正如我们在8.7节中所看到的那样,类型化角色是吸取了面向对象的程序设计和基于角色的程序设计二者的精华所孕育出来的新编程模型。该编程模型集所有我们耳熟能详的方法于一身,既可以方便地使用函数调用,又能享受角色所带来的好处。所以,在一个OO应用程序中,相比起普通的角色,我们可能会更倾向于使用类型化的角色。然而与普通角色相类似的是,类型化角色也是各自独立运行且不提供彼此间事务协调功能的,下面我们将会使用调和类型化角色(coordinating typed actor)来解决这个问题。
public interface Account { int getBalance(); @Coordinated void deposit(final int amount); @Coordinated void withdraw(final int amount); } public interface AccountService { void transfer(final Account from, final Account to, final int amount); }
public class AccountImpl extends TypedActor implements Account { private final Ref<Integer> balance = new Ref<Integer>(0); public int getBalance() { return balance.get(); } public void deposit(final int amount) { if (amount > 0) { balance.swap(balance.get() + amount); System.out.println("Received Deposit request " + amount); } } public void withdraw(final int amount) { System.out.println("Received Withdraw request " + amount); if (amount > 0 && balance.get() >= amount) balance.swap(balance.get() - amount); else { System.out.println("...insufficient funds..."); throw new RuntimeException("Insufficient fund"); } } }
public class AccountServiceImpl extends TypedActor implements AccountService { public void transfer( final Account from, final Account to, final int amount) { coordinate(true, new Atomically() { public void atomically() { Coordinating Typed Actors • 211 to.deposit(amount); from.withdraw(amount); } }); } }
public class UseAccountService { public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final Account account1 = TypedActor.newInstance(Account.class, AccountImpl.class); final Account account2 = TypedActor.newInstance(Account.class, AccountImpl.class); final AccountService accountService = TypedActor.newInstance(AccountService.class, AccountServiceImpl.class); account1.deposit(1000); account2.deposit(1000); System.out.println("Account1 balance is " + account1.getBalance()); System.out.println("Account2 balance is " + account2.getBalance()); System.out.println("Let's transfer $20... should succeed"); accountService.transfer(account1, account2, 20); Thread.sleep(1000); System.out.println("Account1 balance is " + account1.getBalance()); System.out.println("Account2 balance is " + account2.getBalance()); 212 • Chapter 8. Favoring Isolated Mutability System.out.println("Let's transfer $2000... should not succeed"); accountService.transfer(account1, account2, 2000); Thread.sleep(6000); System.out.println("Account1 balance is " + account1.getBalance()); System.out.println("Account2 balance is " + account2.getBalance()); Actors.registry().shutdownAll(); } }
Account1 balance is 1000 Received Deposit request 1000 Account2 balance is 1000 Let's transfer $20... should succeed Received Deposit request 20 Received Withdraw request 20 Account1 balance is 980 Account2 balance is 1020 Let's transfer $2000... should not succeed Received Deposit request 2000 Received Withdraw request 2000 ...insufficient funds... Account1 balance is 980 Account2 balance is 1020
trait Account { def getBalance() : Int @Coordinated def deposit(amount : Int) : Unit @Coordinated def withdraw(amount : Int) : Unit } trait AccountService { def transfer(from : Account, to : Account, amount : Int) : Unit }
Account trait的实现是从Java版本直译过来的:
class AccountImpl extends TypedActor with Account { val balance = Ref(0) def getBalance() = balance.get() def deposit(amount : Int) = { if (amount > 0) { balance.swap(balance.get() + amount) println("Received Deposit request " + amount) } } def withdraw(amount : Int) = { println("Received Withdraw request " + amount) if (amount > 0 && balance.get() >= amount) balance.swap(balance.get() - amount) else { println("...insufficient funds...") throw new RuntimeException("Insufficient fund") } } }
同样地, AccountService trait的实现也从Java代码直译过来即可:
class AccountServiceImpl extends TypedActor with AccountService { def transfer(from : Account, to : Account, amount : Int) = { coordinate { to.deposit(amount) from.withdraw(amount) } } }
object UseAccountService { def main(args : Array[String]) = { val account1 = TypedActor.newInstance(classOf[Account], classOf[AccountImpl]) val account2 = TypedActor.newInstance(classOf[Account], classOf[AccountImpl]) val accountService = TypedActor.newInstance( classOf[AccountService], classOf[AccountServiceImpl]) account1.deposit(1000) account2.deposit(1000) println("Account1 balance is " + account1.getBalance()) println("Account2 balance is " + account2.getBalance()) println("Let's transfer $20... should succeed") accountService.transfer(account1, account2, 20) Thread.sleep(1000) println("Account1 balance is " + account1.getBalance()) println("Account2 balance is " + account2.getBalance()) println("Let's transfer $2000... should not succeed") accountService.transfer(account1, account2, 2000) Thread.sleep(6000) println("Account1 balance is " + account1.getBalance()) println("Account2 balance is " + account2.getBalance()) Actors.registry.shutdownAll } }
Received Deposit request 1000 Received Deposit request 1000 Account1 balance is 1000 Account2 balance is 1000 Let's transfer $20... should succeed Received Deposit request 20 Received Withdraw request 20 Account1 balance is 980 Coordinating Typed Actors • 215 Account2 balance is 1020 Let's transfer $2000... should not succeed Received Deposit request 2000 Received Withdraw request 2000 ...insufficient funds... Account1 balance is 980 Account2 balance is 1020