快速启动菜单工具 Quick Access Popup 11.4.0 中文多语免费版

快速启动菜单工具 Quick Access Popup 中文版大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。快速访问弹出窗口为您提供了一种快速访问计算机中常用文件夹的简便方法,而无需在 Windows 资源管理器中浏览其位置。实际上,它允许您创建自己的个性化菜单,其中包含指向收藏夹和特殊文件夹的快捷方式。其主要目的是通过节省导航到计算机中特定位置所需的时间来帮助您改善工作流程并提高工作效率。

快速启动菜单工具 Quick Access Popup 中文版

快速启动菜单工具 Quick Access Popup 中文版

该应用程序在系统任务栏中静默运行,允许您使用上下文菜单配置其行为。 “设置”部分是进行配置过程的地方。在这里,您可以更改个性化菜单的内容并根据需要组织项目。





Quick Access Popup 提供以下语言:英语,法语,德语,意大利语,西班牙语,荷兰语,葡萄牙语,巴西葡萄牙语,韩语和中文。

Quick Access Popup 是为 Windows 7,Windows 8/8.1 和 Windows 10 的所有国际版本(客户端和服务器版本)而设计的,具有浏览器窗口,文件对话框(打开,另存为等),控制台窗口(CMD命令提示符) 和PowerShell)和许多流行的备用文件管理器。

Windows XP 和 Windows Vista 的用户被邀请使用 Quick Access Popup 的先前版本的文件夹弹出窗口,这些操作系统仍支持该文件夹。

