unit]
5 final case class Foo4(i: Int) extends Foo[Xor[String, Option[Int]]]
7 sealed trait Bar[A]
8 final case class Bar1(s: String) extends Bar[Option[String]]
9 final case class Bar2(i: Int) extends Bar[Xor[String, String]]
11 sealed trait Laa[A]
12 final case class Push(s: String) extends Laa[List[String]]
1 for {
2 i <- Foo1("5").freek[PRG] // 运算结果是: Option[String]
3 s <- Bar2(i).freek[PRG] // 运算结果是: Xor[String, String]
4 ...
5 } yield (())
1 Free[PRG.Cop, Option[A]]
2 // 和这个类型
3 Free[PRG.Cop, Xor[String, A]]
5 // 一致升格成
6 Free[PRG.Cop, Xor[String, Option[A]]]
8 // 也就是这个
9 type O = Xor[String, ?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
10 Free[PRG.Cop, O#Layers]
1 //把
2 Free[PRG.Cop, Option[A]
3 //或
4 Xor[String, A]]
5 //统统转成
6 OnionT[Free, PRG.Cop, O, A]
1 type PRG = Foo :|: Bar :|: NilDSL
2 val PRG = DSL.Make[PRG]
3 type O = Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
4 val prg: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop,O,Int]= for {
5 i <- Foo1("5").freek[PRG].onionT[O]
6 i2 <- Foo2(i).freek[PRG].onionT[O]
7 _ <- Foo3.freek[PRG].onionT[O]
8 s <- Bar1(i2.toString).freek[PRG].onionT[O]
9 i3 <- Foo4(i2).freek[PRG].onionT[O]
10 } yield (i3)
1 val prg2: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop,O,Int]= for {
2 i <- Foo1("5").freeko[PRG,O]
3 i2 <- Foo2(i).freeko[PRG,O]
4 _ <- Foo3.freeko[PRG,O]
5 s <- Bar1(i2.toString).freeko[PRG,O]
6 i3 <- Foo4(i2).freeko[PRG,O]
7 } yield (i3)
1 pre.value
2 //res12: cats.free.Free[PRG.Cop,O#Layers[Int]] = Free(...)
1 type PRG3 = Laa :|: Foo :|: Bar :|: NilDSL
2 val PRG3 = DSL.Make[PRG3]
3 type O3 = List :&: Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
4 val prg3: OnionT[Free,PRG3.Cop,O3,Int]= for {
5 i <- Foo1("5").freeko[PRG3,O3]
6 i2 <- Foo2(i).freeko[PRG3,O3]
7 _ <- Foo3.freeko[PRG3,O3]
8 s <- Bar1(i2.toString).freeko[PRG3,O3]
9 i3 <- Foo4(i2).freeko[PRG3,O3]
10 _ <- Push(s).freeko[PRG3,O3]
11 } yield (i3)
1 object ADTs {
2 sealed trait Interact[+A]
3 object Interact {
4 case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[Xor[String,String]]
5 case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
6 }
7 sealed trait Login[+A]
8 object Login {
9 case class Authenticate(uid: String, pwd: String) extends Login[Option[Boolean]]
10 }
11 sealed trait Auth[+A]
12 object Auth {
13 case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Option[Boolean]]
14 }
15 }
1 object DSLs {
2 import ADTs._
3 import Interact._
4 import Login._
5 type PRG = Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL
6 val PRG = DSL.Make[PRG]
7 type O = Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
8 val authenticDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop, O, Boolean] =
9 for {
10 uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O]
11 pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O]
12 auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG,O]
13 } yield auth
14 type O2 = Option :&: Xor[String,?] :&: Bulb
15 val authenticDSLX =
16 for {
17 uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
18 pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
19 auth <- (uid,pwd) match {
20 case (Xor.Right(u),Xor.Right(p)) => Authenticate(u,p).freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
21 case _ => Authenticate("","").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
22 }
23 } yield auth
24 val interactLoginDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop, O, Unit] =
25 for {
26 uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O]
27 pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O]
28 auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG,O]
29 _ <- if (auth) Tell(s"Hello $uid, welcome to the zoo!").freeko[PRG,O]
30 else Tell(s"Sorry, Who is $uid?").freeko[PRG,O]
