SAP ABAP将大数据量排序后输入到内表详解编程语言

如只让10000条数据读入。第二次再让10000条数据读入等等。 现在我有个问题,对于3百50万 条 
数据最后输出是应该有顺序的。 但是每次SELECT和ENDSELECT之中只能对10000条数据进行排序, 

You might do your sorting upon the database side. 

Here are my two “forms” for your reference. If they don’t work for you, mind letting 
me take a look at your code here? 

*&      Form  implicit_cursor 
*       text 
FORM implicit_cursor. 
 DATA lt_billing TYPE TABLE OF zbilling. 

 SELECT * FROM zbilling INTO TABLE lt_billing 
   PACKAGE SIZE pk_size 
     WHERE vbeln   IN vbeln 
       AND aubel   IN aubel 
       AND erfdate IN erfdate 
       AND fkdat   IN fkdat 
      ORDER BY aubel aupos augrp erfdate DESCENDING erftime DESCENDING. 

   PERFORM process_data TABLES lt_billing. 
ENDFORM.                    “implicit_cursor 
*&      Form  explicit_cursor 
*       text 
FORM explicit_cursor. 
 DATA a_cursor TYPE cursor. 
 DATA lt_billing TYPE TABLE OF zbilling. 

 OPEN CURSOR a_cursor FOR 
   SELECT * FROM zbilling 
     WHERE vbeln   IN vbeln 
       AND aubel   IN aubel 
       AND erfdate IN erfdate 
       AND fkdat   IN fkdat 
       ORDER BY aubel aupos augrp erfdate DESCENDING erftime DESCENDING. 
 CHECK sy-subrc = 0. 

   FETCH NEXT CURSOR a_cursor INTO TABLE lt_billing 
     PACKAGE SIZE pk_size. 

   IF sy-subrc <> 0. 
     EXIT.  ” done Fetch 

   PERFORM process_data TABLES lt_billing. 
 CLOSE CURSOR a_cursor. 
ENDFORM.                    “explicit_cursor 

loop at g_t_grid into wa_g_t_grid. 
   s_grid-y = wa_g_t_grid-y. 
   s_grid-x = wa_g_t_grid-x. 
   s_grid-data = wa_g_t_grid-data. 
   if s_grid-data(1) = m1.                   “删除冒号 
   shift s_grid-data. 

   INSERT INTO zubpgrid VALUES  s_grid.   “运行错误在这里,以前我是直接把3百50万 


 refresh g_t_grid. 

 CLEAR s_grid. 

 SELECT * FROM zubpgrid INTO TABLE ii_grid PACKAGE SIZE 10000.”这里从数据库倒入到内 

SORT ii_grid BY y. 
LOOP AT ii_grid. 
    at new y.                         “行号 
     refresh i_quellzeile. 
   endat.                            “new y 

   i_quellzeile-x    = ii_grid-x. 
   i_quellzeile-data = ii_grid-data. 
   append i_quellzeile. 
   at end of y. 

在这个案例中我觉得不需要cursor 和 fetch; 现在我需要整个内表都是有循序的,我想只要在 
select后面加上order by y 就可以了.不只到是否正确.但是对于AT NEW y and AT END OF 
Y 的信息. 

==>在这个案例中我觉得不需要cursor 和 fetch; 现在我需要整个内表都是有循序的,我想只要 
在select后面加上order by y 就可以了.不只到是否正确. 
[Shaw1236] Yes. I think so. No explicit cursor is need. 
I am not sure that you are able to loop table “ii_grid” by using “at new y” and “at 
end of y” due to the package restriction. Can you simply use “on change of ii_grid- 
y” after sorting(order by) data from the database? 

下面是引用shaw1236于2008-4-7 19:20发表的回复:: 
==>在这个案例中我觉得不需要cursor 和 fetch; 现在我需要整个内表都是有循序的,我想只要 
在select后面加上order by y 就可以了.不只到是否正确. 
[Shaw1236] Yes. I think so. No explicit cursor is need. 
I am not sure that you are able to loop table “ii_grid” by using “at new y” and “at 

What’s the length of each row? I think you will be fine. Probably you need check the 
table technical setting and monitor the table space.


each row consists of x(int4 10), y( int4 10) and data(Char 73). I have set the 
information about table technical Setting eg. Maximum data entries: 
1,900,000 to 3,800,000 

I am not sure if  an error for inserting in Databank table occurs?

3500000 * (10 + 10 + 73) is roughly 310MB. 
I think you will be fine. Ensure the table buffer is turned off. Just curious why 
you save so much data into a z-table. 

Maximum data entries: 1,900,000 to 3,800,000 is only a threshold number, which won’t 
absolutely block the size growing. 



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