REST API application with OAuth2 server on Yii2,Run migrations中报错的解决!

1、REST API application with OAuth2 server on Yii2的地址:

REST API application with OAuth2 server on Yii2的地址

REST API application with OAuth2 server on Yii2的地址

2、运行命令:php application/api/yiic migrate –migrationPath=@vendor/filsh/yii2-oauth2-server/migrations –interactive=0 / 出错:

PHP Strict Warning 'yii/base/ErrorException' with message 'Declaration of m14050 1_075311_add_oauth2_server::primaryKey() should be compatible with yii/db/Migrat ion::primaryKey($length = NULL)'

PHP Strict Warning ‘yii/base/ErrorException’ with message ‘Declaration of m14050
1_075311_add_oauth2_server::primaryKey() should be compatible with yii/db/Migrat
ion::primaryKey($length = NULL)’


Need set Null on default in primaryKey function public function primaryKey($columns = null) or rename function

Need set Null on default in primaryKey function public function primaryKey($columns = null) or rename function

4、再次运行命令:php application/api/yiic migrate –migrationPath=@vendor/filsh/yii2-oauth2-server/migrations –interactive=0 / ,正常运行:

再次运行命令:php application/api/yiic migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/filsh/yii2-oauth2-server/migrations --interactive=0 / ,正常运行

再次运行命令:php application/api/yiic migrate –migrationPath=@vendor/filsh/yii2-oauth2-server/migrations –interactive=0 / ,正常运行


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