PeaZip Portable 由大眼仔旭(发布。PeaZip 中文版是可以在 Microsoft Windows 或 Linux 32-bit 操作系统中运行的文件管理器及压缩程序。它除了支持自己本地的 PEA 压缩格式(主要功能为压缩、分文件、弹性地认证加密、集成式检查架构)外,还有支持其他的主流压缩格式。不过有免费着重在处理开放授权的压缩格式上。这套压缩软件主要使用 Lazarus 开发工具以 Free Pascal 语言进行撰写。是以 GNU 宽通用公共许可证发布的自由软件。
PeaZip 绿色中文便携版是跨平台基于 Free Pascal 的免费绿色便携的解压缩软件。可以运行在 Linux 系统和 Windows 系统。支持鼠标右键操作。
PeaZip 中文版提供用户通过图形化用户界面的前端程序来自动产生命令提示列的压缩或解压缩动作。它同时也提供了制作、编辑以及撤消压缩设置档来加速压缩或备份的设置。
PeaZip 特别版除了提供 Windows 及 Linux(DEB, RPM及TGZ格式)的安装档之外,亦有对此两种平台提供无需安装的可携式版本。在最近也提供了PortableApps的格式 (.paf.exe).
如同7z,Tar,ZIP等这些知名且泛用的压缩格式一般,PeaZip 也支持 PAQ 及 LPAQ 格式:尽管这并不建议使用于一般状况下(因为太耗存储器且太慢),这些格式因具备对多数数据结构有最佳的压缩比,在压缩科技上具有重大突破,所以还是列入支持。
PeaZip 限制
与提供给各种后端公用程序使用的本地控制台进度指示器相较,图形化用户界面的进度就较为不可靠许多不支持 64-bit 的 Linux,即使勉强安装在 64-bit 的 Linux 上,也不能压缩/解压.arc文件
PeaZip 支持的格式
7z, bz, bz2, bzip2, tbz2, tbz, gz, gzip, tgz, tpz, tar, zip, z01, smzip, arj, cab, chm, chi, chq, chw, hxs, hxi, hxr, hxq, hxw, lit, cpio, deb, lzh, lha, rar, r01, 00, rpm, z, taz, tz, iso, jar, ear, war, lha, pet, pup, pak, pk3, pk4, slp, [Content], xpi, wim, u3p, lzma86, lzma, udf, xar, dmg, hfs, part1, split, swm, tpz, kmz, xz, txz, vhd, mslz, apm, mbr, fat, ntfs, exe, dll, sys, msi, msp, ods, ots, odm, oth, oxt, odb, odf, odg, otg, odp, otp, odt, ott, gnm, doc, dot, xls, xlt, ppt, pps, pot, docx, dotx, xlsx, xltx, swf, flv, quad, balz, zpaq, paq8f, paq8jd, paq8l, paq8o, lpaq1, lpaq5, lpaq8, ace, arc, wrc, 001, pea, cbz, cbr, cba, cb7, cbt.引基本上常见的格式他都支持了。Peazip 支持的加密格式:AES,twofish、blowfish、serpent(只支持ARC格式)
主要功能为压缩、分档、弹性地认证加密、整合式检查架构,为 Peazip 原创的压缩格式。
What’s new in PeaZip 8.1.0
July 24, 2021
Pea 1.02
Improved speed of hex preview function, updated secure delete function
Zstd 1.50
(Windows) Tino Reichardt codecs for 7z v1.5.0r1
updates codecs to Brotli 1.0.9, FLZMA2 1.0.1, Lizard 1.0, LZ4 1.9.3, LZ5 1.5, Zstandard 1.5.0
(Linux) szcnick p7zip 17.04:
introduces support for Brotli, Lizard, LZ5
updates LZ4 1.9.3 and zstd 1.4.9
on Linux systems Brotli and Zstandard presets now points to single step compression in 7z using Brotli or Zstd compression ( and tar.zst presets are still available as alternative)
(Windows) added support for system’s Extrac32 as alternative CAB extraction engine
Extrac32 backend be enabled in Options > Settings, Advanced tab
CAB will be still listed/tested using 7z backend, Extrac32 (if enabled) will be used for for extraction operations
Various fixes
Improved performances working with archives containing large number of items (files, folders)
on 64K items archive 50% speed increase, -25% RAM usage
on 128K items archive 2x speed increase, -25% RAM usage
on 256K items archive 4x speed increase, -35% RAM usage
improved speed for listing archives, also minor speed improvements for test, archive and extract operations involving a large number of files
Added new user-provided themes: KDE Breeze, Oxygen
Improved browsing archives: clicking on root in breadcrumb bar now simply lists root content, while pressing refresh (F5) re-opens the archive, fully re-parsing the content
In case of spanned archive, the number of volumes actually found in current path (as required by PeaZip for extraction) is shown in application’s title bar and status bar
Improved Settings
More flexible Browser optimization in General tab, Performances group
Reorganized various settings for better readability
Updated translations
Added support (as container files) to .whl Python archives and .gem Ruby gem archives
Added option to extract all, selected or displayed items to extraction dropdown menu, replicating Extract button context menu
Added actions to Test all, selected or displayed items in Test button context menu
Improved archive conversion procedure
Extraction stage is now shown as a single sequence of tasks, and main screen is hidden to reduce visual clutter
If errors are encountered in extraction stage it is reported to user, so conversion can be stopped (to correct errors) or continued if desired
Improved extraction command line creation: when all items are selected switch to a more compact command line using filters rather than item’s list
Windows installer now supports command line parameter to set language during installation
language can be declared as last parameter, with or without “/” prefix
to identify the language please check the name of the language file in PeaZipreslang directory