method if_ex_acc_document~change. data: wa_extension type bapiparex, ext_value(960) type c, wa_accit type accit, l_ref type ref to data. field-symbols: <l_struc> type any, <l_field> type any. sort c_extension2 by structure. loop at c_extension2 into wa_extension. at new structure. create data l_ref type (wa_extension-structure). assign l_ref->* to <l_struc>. endat. concatenate wa_extension-valuepart1 wa_extension-valuepart2 wa_extension-valuepart3 wa_extension-valuepart4 into ext_value. move ext_value to <l_struc>. assign component 'POSNR' of structure <l_struc> to <l_field>. read table c_accit with key posnr = <l_field> into wa_accit. if sy-subrc is initial. move-corresponding <l_struc> to wa_accit. modify c_accit from wa_accit index sy-tabix. endif. endloop. endmethod.