Scalaz(57)- scalaz-stream: fs2-多线程编程,fs2 concurrency详解编程语言

    fs2的多线程编程模式不但提供了无阻碍I/O(java nio)能力,更为并行运算提供了良好的编程工具。在进入并行运算讨论前我们先示范一下fs2 pipe2对象里的一些Stream合并功能。我们先设计两个帮助函数(helper)来跟踪运算及模拟运算环境:

1   def log[A](prompt: String): Pipe[Task,A,A] = _.evalMap {a => 
2     Task.delay { println(prompt + a); a}}         //> log: [A](prompt: String)fs2.Pipe[fs2.Task,A,A] 
4   Stream(1,2,3).through(log(">")).run.unsafeRun   //> >1 
5                                                   //| >2 
6                                                   //| >3


 1  implicit val strategy = Strategy.fromFixedDaemonPool(4) 
 2   //> strategy  : fs2.Strategy = Strategy 
 3  implicit val scheduler = Scheduler.fromFixedDaemonPool(2) 
 4   //> scheduler  : fs2.Scheduler = Scheduler([email protected][Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 0]) 
 5   def randomDelay[A](max: FiniteDuration): Pipe[Task, A, A] = _.evalMap { a => { 
 6     val delay: Task[Int] = Task.delay { 
 7       scala.util.Random.nextInt(max.toMillis.toInt) 
 8     } 
 9     delay.flatMap { d => } 
10    } 
11   }      //> randomDelay: [A](max: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration)fs2.Pipe[fs2.Task,A,A] 
12   Stream(1,2,3).through(randomDelay(1.second)).through(log("delayed>")).run.unsafeRun 
13                                                   //> delayed>1 
14                                                   //| delayed>2 
15                                                   //| delayed>3


1 Stream(1,2,3).through(log("befor delay>")) 
2                .through(randomDelay(1.second)) 
3                .through(log("after delay>")).run.unsafeRun 
4                                                   //> befor delay>1 
5                                                   //| after delay>1 
6                                                   //| befor delay>2 
7                                                   //| after delay>2 
8                                                   //| befor delay>3 
9                                                   //| after delay>3



 1 val sa = Stream(1,2,3).through(randomDelay(1.second)).through(log("A>")) 
 2         //> sa  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Int] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2, 3))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>) 
 3 val sb = Stream(1,2,3).through(randomDelay(1.second)).through(log("B>")) 
 4         //> sb  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Int] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2, 3))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>) 
 5 (sa interleave sb).through(log("AB")).run.unsafeRun 
 6                                                   //> A>1 
 7                                                   //| B>1 
 8                                                   //| AB>1 
 9                                                   //| AB>1 
10                                                   //| A>2 
11                                                   //| B>2 
12                                                   //| AB>2 
13                                                   //| AB>2 
14                                                   //| A>3 
15                                                   //| B>3 
16                                                   //| AB>3 
17                                                   //| AB>3


 1 (sa merge sb).through(log("AB>")).run.unsafeRun   //> B>1 
 2                                                   //| AB>1 
 3                                                   //| B>2 
 4                                                   //| AB>2 
 5                                                   //| B>3 
 6                                                   //| AB>3 
 7                                                   //| A>1 
 8                                                   //| AB>1 
 9                                                   //| A>2 
10                                                   //| AB>2 
11                                                   //| A>3 
12                                                   //| AB>3


 1 (sa either sb).through(log("AB>")).run.unsafeRun  //> A>1 
 2                                                   //| AB>Left(1) 
 3                                                   //| B>1 
 4                                                   //| AB>Right(1) 
 5                                                   //| A>2 
 6                                                   //| AB>Left(2) 
 7                                                   //| B>2 
 8                                                   //| AB>Right(2) 
 9                                                   //| B>3 
10                                                   //| AB>Right(3) 
11                                                   //| A>3 
12                                                   //| AB>Left(3)