31 } yield ()
33 import Auth._
34 type PRG3 = Auth :|: PRG //Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL
35 val PRG3 = DSL.Make[PRG3]
36 val authorizeDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG3.Cop, O , Unit] =
37 for {
38 uid <- Ask("Enter your User ID:").freeko[PRG3,O]
39 pwd <- Ask("Enter your Password:").freeko[PRG3,O]
40 auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG3,O]
41 perm <- if (auth) Authorize(uid).freeko[PRG3,O]
42 else OnionT.pure[Free,PRG3.Cop,O,Boolean](false)
43 _ <- if (perm) Tell(s"Hello $uid, access granted!").freeko[PRG3,O]
44 else Tell(s"Sorry $uid, access denied!").freeko[PRG3,O]
45 } yield()
46 }
1 object IMPLs {
2 import ADTs._
3 import Interact._
4 import Login._
5 import Auth._
6 val idInteract = new (Interact ~> Id) {
7 def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
8 case Ask(p) => {println(p); (scala.io.StdIn.readLine).right}
9 case Tell(m) => println(m)
10 }
11 }
12 val idLogin = new (Login ~> Id) {
13 def apply[A](la: Login[A]): Id[A] = la match {
14 case Authenticate(u,p) => (u,p) match {
15 case ("Tiger","123") => true.some
16 case _ => false.some
17 }
18 }
19 }
20 val interactLogin = idInteract :&: idLogin
21 import Dependencies._
22 type ReaderContext[A] = Reader[Authenticator,A]
23 object readerInteract extends (Interact ~> ReaderContext) {
24 def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): ReaderContext[A] = ia match {
25 case Ask(p) => Reader {pc => {println(p); (scala.io.StdIn.readLine).right}}
26 case Tell(m) => Reader {_ => println(m)}
27 }
28 }
29 object readerLogin extends (Login ~> ReaderContext) {
30 def apply[A](la: Login[A]): ReaderContext[A] = la match {
31 case Authenticate(u,p) => Reader {pc => pc.matchUserPassword(u,p).some}
32 }
33 }
34 val userInteractLogin = readerLogin :&: readerInteract
36 val readerAuth = new (Auth ~> ReaderContext) {
37 def apply[A](aa: Auth[A]): ReaderContext[A] = aa match {
38 case Authorize(u) => Reader {ac => ac.grandAccess(u).some}
39 }
40 }
41 val userAuth = readerAuth :&: userInteractLogin
42 }
1 authorizeDSL.value.interpret(userAuth).run(AuthControl)
1 import cats.instances.all._
2 import cats.free.Free
3 import cats.{Id, ~>}
4 import cats.data.Reader
5 import freek._
6 import cats.data.Xor
7 import cats.syntax.xor._
8 import cats.syntax.option._
9 object FreeKModules {
10 object ADTs {
11 sealed trait Interact[+A]
12 object Interact {
13 case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[Xor[String,String]]
14 case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
15 }
16 sealed trait Login[+A]
17 object Login {
18 case class Authenticate(uid: String, pwd: String) extends Login[Option[Boolean]]
19 }
20 sealed trait Auth[+A]
21 object Auth {
22 case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Option[Boolean]]
23 }
24 }
25 object DSLs {
26 import ADTs._
27 import Interact._
28 import Login._
29 type PRG = Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL
30 val PRG = DSL.Make[PRG]
31 type O = Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
32 val authenticDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop, O, Boolean] =
33 for {
34 uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O]
35 pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O]
36 auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG,O]
37 } yield auth
38 type O2 = Option :&: Xor[String,?] :&: Bulb
39 val authenticDSLX =
40 for {
41 uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
42 pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
43 auth <- (uid,pwd) match {
44 case (Xor.Right(u),Xor.Right(p)) => Authenticate(u,p).freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
