你的驱动还好吗 Wise Driver Care 2.2.1219.1009 中文多语免费版

你的驱动还好吗 Wise Driver Care Pro 中文多语特别版大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)原创发布。Wise Driver Care Pro 是国内北京知名公司 WiseCleaner 推出的一款专业的系统驱动管理程序。如果您已经使用 Wise Care 365 Pro 或公司推出其他软件,那么这款软件的质量肯定不会怀疑。它可以替代驱动精灵、驱动人生等等,效果很不错,界面清爽无广告!Wise Driver Care 中文专业版有巨大的驱动数据库的支持,可以帮助用户扫描、修复以及升级超过 600000+ 种设备和驱动,让您的电脑维持巅峰性能。

Wise Driver Care 中文多语特别版

Wise Driver Care 中文多语特别版

巨大的驱动程序数据库支持超过 600,000 多个设备
Wise Driver Care Pro 帮助您扫描,修复和更新超过 600,000 个设备和驱动程序,例如 AMD APU/图形/芯片组/AHCI/USB 3.0/RAID驱动程序,NVIDIA 驱动程序,Realtek 以太网控制器/无线局域网/网络/HD音频驱动程序,Intel Audio/HD Graphics/WLAN/LAN/芯片组/快速存储技术/USB 3.0 驱动程序,ASUS 驱动程序,Dell 驱动程序,HP 驱动程序,Intel PC 驱动程序和 Microsoft Windows 驱动程序。当然,这个数字还会继续增加。简而言之,Wise Driver Care Pro 旨在帮助用户找到正确的驱动程序,保持系统兼容和更新驱动程序的安装,并使计算机以最佳性能运行!

该驱动程序是一个软件,可以让您的系统与安装在其上的硬件进行有效通信。缺少,过时或损坏的驱动程序可能会导致系统性能下降,因此确保您的驱动程序是最新的将是您的常规计算机维护的一部分。 Wise Driver Care Pro 可以通过为您提供最新的更新来减少系统运行缓慢或崩溃。

为确保更新的驱动程序的安全性,Wise Driver Care Pro 仅向用户推荐 WHQL 驱动程序。此外,它还可以备份当前使用的驱动程序,并在更新之前创建系统还原点,以防用户需要回滚到以前的版本。

一站式 Windows 驱动程序管理
花费太多时间搜索设备驱动程序可能会令人沮丧,Wise Driver Care Pro 可以快速扫描并找到适用于您的打印机,扫描仪,相机,视频,扬声器,鼠标,键盘,屏幕,Wi-Fi 的最合适的驱动程序。外部设备。更新,备份和恢复驱动程序,一键删除驱动程序残留文件。

有很多原因可能会导致硬件或驱动程序问题。您可能没有声音错误,网络故障或不兼容和损坏的驱动程序。 Wise Driver Care能够即时检测并排除不良驱动程序和错误,然后通过提供解决方案来智能修复和修复这些问题。这是非常方便,将节省您的时间。

Huge driver database supports over 600,000+ devices
Wise Driver Care helps you scan, fix and update more than 600,000 devices and drivers, such as AMD APU/Graphics/Chipset/AHCI/USB 3.0/RAID Drivers, NVIDIA drivers, Realtek ethernet controller/wireless lan/network/HD Audio Drivers, Intel Audio/HD Graphics/WLAN/LAN/chipset/rapid storage technology/USB 3.0 Drivers, ASUS Drivers, Dell Drivers, HP Drivers,Intel PC Drivers & Microsoft Windows Drivers. Of course, the number will keep increasing. In short, Wise Driver Care is designed for helping the users find the right drivers, keep the system having compatible and updated drivers installed, and make PC run at its peak performance!

Increase system performance & stability
The driver is a software that allows your system to communicate effectively with the hardware installed on it. Missing, outdated or corrupted drivers can cause poor system performance, so ensuring that your drivers are up-to-date will be a part of your regular computer maintenance. Wise Driver Care can reduce system freezing and crashing by serving you with the latest updates.

More Secure for your updates
To ensure the safety and security of the new driver updated, Wise Driver Care only recommends WHQL drivers to user. In addition, it can back up current used drivers and create a system restore point before updating in case the users need to roll back to the previous versions.

One-stop Windows driver management
Spending too much time on searching drivers for your device may be frustrating, Wise Driver Care can quickly scan and find out the most suitable drivers for your printer, scanner, camera, video, speakers, mouse, keyboard, screen, Wi-Fi, and external devices. Update, Backup and Restore drivers, remove driver residual files with one-click.

Easily fix sound & network issues
There are many reasons why you might have a hardware or driver problems. You might have no sound error, network failure, or the incompatible and corrupted driver. Wise Driver Care will detect and troubleshoot bad drivers and errors instantly, then fix & repair these issues intelligently by providing solutions. It is very convenient and will save you much time.


Wise Driver Care 2.2.11219 更新日志
Fixed a minor bug of Hardware Detection.
Added OS version in System Information.
Improved system fix function, auto download missing files when install a driver.
Improved Driver Checkup.




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