Quick Access Popup 每两周至少需要一次 Internet 连接以检查许可证。

Quick Access Popup 许可证



What’s new in Quick Access Popup
September 1, 2021
Search and replace: search values in all the favorites of the selected types (folders, documents, applications, links, FTP sites and snippets) and replace these values (location or content, favorite name, icon resource or parameters fields) one at a time or all in one step.
see: https://www.quickaccesspopup.com/can-i-search-and-replace-values-globally-in-my-favorites/
Special folders: new location codes for some Special Folders allowing to change their location in Windows without breaking the favorite (conversion of existing Special folder favorites is NOT backward compatible).
Multiple improvements in: “Add Multiple Favorites” command, Total Commander support, “Add/Edit Favorite” dialog box and Shared menus.
Bug fixes: fix various unnoticed or rarely visible bugs in the “Customize” window, “Add/Edit Favorite” dialog box, “Add Multiple Favorites” command, “Options” window, CMD/PowerShell support, Total Commander support and others.
Search and replace:
new menu item “Search and replace” under the “Tools” menu
new “Search and replace” dialog box to search and replace values in location or content, favorite name, icon resource or parameters fields
select the types of favorites included in the search and replace command: Folder, Document, Application, Link (URL), FTP Site and Snippet
in the “Confirmation” dialog box, indicate for each favorite if you want to:
“Find next” favorite (skip this one)
“Replace this favorite”
“Replace all favorites” (all remaining favorites at once)
or “Stop” to interrupt the search and replace command
search starts from the menu currently in “Customize” window and covers all its submenus
the new QAP feature “Search and replace” under the “QAP Menu Editing” section allows to launch the command from your QAP menu
Special Folders:
internal change (in the Settings file) to use new location codes for some Special Folders, allowing to change their location in Windows without breaking the favorite
Special Folders updated are: Common Desktop, Common Start Menu, Common Startup Menu, Desktop, Downloads, History, My Music, My Video, Pictures, Programs Folder (Start Menu), Public Folder, Public Libraries, Quick Launch, Recent Items, Start Menu, Startup, Templates, Temporary Files and Windows directory
replace existing Special Folders favorite’s locations with the new codes *** Take note that this conversion is NOT backward compatible. If you need to revert to an older version of QAP, the location for the updated Special Folders will not be recognized in the older version. They will show as “* Unknown Special Folder *” (with a random number to make the menu entry unique) and you will have to re-create these Special Folders entries.
before saving favorites after this conversion, QAP creates a backup named QuickAccessPopup-HOME-backup-special_folders-[date and time].ini
when a desktop.ini hidden file is found in a Special Folder, QAP uses the localized name and the icon defined in this file
two new Special Folders items “Send To” and “System32”
Welcome dialog box:
a new more friendly “Welcome” dialog box is shown at the first QAP launch
it includes buttons to “Save license code or to “Try the free version” and a link to the “QAP First Steps” video
Add Multiple Favorites:
when loading favorites from a “QAP Settings file (flat view)”, load all item’s properties (parameters, etc.), not only name and location
when adding from “Special Folder” list, stop showing the codes in the “Content” column and show their default names instead
when loading favorites from a “QAP Settings file (tree view)”, fix a bug when adding an item in an existing submenu, stop creating a duplicate submenu
Customize window:
fix a bug not updating correctly the menu navigation buttons up/back/forward when the “Customize” window is open from a “Customize” menu item in the QAP menu not located in the Main menu
in the favorites list, fix a bug not enabling the “Save” button if moving a favorite by continuously pressing the up/down button until the top/bottom of the list is reached
in the “Select icon” and “Manage icons” dialog box, replace the next/previous text button with arrow buttons and remove duplicate “Cancel” buttons in “Select icon”
fix a bug when showing the “Customize” window from an external command and when the previous content of the favorites list was a search result
fix a bug in favorites list when using drag and drop to move an item and dropping it beyond the first or last item of the list, sometimes causing an “empty favorite name” error
add the menu item “Share QAP” under “Help” menu to open QAP website referrer page
Add/Edit Favorite dialog box:
for Application favorites, stop updating the short menu name when the location is changed; update the name only when the location is changed using the “Running applications” dropdown list
when adding or editing a favorite in a sorted menu, in the menu options tab, fill the position dropdown list with the read-only message “menu sorted automatically”
when getting the name for a regular favorite folder, check if we can get it from a desktop.ini hidden file, else continue as before and use the last part of the path
fix a bug when trying to open a favorite not found after user selected to edit the favorite
in “Options, Alternative Menu Hotkeys”, rename the button “Reset default modifiers” to “Reset to saved modifiers” (to restore modifiers to their currently saved value) and add a new button “Reset to default modifiers” (to reset the modifiers to their default value)
fix a display bug when opening the “Popup Menu” tab using the link “excluded applications” under the “Popup Hotkeys” tab
Shared menus:
create backups for Shared menus ini file (one per day for the last five days)
the backup is created in the same folder as the Shared menu file except if a value “BackupFolder=” is found under the “[Global]” section of the Shared menu settings file
File managers:
in “Total Commander Directory hotlist”, support the hide menu character for submenus
fix bug when the “Total Commander Directory hotlist” is saved in a redirected file
add support for One Commander in QAPconnect file managers
add the most recent QAPconnect-default.ini file to QAP Settings folder if a QAPconnect.ini file already exists
fix a bug when changing the folder in a CMD, PowerShell, ConEmu or Terminal windows and when the file manager preferences is set to “open in the current Windows Explorer window” (or “the current tab”)
Various issues:
“Icons larger than expected” issue in the “Select icons” and “Manage icons” dialog boxes: try to solve this intermittent and infrequent issue by setting the size of the icons again when changing page
“Menu keyboard focus issue”: after the change in v11.3.0.1 trying to fix this intermittent issue, add a new option in the Settings file that determines if the mouse move is done or not; this option must be inserted in the ini file under the [Global] section, as “MovePointerAfterHotkeyKeyboard=1” to do the mouse move (else, the situation is as in v11.3 and before)
“201 hotkeys have been received in the last 0ms”: intermittent and infrequent issue that seems to be caused by the change in v11.3.0.1 for the previous issue; not inserting the value “MovePointerAfterHotkeyKeyboard=1” (or setting it to 0) seems to resolve this issue
Language updates:
Italian, Russian, German, French, Korean, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese language translation for search and replace



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