45 case _ => Authenticate("","").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
46 }
47 } yield auth
48 val interactLoginDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop, O, Unit] =
49 for {
50 uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O]
51 pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O]
52 auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG,O]
53 _ <- if (auth) Tell(s"Hello $uid, welcome to the zoo!").freeko[PRG,O]
54 else Tell(s"Sorry, Who is $uid?").freeko[PRG,O]
55 } yield ()
57 import Auth._
58 type PRG3 = Auth :|: PRG //Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL
59 val PRG3 = DSL.Make[PRG3]
60 val authorizeDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG3.Cop, O , Unit] =
61 for {
62 uid <- Ask("Enter your User ID:").freeko[PRG3,O]
63 pwd <- Ask("Enter your Password:").freeko[PRG3,O]
64 auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG3,O]
65 perm <- if (auth) Authorize(uid).freeko[PRG3,O]
66 else OnionT.pure[Free,PRG3.Cop,O,Boolean](false)
67 _ <- if (perm) Tell(s"Hello $uid, access granted!").freeko[PRG3,O]
68 else Tell(s"Sorry $uid, access denied!").freeko[PRG3,O]
69 } yield()
72 }
73 object IMPLs {
74 import ADTs._
75 import Interact._
76 import Login._
77 import Auth._
78 val idInteract = new (Interact ~> Id) {
79 def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
80 case Ask(p) => {println(p); (scala.io.StdIn.readLine).right}
81 case Tell(m) => println(m)
82 }
83 }
84 val idLogin = new (Login ~> Id) {
85 def apply[A](la: Login[A]): Id[A] = la match {
86 case Authenticate(u,p) => (u,p) match {
87 case ("Tiger","123") => true.some
88 case _ => false.some
89 }
90 }
91 }
92 val interactLogin = idInteract :&: idLogin
93 import Dependencies._
94 type ReaderContext[A] = Reader[Authenticator,A]
95 object readerInteract extends (Interact ~> ReaderContext) {
96 def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): ReaderContext[A] = ia match {
97 case Ask(p) => Reader {pc => {println(p); (scala.io.StdIn.readLine).right}}
98 case Tell(m) => Reader {_ => println(m)}
99 }
100 }
101 object readerLogin extends (Login ~> ReaderContext) {
102 def apply[A](la: Login[A]): ReaderContext[A] = la match {
103 case Authenticate(u,p) => Reader {pc => pc.matchUserPassword(u,p).some}
104 }
105 }
106 val userInteractLogin = readerLogin :&: readerInteract
108 val readerAuth = new (Auth ~> ReaderContext) {
109 def apply[A](aa: Auth[A]): ReaderContext[A] = aa match {
110 case Authorize(u) => Reader {ac => ac.grandAccess(u).some}
111 }
112 }
113 val userAuth = readerAuth :&: userInteractLogin
114 }
116 }
117 object Dependencies {
118 trait PasswordControl {
119 val mapPasswords: Map[String,String]
120 def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pswd: String): Boolean
121 }
122 trait AccessControl {
123 val mapAccesses: Map[String, Boolean]
124 def grandAccess(uid: String): Boolean
125 }
126 trait Authenticator extends PasswordControl with AccessControl
127 }
129 object freeKDemo extends App {
130 import FreeKModules._
131 import DSLs._
132 import IMPLs._
133 // val r0 = authenticDSL.foldMap(interactLogin.nat)
134 // val r = authenticDSL.interpret(interactLogin)
135 import Dependencies._
136 object AuthControl extends Authenticator {
137 override val mapPasswords = Map(
138 "Tiger" -> "1234",
139 "John" -> "0000"
140 )
141 override def matchUserPassword(uid: String, pswd: String) =
142 mapPasswords.getOrElse(uid, pswd+"!") == pswd
144 override val mapAccesses = Map (
145 "Tiger" -> true,
146 "John" -> false
147 )
148 override def grandAccess(uid: String) =
149 mapAccesses.getOrElse(uid, false)
150 }
152 // interactLoginDSL.value.interpret(userInteractLogin).run(AuthControl)
153 authorizeDSL.value.interpret(userAuth).run(AuthControl)
154 }