using Autodesk.Revit; using Autodesk.Revit.DB; using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace ReadRvt { class Program { static readonly string[] searchs = new string[] { "D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Revit 2018" }; static Program() { AddEnvironmentPaths(searchs); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += OnAssemblyResolve; } [STAThread]//一定要有 static void Main(string[] args) { Product _product = Product.GetInstalledProduct(); var clientId = new ClientApplicationId(Guid.NewGuid(), "RevitNetTest", "TEST"); _product.Init(clientId, "I am authorized by Autodesk to use this UI-less functionality."); Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application _application = _product.Application; string _modelPath = @"E:/测试项目/mine/xx2018.rvt"; Document doc = _application.OpenDocumentFile(_modelPath); Console.WriteLine("RVT文件已经打开"); FilteredElementCollector wallCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc); var walls = wallCollector.OfClass(typeof(Wall)).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("Walls:"); foreach (Wall wall in walls) { Console.WriteLine("ElementId:{0}", wall.Id.IntegerValue); Console.WriteLine(" name:{0}", wall.Name.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(" type:{0}", wall.WallType.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(" width:{0}", wall.Width.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(" UniqueId:{0}",wall.UniqueId.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(" =============== "); } doc.Close(); _product?.Exit(); Console.ReadKey(true); } static void AddEnvironmentPaths(params string[] paths) { try { var path = new[] { Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") ?? string.Empty }; var newPath = string.Join(System.IO.Path.PathSeparator.ToString(), paths.Concat(path)); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", newPath); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } private static Assembly OnAssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { try { var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(args.Name); foreach (var item in searchs) { var file = string.Format("{0}.dll", System.IO.Path.Combine(item, assemblyName.Name)); if (File.Exists(file)) { return Assembly.LoadFile(file); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return args.RequestingAssembly; } } }
从其他人那拿过来改的,由于机器上安装了多个revit版本,因此为 searchs 直接指定的 Revit 2018
如果改成 static readonly string[] searchs = RevitProductUtility.GetAllInstalledRevitProducts().Select(x => x.InstallLocation).ToArray();
using Autodesk.Revit; using Autodesk.Revit.DB; using Autodesk.RevitAddIns; using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace ReadRvt { class Program { static readonly string[] searchs = new string[] { "D:/Program Files/Autodesk/Revit 2018" }; static Program() { AddEnvironmentPaths(searchs); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += OnAssemblyResolve; } [STAThread]//一定要有 static void Main(string[] args) { Product _product = Product.GetInstalledProduct(); var clientId = new ClientApplicationId(Guid.NewGuid(), "RevitNetTest", "TEST"); _product.Init(clientId, "I am authorized by Autodesk to use this UI-less functionality."); Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application _application = _product.Application; string _modelPath = @"E:/测试项目/mine/xx2018.rvt"; Document doc = _application.OpenDocumentFile(_modelPath); Console.WriteLine("RVT文件已经打开"); FilteredElementCollector wallCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc); var walls = wallCollector.OfClass(typeof(Wall)).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("Walls:"); foreach (Wall wall in walls) { Console.WriteLine("ElementId:{0}", wall.Id.IntegerValue); Console.WriteLine(" name:{0}", wall.Name.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(" type:{0}", wall.WallType.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(" width:{0}", wall.Width.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(" UniqueId:{0}",wall.UniqueId.ToString()); var enumer = wall.Parameters.GetEnumerator(); Console.WriteLine(" Parameters"); int i = 0; while (enumer.MoveNext()) { Parameter p = (Parameter)enumer.Current; if (p.HasValue) { Console.WriteLine(" " + (i++) + ": asString:" + p.AsString() + " asValue:" + p.AsValueString() + " elementid:" + p.AsElementId()); } } Console.WriteLine(" =============== "); } doc.Close(); _product?.Exit(); Console.ReadKey(true); } static void AddEnvironmentPaths(params string[] paths) { try { var path = new[] { Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") ?? string.Empty }; var newPath = string.Join(System.IO.Path.PathSeparator.ToString(), paths.Concat(path)); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", newPath); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } private static Assembly OnAssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { try { var assemblyName = new AssemblyName(args.Name); foreach (var item in searchs) { var file = string.Format("{0}.dll", System.IO.Path.Combine(item, assemblyName.Name)); if (File.Exists(file)) { return Assembly.LoadFile(file); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return args.RequestingAssembly; } } }
