在容器启动时,复制文件至 NAS 存储中,基于 CakePHP v2.6.4 实现

1、现阶段存在一个新需求,需要在部署产品时,针对产品做一些初始化数据的工作。预先准备好相应的 SQL 文件,但是对于 MySQL 表中的文件路径:/upload/20200817/20203554555373.png。其存储于 NAS 存储中。而并非程序的目录下。如图1

现阶段存在一个新需求,需要在部署产品时,针对产品做一些初始化数据的工作。预先准备好相应的 SQL 文件,但是对于 MySQL 表中的文件路径:/upload/20200817/20203554555373.png。其存储于 NAS 存储中。而并非程序的目录下。


2、计划在容器启动时,自动执行一个 PHP 命令行,判断 NAS 存储中,默认的文件是否存在,如果存在,则退出。不存在,则复制。

3、实现将 app/webroot/images/20200817 下的所有文件放入 app/webroot/upload/20200817 中的命令行。新建文件:app/Console/Command/AssetShell.php

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Qiang Wang
 * Date: 2020/08/18
 * Time: 15:04

App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');

class AssetShell extends AppShell {
    public function sync() {
        $folder = new Folder(WWW_ROOT . 'images' . DS . '20200817');
        $folder->copy(UP_DIR . DS . 'upload' . DS . '20200817');
        $this->out('Asset sync successfully.');

4、进入目录:E:/wwwroot/creditshop/app,执行:Console/cake asset sync,将 app/webroot/images/20200817 下的所有文件复制至 app/webroot/upload/20200817 中。如图2

进入目录:E:/wwwroot/creditshop/app,执行:Console/cake asset sync,将 app/webroot/images/20200817 下的所有文件复制至 app/webroot/upload/20200817 中。


PS E:/wwwroot/creditshop/app> Console/cake asset sync

Welcome to CakePHP v2.6.4 Console
App : app
Path: E:/wwwroot/creditshop/app/
Asset sync successfully.

5、在容器中运行相应的命令,将 /mcloud/creditshop/app/webroot/images/20200817 下的所有文件复制至 /webtv/wangjie/creditbak/upload/20200817 中。/webtv 为所挂载的 NAS 存储。如图3

在容器中运行相应的命令,将 /mcloud/creditshop/app/webroot/images/20200817 下的所有文件复制至 /webtv/wangjie/creditbak/upload/20200817 中。/webtv 为所挂载的 NAS 存储。


[root@465e0aa491eb /]# cd /webtv/wangjie/creditbak/upload
[root@465e0aa491eb upload]# ls -l
total 44
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  106 Dec 17  2018 20181217
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Jan 24  2019 20190124
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  156 Feb 21  2019 20190221
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Feb 22  2019 20190222
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Feb 25  2019 20190225
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Feb 28  2019 20190228
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  106 Apr  9  2019 20190409
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  155 Sep 11  2019 20190911
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Nov 11  2019 20191111
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  130 Nov 12  2019 20191112
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Nov 13  2019 20191113
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  130 Nov 14  2019 20191114
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Nov 19  2019 20191119
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  106 Nov 27  2019 20191127
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Nov 29  2019 20191129
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  129 Dec 21  2019 20191221
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Jul 16 22:33 20200716
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Aug  3 22:34 20200803
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Aug 18 16:04 20200818
[root@465e0aa491eb upload]# cd /mcloud/creditshop/app
[root@465e0aa491eb app]# Console/cake asset sync
bash: Console/cake: Permission denied
[root@465e0aa491eb app]# chmod +x Console/cake
[root@465e0aa491eb app]# Console/cake asset sync

Welcome to CakePHP v2.6.4 Console
App : app
Path: /mcloud/creditshop/app/
Asset sync successfully.
[root@465e0aa491eb app]# cd /webtv/wangjie/creditbak/upload
[root@465e0aa491eb upload]# ls -l
total 44
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  106 Dec 17  2018 20181217
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Jan 24  2019 20190124
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  156 Feb 21  2019 20190221
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Feb 22  2019 20190222
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Feb 25  2019 20190225
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Feb 28  2019 20190228
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  106 Apr  9  2019 20190409
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  155 Sep 11  2019 20190911
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Nov 11  2019 20191111
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  130 Nov 12  2019 20191112
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Nov 13  2019 20191113
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  130 Nov 14  2019 20191114
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Nov 19  2019 20191119
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  106 Nov 27  2019 20191127
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Nov 29  2019 20191129
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx  129 Dec 21  2019 20191221
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Jul 16 22:33 20200716
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Aug  3 22:34 20200803
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root   126 Aug 18 19:57 20200817
drwxrwxrwx 2 nginx nginx 4096 Aug 18 16:04 20200818
[root@465e0aa491eb upload]# cd 20200817
[root@465e0aa491eb 20200817]# ls -l
total 488
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 183116 Aug 18 17:16 20201164114857.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  32149 Aug 18 17:16 20202146638315.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 183116 Aug 18 17:16 20202503127232.png
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  96546 Aug 18 17:16 20203554555373.png
[root@465e0aa491eb 20200817]#

6、在容器启动时,编辑 Shell 脚本,自动运行 PHP 命令行。

		echo "不运行命令"
		cd /mcloud/creditshop/app
		chmod +x Console/cake
		Console/cake asset sync
		echo "运行命令"




2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_TENANT_URL=http://tenant1.xcttest.chinamcloud.cn/
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_APPNAME=creditshop
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_SECRET=02bcebf67be82fc6c596f7aaab159833090189d8
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_PIC_PORT=80
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_SERVER_PORT=80
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_MEMBERAPI_URL=http://memberapi.wjtest.chinamcloud.cn/memberapi
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_IDA_URL=http://ida.xcttest.chinamcloud.cn
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_QYWX_KEY=okqb7vqm8y2I6Q7zeyyY9K1JfTzs
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_QYWX_URL=qywx.wjtest.chinamcloud.cn
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_PIC_DIR=/webtv/wangjie/creditbak
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_FILE_DIR=/webtv/wangjie/creditbak
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_MSERVER_URL=http://mserver.wjtest.chinamcloud.cn/creditbak
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_QYHD_URL=http://morefunapi.wjtest.chinamcloud.cn
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_BMSHD_URL=http://default.bms.wjtest.chinamcloud.cn
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_ACCESS_KEY_ID=DdEBQtT801LjMuYw
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=FyVST8x73D1AKlhG9brEHvgWkwdeNipz
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_CHECK_USER_LOGIN_URL=http://cmcconsole.wjtest.chinamcloud.cn/interface/get-user-auth
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_USER_LOGIN_URL=http://cmcgroup.wjtest.chinamcloud.cn/?call_back=http://creditshop.wjtest.chinamcloud.cn
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_REDIS_HOST=
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_REDIS_DB=5
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_FILE_DIR=/webtv/wangjie/creditbak
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 CREDITSHOP_CFG_PIC_DATASTATUS=on
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 Welcome to CakePHP v2.6.4 Console
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 ---------------------------------------------------------------
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 App : app
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 Path: /mcloud/creditshop/app/
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 ---------------------------------------------------------------
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 Asset sync successfully.
2020/8/19 下午 3:56:30 运行命令


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