「活动预告」9月8日TensorFlow All-Around: GAN with TF 2.0以及机器学习产品实战

9月8日,周日 14:00-16:30,「TensorFlow All-Around: GAN with TF 2.0以及机器学习产品实战」与您相约中关村创业大街!

TensorFlow 2.0 将于今年稍晚时候发布正式版本,在模型训练和部署流水线上提供了前所未有的易用性,极大地提高了机器学习在实际业务中发挥的生产力。这次我们邀请到来自 Wonder Technology 的首席数据科学家 Christopher Dossman 以及 Google Developer Expert Eliyar Eziz ,为您详细介绍如何使用 TensorFlow 2.0 的动态图模式实现生成对抗网络 (GAN),以及如何利用 TensorFlow Extended (TFX)将机器学习快速落地到您的产品中的实战经验。想要紧跟 TensorFlow 2.0 的主流趋势,就来听听这次的分享会吧! 

There is a meet-up about GAN using TF 2.0 and Developing Product Prototype using TFX on September 8th Sunday 14:00 – 16:30.  We invite two guests from Wonder Technology and Google Developer Expert Community to give you a detailed introduction to the latest developments in TensorFlow 2.0 ecosystem. If you have a basic understanding of ML applications and want to learn more about TensorFlow ecosystem, please do not hesitate and join in this meet-up right away! 


了解 TensorFlow 2.0 的基本使用方法

了解生成对抗网络 (Generative Adversarial Network)的基本概念

使用 TensorFlow 2.0 易用的动态图 API 实现生成对抗网络算法

了解如何使用 TFX(TensorFlow Extended) 开箱即用的扩展包

使用 TFX 快速开发端到端的机器学习应用原型

What you will learn:

TensorFlow 2.0 Basics

What is Generative Adversarial Network

Design and implement GAN using TF 2.0 eager API

TensorFlow Extended basics

How to quickly develop machine learning application prototypes using TFX


时间:9月8日 周日 14:00 – 16:30


Time: September 8th Sunday 14:00 – 16:30

Venue: Floor B1, 5 Zhongguancun Chuangye Street, 36 Hai Dian Xi Da Jie, Haidian District, Beijing 

「活动预告」9月8日TensorFlow All-Around: GAN with TF 2.0以及机器学习产品实战



  14:00 – 14:20  现场签到 Check-in

14:20 – 14:30  TFUG介绍 Introduction to TFUG


—Talk I

14:30 – 15:15 半天构建机器学习产品 

Build a Machine Learning product demo in half a day

Eliyar Eziz

Google Developer Expert of Machine Learning | Yodo1

Eliyar Eziz 是开源 NLP 迁移学习框架 Kashgari 的作者,目前在游道易担任深度学习工程师。

Eliyar Eziz is the author of Kashgari, an open-source transfer learning framework for NLP. He is now a deep learning engineer in Yodo1.

15:15 – 15:30 茶歇 Tea Break


—Talk II

15:30 – 16:15 TF 2.0 实现生成对抗网络

Implementing GAN using TF 2.0


Christopher Dossman

Chief Data Science Officer | Wonder Technology

Chritopher Dossman 是 Wonder Technology 的首席数据科学家,目前领导着他的团队开发基于深度学习的情绪识别产品和服务。

Chritopher Dossman is Chief Data Science Officer at Wonder Technology. Where he leads his team in building novel deep learning based emotion recognition products and services.

16:15 – 16:30  提问环节 Q&A



「活动预告」9月8日TensorFlow All-Around: GAN with TF 2.0以及机器学习产品实战



「活动预告」9月8日TensorFlow All-Around: GAN with TF 2.0以及机器学习产品实战


「活动预告」9月8日TensorFlow All-Around: GAN with TF 2.0以及机器学习产品实战


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