 1 val sc = Stream.range(1,10).through(randomDelay(1.second)).through(log("C>")) 
 2     //> sc  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Int] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(()))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>) 
 3 ((sa merge sb) merge sc).through(log("ABC>")).run.unsafeRun 
 4                                                   //> B>1 
 5                                                   //| ABC>1 
 6                                                   //| C>1 
 7                                                   //| ABC>1 
 8                                                   //| A>1 
 9                                                   //| ABC>1 
10                                                   //| B>2 
11                                                   //| ABC>2 
12                                                   //| A>2 
13                                                   //| ABC>2 
14                                                   //| B>3 
15                                                   //| ABC>3 
16                                                   //| C>2 
17                                                   //| ABC>2 
18                                                   //| A>3 
19                                                   //| ABC>3 
20                                                   //| C>3 
21                                                   //| ABC>3 
22                                                   //| C>4 
23                                                   //| ABC>4 
24                                                   //| C>5 
25                                                   //| ABC>5 
26                                                   //| C>6 
27                                                   //| ABC>6 
28                                                   //| C>7 
29                                                   //| ABC>7 
30                                                   //| C>8 
31                                                   //| ABC>8 
32                                                   //| C>9 
33                                                   //| ABC>9



这个类型代表的是Stream of Streams。在外部的Stream里包含了不确定数量的Streams。用具体的例子可以解释:外部的Stream代表客端数据连接(connection),内部的Stream代表每个客端读取的数据。把上面的三个Stream用这种类型来表示的话:

1 val streams:Stream[Task,Stream[Task,Int]] = Stream(sa,sb,sc) 
2      //> streams  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Int]] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2, 3))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>),Segment(Emit(Chunk(1, 2, 3))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>), S 
3 egment(Emit(Chunk(()))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>))))


  def join[F[_],O](maxOpen: Int)(outer: Stream[F,Stream[F,O]])(implicit F: Async[F]): Stream[F,O] = {...}


 1 val ms = concurrent.join(3)(streams)              //> ms  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Int] = attemptEval(Task).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>) 
 2 ms.through(log("ABC>")).run.unsafeRun             //> C>1 
 3                                                   //| ABC>1 
 4                                                   //| A>1 
 5                                                   //| ABC>1 
 6                                                   //| C>2 
 7                                                   //| ABC>2 
 8                                                   //| B>1 
 9                                                   //| ABC>1 
10                                                   //| C>3 
11                                                   //| ABC>3 
12                                                   //| A>2 
13                                                   //| ABC>2 
14                                                   //| B>2 
15                                                   //| ABC>2 
16                                                   //| C>4 
17                                                   //| ABC>4 
18                                                   //| A>3 
19                                                   //| ABC>3 
20                                                   //| B>3 
21                                                   //| ABC>3 
22                                                   //| C>5 
23                                                   //| ABC>5 
24                                                   //| C>6 
25                                                   //| ABC>6 
26                                                   //| C>7 
27                                                   //| ABC>7 
28                                                   //| C>8 
29                                                   //| ABC>8 
30                                                   //| C>9 
31                                                   //| ABC>9


 1 val rangedStreams = Stream.range(0,5).map {id => 
 2       Stream.range(1,5).through(randomDelay(1.second)).through(log((('A'+id).toChar).toString +">")) } 
 3       //> rangedStreams  : fs2.Stream[Nothing,fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Int]] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(()))).flatMap(<function1>).mapChunks(<function1>) 
 4 concurrent.join(3)(rangedStreams).run.unsafeRun   //> B>1 
 5                                                   //| A>1 
 6                                                   //| C>1 
 7                                                   //| B>2 
 8                                                   //| C>2 
 9                                                   //| A>2 
10                                                   //| B>3 
11                                                   //| C>3 
12                                                   //| C>4 
13                                                   //| D>1 
14                                                   //| A>3 
15                                                   //| A>4 
16                                                   //| B>4 
17                                                   //| E>1 
18                                                   //| E>2 
19                                                   //| E>3 
20                                                   //| D>2 
21                                                   //| D>3 
22                                                   //| E>4 
23                                                   //| D>4