name:基本墙:墙 1
0: asString: asValue:钢筋保护层 1 <25 mm> elementid:124652
1: asString: asValue:2873 mm elementid:-1
2: asString: asValue:承重 elementid:-1
3: asString:基本墙: 墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
4: asString: asValue:4000 mm elementid:-1
5: asString: asValue:0 mm elementid:-1
6: asString: asValue:2.218 m3 elementid:-1
7: asString: asValue:基本墙 elementid:200622
8: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
9: asString: asValue:墙 elementid:-2000011
10: asString: asValue:基本墙: 基本墙:墙 1 elementid:200622
11: asString: asValue:否 elementid:-1
12: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
13: asString: asValue:无 elementid:-1
14: asString: asValue:钢筋保护层 1 <25 mm> elementid:124652
15: asString: asValue:200622 elementid:200622
16: asString: asValue:否 elementid:-1
17: asString: asValue:新构造 elementid:110001
18: asString: asValue:-4000 mm elementid:-1
19: asString:基本墙:墙 1:1523 asValue: elementid:-1
20: asString:基本墙: 墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
21: asString: asValue:标高 1 elementid:200627
22: asString:基本墙:墙 1:2365 asValue: elementid:-1
23: asString: asValue:否 elementid:-1
24: asString: asValue:否 elementid:-1
25: asString:基本墙: 墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
26: asString:10S48K_H51XuptsWnf03xH asValue: elementid:-1
27: asString:墙 asValue: elementid:-1
28: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
29: asString: asValue:0 mm elementid:-1
30: asString:基本墙: 墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
31: asString: asValue:-1 elementid:-1
32: asString: asValue:基本墙:墙 1 elementid:200622
33: asString: asValue:墙 elementid:-2000011
34: asString: asValue:0 mm elementid:-1
35: asString:墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
36: asString: asValue:11.091 m2 elementid:-1
37: asString: asValue:墙中心线 elementid:-1
38: asString: asValue:未连接 elementid:-1
39: asString:2365 asValue: elementid:-1
40: asString: asValue:钢筋保护层 1 <25 mm> elementid:124652
41: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
42: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
name:基本墙:墙 1
0: asString: asValue:-4000 mm elementid:-1
1: asString:墙 asValue: elementid:-1
2: asString: asValue:钢筋保护层 1 <25 mm> elementid:124652
3: asString: asValue:4000 mm elementid:-1
4: asString: asValue:1.120 m3 elementid:-1
5: asString: asValue:无 elementid:-1
6: asString:基本墙: 墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
7: asString: asValue:新构造 elementid:110001
8: asString: asValue:否 elementid:-1
9: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
10: asString:基本墙: 墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
11: asString:基本墙:墙 1:1523 asValue: elementid:-1
12: asString: asValue:200622 elementid:200622
13: asString: asValue:墙中心线 elementid:-1
14: asString: asValue:0 mm elementid:-1
15: asString: asValue:墙 elementid:-2000011
16: asString: asValue:基本墙 elementid:200622
17: asString:墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
18: asString:基本墙: 墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
19: asString:10S48K_H51XuptsWnf03uD asValue: elementid:-1
20: asString: asValue:否 elementid:-1
21: asString: asValue:基本墙:墙 1 elementid:200622
22: asString: asValue:1300 mm elementid:-1
23: asString: asValue:-1 elementid:-1
24: asString: asValue:未连接 elementid:-1
25: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
26: asString: asValue:5.600 m2 elementid:-1
27: asString: asValue:基本墙: 基本墙:墙 1 elementid:200622
28: asString: asValue:否 elementid:-1
29: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
30: asString: asValue:标高 1 elementid:200627
31: asString: asValue:墙 elementid:-2000011
32: asString: asValue:承重 elementid:-1
33: asString:基本墙: 墙 1 asValue: elementid:-1
34: asString: asValue:否 elementid:-1
35: asString: asValue:钢筋保护层 1 <25 mm> elementid:124652
36: asString:基本墙:墙 1:2529 asValue: elementid:-1
37: asString:2529 asValue: elementid:-1
38: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
39: asString: asValue:0 mm elementid:-1
40: asString: asValue:钢筋保护层 1 <25 mm> elementid:124652
41: asString: asValue:是 elementid:-1
42: asString: asValue:0 mm elementid:-1