开源免费像素画绘制工具 Pixelorama 中文版由大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。Pixelorama 是免费和开源 2D sprite 编辑器,使用 Godot Engine GDScript 开发,非常适合像素艺术。Pixelorama 目前正在继续开发此软件,因此它缺少某些功能,可能存在一些错误并且需要更好的 UI。目前大眼仔网站上也给大家推荐了其它的一些像素画绘制工具,例如:Pixelmash 中文版、Aseprite 中文版、GraphicsGale 中文版等等。
Pixelorama 功能
-在 6 种工具之间进行选择-铅笔,橡皮,填充桶,变亮/变暗,颜色选择器和矩形选择-并将它们分别映射到鼠标左键和右键。
-你是动画师吗?然后您来对地方了! Pixelorama 拥有适合自己的动画时间表和“洋葱皮”!
-Pixelorama 具有多层系统!您可以添加,删除,上下移动,克隆和合并任意多个图层!您还可以重命名它们,并更改其不透明度!
-导入图像并在 Pixelorama 中进行编辑。如果导入多个文件,它们将作为单独的动画帧添加。还支持导入 Spritesheets。
-将您的精美艺术品导出为“ PNG”文件。也可以将项目导出为 Spritesheets。
-以 Pixelorama 的自定义文件格式“ .pxo”保存并打开您的项目。
-通过按 Shift 键,为铅笔,橡皮和浅色/深色工具创建直线。如果还按Control键,则可以以15的步长限制角度。
-您可以使用鼠标滚轮进行放大和缩小,然后单击鼠标或按“ Space”键进行平移!
– 键盘快捷键!我们非常确定这对于大多数人来说都是救命稻草。
我们喜欢免费的开源程序! 这些示例包括 Godot(创建了 Pixelorama 的地方),Gimp,Inkscape,Krita,Blender 等。我们通过使用它们而不是其付费版本来支持它们。 他们可以产生惊人的专业效果,而所有这些都是免费的! 为了继续创建免费的开源程序,需要捐款,以支持创建者。 您也可以通过捐赠来支持我们(Pixelorama 的创建者),并且您可以请求任何新功能或报告任何潜在的错误!
Pixelorama 许可证
MIT 许可证
Current features as of version v0.9:
A total of 9 new tools!
New selection tools, including elliptical, magic wand, select by color, lasso (freehand selection) and polygonal selection tools.
A new move tool, that lets you move the content of the current cel, or the content of the selection, if there is any.
New rectangle and ellipse shape tools. #456
A new line tool.
An installer for Windows will be available for v0.9 and future versions! #486
You can now select multiple cels in the timeline and edit them all at once!
Frame numbers in the timeline above the cels are now clickable buttons that can be dragged and dropped to re-arrange the frames. Right clicking on these buttons brings up a frame-related menu with options that used to be on the cel right click menu.
You can now right click a cel to delete its contents.
Layer dragging and dropping is now also possible.
A new “fill inside” option has been added in the Pencil tool options. #489, based off #459
You can now name the project name on the “create new project” dialog. #490
A tool button size option has been added in the Preferences. This lets you choose between small or big tool button sizes.
Added a “Licenses” tab in the About menu, which displays Pixelorama’s license as well as the software it depends on, such as Godot.
Added Norwegian Bokmål and Ukrainian translations.
The selection system has been completely changed and has become a lot more powerful. See #129 for more details.
The palette system has been completely replaced with a new one. See #447 for more details.
UI icons have been changed to single-color “symbolic” textures. This removes the need for multiple graphics for each theme type as these new textures can change their modulation on runtime.
Image color inverting, desaturation and HSV adjusting are now shader based. This improves the performance of these image effects and prevents crashes on large images. #475
The lighten/darken tool has been renamed to Shading tool.
Brushes now work with the Shading tool.
You now have to double click a layer button to rename a layer. Clicking it once just selects the layer.
Pixelorama’s icon has been changed – proposed by creepertron95.
The color picker tool now works on the surrounding tiles when tile mode is enabled. #506
The toolbar on the left can now be resized by the user.
The frame delay minimum value is now 0.01 instead of 0.
Cloning frames now create linked cels on layers where the cel linking button is enabled.
Window transparency has been temporarily disabled in macOS due to #491.
The close button on tabs is always being displayed, which lets the user close projects other than the current one.
Issues such as not being able to create guides at random times, which are a result of PoolVectorArray locking issues, may have finally been solved. #331
Cropping large images no longer crash the application.
Zen mode now hides the animation timeline again. #478
Pixelorama should no longer crash when loading a project and the symmetry axes fail to load. They will still fail to load, but the app will no longer crash. e8b36bbc61154641ce9eec1f0a845a0061d3585d
Fixed gif exporting stuck on 0% on large projects. #488
Cropping images should now work as expected. Before, there were times when it did not crop the image at the correct size.
Fixed a rare division by zero crash when changing the display scale under Preferences.
Changed pixel grid shortcut on macOS because it conflicted with a system hotkey. #494
The shading tool now has correct Hue, Saturation and Value changes, as well as some other tweaks, like limiting the darkening hue to 240 instead of 270. #519 and #522
The disabled buttons on the light theme are no longer invisible. #518
Fix the canvas preview having incorrect zoom when switching between projects.