可以看到一共只有三个运算过程同时存在,如:ABC, ED…







1 def destroyUniverse: Unit = println("BOOOOM!!!")  //> destroyUniverse: => Unit 
2 val s = Stream.eval_(Task.delay(destroyUniverse)) ++ Stream("...move on") 
3     //> s  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,String] = append(attemptEval(Task).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>), Segment(Emit(Chunk(()))).flatMap(<function1>)) 
4 s.runLog.unsafeRun                        //> BOOOOM!!! 
5                                           //| res8: Vector[String] = Vector(...move on)

2、第二种情况:fs2里的Async trait有个async是用来登记callback函数的:

trait Async[F[_]] extends Effect[F] { self => 
   Create an `F[A]` from an asynchronous computation, which takes the form 
   of a function with which we can register a callback. This can be used 
   to translate from a callback-based API to a straightforward monadic 
  def async[A](register: (Either[Throwable,A] => Unit) => F[Unit]): F[A] = 
    bind(ref[A]) { ref => 
    bind(register { e => runSet(ref)(e) }) { _ => get(ref) }} 


1 trait Connection { 
2   def readBytes(onSuccess: Array[Byte] => Unit, onFailure: Throwable => Unit): Unit


1 val conn = new Connection { 
2   def readBytes(onSuccess: Array[Byte] => Unit, onFailure: Throwable => Unit): Unit = { 
3     Thread.sleep(1000) 
4     onSuccess(Array(1,2,3,4,5)) 
5   } 
6 }  //> conn  : = [email protected]


1 val bytes = T.async[Array[Byte]] { (cb: Either[Throwable,Array[Byte]] => Unit) => { 
2    Task.delay { conn.readBytes ( 
3      ready => cb(Right(ready)), 
4      fail => cb(Left(fail)) 
5    ) } 
6 }}             //> bytes  : fs2.Task[Array[Byte]] = Task


1 Stream.eval(bytes).map(_.toList).runLog.unsafeRun //> res9: Vector[List[Byte]] = Vector(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

这种只调用一次callback函数的情况也比较容易处理:当我们来不及处理数据时停止读取就是了。如果需要多次调用callback,比如外部程序也是一个Stream API:一旦数据准备好就调用一次callback进行传送。这种情况下可能出现我们的程序来不及处理收到的数据的状况。我们可以用fs2.async包提供的queue来解决这个问题:

 1 import fs2.async 
 2   import fs2.util.Async 
 4   type Row = List[String] 
 5   // defined type alias Row 
 7   trait CSVHandle { 
 8     def withRows(cb: Either[Throwable,Row] => Unit): Unit 
 9   } 
10   // defined trait CSVHandle 
12   def rows[F[_]](h: CSVHandle)(implicit F: Async[F]): Stream[F,Row] = 
13     for { 
14       q <- Stream.eval(async.unboundedQueue[F,Either[Throwable,Row]]) 
15       _ <- Stream.suspend { h.withRows { e => F.unsafeRunAsync(q.enqueue1(e))(_ => ()) }; Stream.emit(()) } 
16       row <- q.dequeue through pipe.rethrow 
17     } yield row 
18   // rows: [F[_]](h: CSVHandle)(implicit F: fs2.util.Async[F])fs2.Stream[F,Row]

enqueue1和dequeue在Queue trait里是这样定义的:

 * Asynchronous queue interface. Operations are all nonblocking in their 
 * implementations, but may be 'semantically' blocking. For instance, 
 * a queue may have a bound on its size, in which case enqueuing may 
 * block until there is an offsetting dequeue. 
trait Queue[F[_],A] { 
   * Enqueues one element in this `Queue`. 
   * If the queue is `full` this waits until queue is empty. 
   * This completes after `a`  has been successfully enqueued to this `Queue` 
  def enqueue1(a: A): F[Unit] 
/** Repeatedly call `dequeue1` forever. */ 
  def dequeue: Stream[F, A] = Stream.repeatEval(dequeue1) 
  /** Dequeue one `A` from this queue. Completes once one is ready. */ 
  def dequeue1: F[A] 



