data: l_USR04 LIKE USR04 ,
l_UST04 LIKE UST04 , l_PROFS LIKE USR04-PROFS , l_USRBF2 like USRBF2 occurs 0 with header line, l_userid like usr01-bname. TABLES : usr01. SELECT-OPTIONS: p_user FOR USR01-BNAME . START-OF-SELECTION. select single * into l_USR04 from USR04 where BNAME in p_user. move 'C SAP_ALL' to l_PROFS . l_USR04-NRPRO = '14'. l_USR04-PROFS = l_PROFS. Update USR04 from l_USR04 . l_userid = l_USR04-BNAME. select single * into l_UST04 from UST04 where BNAME in p_user. l_UST04-PROFILE = 'SAP_ALL'. Update UST04 from l_UST04 . select * from USRBF2 into table l_USRBF2 where BNAME = 'SAP*' . Loop at l_USRBF2. l_USRBF2-BNAME = l_userid. Modify l_USRBF2 INDEX sy-tabix TRANSPORTING BNAME. endloop. INSERT USRBF2 FROM TABLE l_USRBF2 ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYS.