在6.6节中,我们曾经简单讨论了写偏斜(write skew)以及Clojure STM是如何解决这个问题的。Akka同样提供了处理写偏斜问题的支持,但是需要我们配置一下才能生效。OK,一听到配置这个词可能让你觉得有些提心吊胆,但实际操作起来其实起来还是蛮简单的。下面就让我们首先了解一下Akka在不进行任何配置情况下的默认行为。
public class Portfolio { final private Ref<Integer> checkingBalance = new Ref<Integer>(500); final private Ref<Integer> savingsBalance = new Ref<Integer>(600); public int getCheckingBalance() { return checkingBalance.get(); } public int getSavingsBalance() { return savingsBalance.get(); } public void withdraw(final boolean fromChecking, final int amount) { new Atomic<Object>() { public Object atomically() { final int totalBalance = checkingBalance.get() + savingsBalance.get(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException ex) {} if(totalBalance - amount >= 1000) { if(fromChecking) checkingBalance.swap(checkingBalance.get() - amount); else savingsBalance.swap(savingsBalance.get() - amount); } else System.out.println( "Sorry, can't withdraw due to constraint violation"); return null; } }.execute(); } }
public class UsePortfolio { public static void main(final String[] args) throws InterruptedException { final Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio(); int checkingBalance = portfolio.getCheckingBalance(); int savingBalance = portfolio.getSavingsBalance(); System.out.println("Checking balance is " + checkingBalance); System.out.println("Savings balance is " + savingBalance); System.out.println("Total balance is " + (checkingBalance + savingBalance)); final ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); service.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { portfolio.withdraw(true, 100); } }); service.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { portfolio.withdraw(false, 100); } }); service.shutdown(); Thread.sleep(4000); checkingBalance = portfolio.getCheckingBalance(); savingBalance = portfolio.getSavingsBalance(); System.out.println("Checking balance is " + checkingBalance); System.out.println("Savings balance is " + savingBalance); System.out.println("Total balance is " + (checkingBalance + savingBalance)); if(checkingBalance + savingBalance < 1000) System.out.println("Oops, broke the constraint!"); } }
Checking balance is 500 Savings balance is 600 Total balance is 1100 Checking balance is 400 Savings balance is 500 Total balance is 900 Oops, broke the constraint!
akka.stm.TransactionFactory factory = new akka.stm.TransactionFactoryBuilder() .setWriteSkew(false) .setTrackReads(true) .build();
在插进来的这几行代码中,我们创建了一个TransactionFactoryBuilder,并将writeSkew和trackReads属性分别设置为false和true。与Clojure STM对于ensure的处理类似,这两个设置项的目的是告诉事务要在其运行过程中对读操作进行追踪,同时也会使事务在读数据的过程中对账户余额变量加读锁直至提交开始为止。
Checking balance is 500 Savings balance is 600 Total balance is 1100 Sorry, can't withdraw due to constraint violation Checking balance is 400 Savings balance is 600 Total balance is 1000