 1 Stream.eval(async.signalOf[Task,Int](0)).flatMap {s => 
 2     val monitor: Stream[Task,Nothing] = 
 3       s.discrete.through(log("s updated>")).drain 
 4     val data: Stream[Task,Int] = 
 5       Stream.range(10,16).through(randomDelay(1.second)) 
 6     val writer: Stream[Task,Unit] = 
 7       data.evalMap {d => s.set(d)} 
 8     monitor merge writer 
 9   }.run.unsafeRun                                 //> s updated>0 
10                                                   //| s updated>10 
11                                                   //| s updated>11 
12                                                   //| s updated>12 
13                                                   //| s updated>13 
14                                                   //| s updated>14 
15                                                   //| s updated>15


 1 Stream.eval(async.boundedQueue[Task,Int](5)).flatMap {q => 
 2     val monitor: Stream[Task,Nothing] = 
 3       q.dequeue.through(log("dequeued>")).drain 
 4     val data: Stream[Task,Int] = 
 5       Stream.range(10,16).through(randomDelay(1.second)) 
 6     val writer: Stream[Task,Unit] = 
 8     monitor mergeHaltBoth  writer 
10   }.run.unsafeRun                                 //> dequeued>10 
11                                                   //| dequeued>11 
12                                                   //| dequeued>12 
13                                                   //| dequeued>13 
14                                                   //| dequeued>14 
15                                                   //| dequeued>15


1 time.awakeEvery[Task](1.second) 
2    .through(log("time:")) 
3    .take(5).run.unsafeRun                         //> time:1002983266 nanoseconds 
4                                                   //| time:2005972864 nanoseconds 
5                                                   //| time:3004831159 nanoseconds 
6                                                   //| time:4002104307 nanoseconds 
7                                                   //| time:5005091850 nanoseconds


1  val tick = time.awakeEvery[Task](1.second).through(log("time:")) 
2     //> tick  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(()))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>) 
3                 //> time:1005685270 nanoseconds 
4                                                   //| time:2004331473 nanoseconds 
5                                                   //| time:3005046945 nanoseconds 
6                                                   //| time:4002795227 nanoseconds 
7                                                   //| time:5002807816 nanoseconds 
8                                                   //| java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException


 1 val tick = time.awakeEvery[Task](1.second).through(log("time:")) 
 2    //> tick  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration] = Seg 
 3 ment(Emit(Chunk(()))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>) 
 4  tick.interruptWhen(Stream.eval(Task.schedule(true,5.seconds))) 
 5       .run.unsafeRun                              //> time:1004963839 nanoseconds 
 6                                                   //| time:2005325025 nanoseconds 
 7                                                   //| time:3005238921 nanoseconds 
 8                                                   //| time:4004240985 nanoseconds 
 9                                                   //| time:5001334732 nanoseconds 
10                                                   //| time:6003586673 nanoseconds 
11                                                   //| time:7004728267 nanoseconds 
12                                                   //| time:8004333608 nanoseconds 
13                                                   //| time:9003907670 nanoseconds 
14                                                   //| time:10002624970 nanoseconds


1  (time.sleep[Task](5.seconds) ++ Stream.emit(true)).runLog.unsafeRun 
2                                                   //> res14: Vector[Boolean] = Vector(true) 
3  tick.interruptWhen(time.sleep[Task](5.seconds) ++ Stream.emit(true)) 
4     .run.unsafeRun                                //> time:1002078506 nanoseconds 
5                                                   //| time:2005144318 nanoseconds 
6                                                   //| time:3004049135 nanoseconds 
7                                                   //| time:4002963861 nanoseconds 
8                                                   //| time:5000088103 nanoseconds































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