"ALV type-pools:slis,rsds,vrm. data:gt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat with header line, gt_events type slis_t_event with header line, gs_layout type lvc_s_layo, g_repid like sy-repid. data:wa_sort type slis_sortinfo_alv, it_sort type lvc_t_sort, lw_alv_title type lvc_title. data:l_grid type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid, ls_stable type lvc_s_stbl. data:struct_type type ref to cl_abap_structdescr, itab_type type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr, elem_type type ref to cl_abap_elemdescr, comp_type type cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table, comp_field type cl_abap_structdescr=>component, comp_line like line of comp_type, dref type ref to data, dline type ref to data. field-symbols:<ztab> type standard table, <itab> type any, <fild> type any, <frat> type any. "dynamic alv parameters data:ztab type standard table of tab with header line, mtab type standard table of tab with header line.
form structure_data. struct_type ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'TAB' ). comp_type = struct_type->get_components( ). perform zdtb_ms using: 'DATAB' '日期从', 'DATBI' '日期至'. "****** 增加字段 vkorg+fkdat+ekgrp+kunnr+vkbur+ktgrm+matnr+matkl+maabc+kosch+labor+groes perform struc_xz tables s_vkorg using 'VKORG' '销售组织' 'VBRK-VKORG' 'VTEXT' 'TVKOT-VTEXT'. "perform struc_xz tables s_fkdat using 'FKDAT' '开票日期' 'VBRK-FKDAT' '' ''. perform struc_xz tables s_fkart using 'FKART' '订单类型' 'VBRK-FKART' 'FKTXT' 'TVFKT-VTEXT'. perform struc_xz tables s_ekgrp using 'EKGRP' '品牌' 'MARC-EKGRP' 'EKNAM' 'T024-EKNAM'. perform struc_xz tables s_kunnr using 'KUNAG' '客户编码' 'VBRK-KUNAG' 'NAME1' 'KNA1-NAME1'. perform struc_xz tables s_vkbur using 'VKBUR' '产品线' 'KNVV-VKBUR' 'BEZEI' 'TVKBT-BEZEI'. perform struc_xz tables s_ktgrm using 'KTGRM' '科目设置组' 'VBRP-KTGRM' 'KMEXT' 'TVKMT-VTEXT'. perform struc_xz tables s_matnr using 'MATNR' '物料号' 'VBRP-MATNR' 'MAKTX' 'MAKT-MAKTX'. perform struc_xz tables s_matkl using 'MATKL' '物料组' 'MARA-MATKL' 'WGBEZ' 'T023T-WGBEZ'. perform struc_xz tables s_maabc using 'MAABC' '等级' 'MARC-MAABC' 'TMABC' 'TMABCT-TMABC'. perform struc_xz tables s_kosch using 'KOSCH' '产品分配' 'MARA-KOSCH' 'KOTXT' 'T190ST-VTEXT'. perform struc_xz tables s_labor using 'LABOR' '产品档次' 'MARA-LABOR' 'LBTXT' 'T024X-LBTXT'. perform struc_xz tables s_groes using 'GROES' '规格' 'MARA-GROES' '' ''. "***************************** perform zdtb_ms using: 'FKIMG' '数量', 'NETWR' '金额', 'VOLUM' '面积', 'NTGEW' '重量', 'VOLTJ' '体积', 'SLRAT' '数量占比(%)', 'JERAT' '金额占比(%)', 'WAVWR' '成本', 'MLNET' '毛利', 'MLRAT' '毛利率(%)'. struct_type = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( comp_type ). itab_type = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create( struct_type ). create data dref type handle itab_type. assign dref->* to <ztab>. endform. form field_app using zd zelem. clear:comp_line,elem_type. comp_line-name = zd. elem_type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>describe_by_name( zelem ). comp_line-type = elem_type. append comp_line to comp_type. endform. form zdtb_ms using zd zdms. zdtb-zd = zd. zdtb-zdms = zdms. append zdtb. clear:zdtb. endform.
create data dline like line of <ztab>. assign dline->* to <itab>. loop at mtab. move-corresponding mtab to <itab>. append <itab> to <ztab>. clear:ztab,<itab>. endloop. clear:mtab. refresh:mtab. loop at <ztab> assigning <itab>. clear:mtab. move-corresponding <itab> to mtab. move-corresponding mtab to <itab>. clear:mtab. endloop.