开源免费 DJ 混音软件 Mixxx 2.3.1 中文多语免费版

开源免费 DJ 混音软件 Mixxx 中文版大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。Mixxx 是免费的开源软件,并完全由社区推动的。Mixxx 背后没有公司 – 开发工作由热情的 DJ 和程序员共同承担,他们将自己的业余时间投入到自己喜欢的 DJ 软件上。Mixxx 永远都是免费的!Mixxx 是一个开源音频软件应用程序,具有双重功能,iTunes 集成,BPM 检测和同步,实时广播以及自动混音功能,可帮助您混音。

开源免费 DJ 混音软件 Mixxx 中文多语免费版

开源免费 DJ 混音软件 Mixxx 中文多语免费版

适用于所有 DJ 的强大功能
Mixxx 集成了 DJ 与数字音乐文件进行创意现场混音所需的工具。
无论您是仅带笔记本电脑的新 DJ 还是经验丰富的转盘师,Mixxx 都能支持您的混音风格和技巧。

BPM 按键检测和同步
BPM 和音乐键检测可帮助您从库中找到完美的下一首曲目。使用主同步来匹配四首歌曲的节奏和节拍,以实现无缝混音。

DJ 控制器支持
DJ 控制器硬件的内置映射使您可以手动控制Mixxx的功能。使用可编程映射系统自定义您的工作流程并添加对任何 MIDI 或 HID 设备的支持。



Mixxx 还包含 VU 电平表,线路衰减器,均衡器和增益旋钮,可让您调整耳机音量,设置提示点,应用特殊效果,在小型唱盘中播放简短的样本并聆听歌曲,然后再在混音中使用它们。专用甲板。


当您想要停止混音并让应用程序随机播放,跳过和更改下一首曲目的过渡时,自动混音功能会派上用场。混合的音频文件可以导出到 WAV,AIFF,MP3,OGG,FLAC 或 AAC。

Mixxx 是由 DJ 们,程序员,和艺术家组成的国际社区开发。由于 Mixxx 是免费的(如自由和价格一样),是开源软件,因此任何人都可以为使 Mixxx 变得更好而做出贡献 – 包括您在内!


What’s new in Mixxx 2.3.1 (Unreleased)
Added mapping for the Numark DJ2GO2 Touch controller #4108 #4287
Added mapping for the Numark Mixtrack Pro FX controller #4160
Updated mapping for Behringer DDM4000 mixer #4262
Updated mapping for Denon MC7000 controller #4021
Hercules Inpulse 300: Add better FX controls and other minor improvements #4246
Denon MC7000: Improve slip mode and jog wheel handling #4021 #4324
Disabled detection of keyboards and mice as HID controllers #4243
Disabled detection of all HID controllers with Apple’s vendor ID. Apple doesn’t build actual controllers. #4260 #4273
Add support for HiDPI scale factors of 125% and 175% (only with Qt 5.14+) lp1938102 #4161
Fix unhandled exception when parsing corrupt Rekordbox PDB files lp1933853 #4040
Fix Echo effect adding left channel samples to right channel #4141
Fix bad phase seek when starting from preroll lp1930143 #4093
Fix bad phase seek when a channel’s audible status changes #4156
Tango skin: Show crossfader assign buttons by default #4046
Fix keyfinder library in arm64 builds #4047
Fix wrong track being recorded in History lp1933991 #4041 #4059 #4107 #4296
Fix support for relative paths in the skin system which caused missing images in third-party skins #4151
Fix relocation of directories with special/reserved characters in path name #4146
Update keyboard shortcuts sheet #4042
Library: resize the Played checkbox and BPM lock with the library font #4050
Don’t allow Input focus on waveforms #4134
Fix performance issue on AArch64 by enabling flush-to-zero for floating-point arithmetic #4144
Fix custom key notation not restored correctly after restart #4136
Traktor S3: Disable scratch when switching decks to prevent locked scratch issue #4073
FFmpeg: Ignore inaudible samples before start of stream #4245
Controller Preferences: Don’t automatically enable checkbox if controller is disabled #4244 lp:1941042
Tooltips: Always show tooltips in preferences #4198 lp:1840493
Tooltips: Use item label for tooltips in library side bar and show ID when debugging. #4247
Library sidebar: Also activate items on PageUp/Down events. #4237
Fix handling of preview button cell events in developer mode. #4264 lp:1929141
Auto DJ: Fix bug which could make an empty track stop Auto DJ. #4267 lp:1941743
Fix Auto DJ skipping tracks randomly #4319 lp1941989
Fix high CPU load due to extremely high internal sync clock values #4312 lp1943320
Fix preference option for re-analyzing beatgrids imported from other software #4288
It is no longer necessary to manually copy the udev rule file in packaging scripts. Now pkg-config is used to determine the udevdir used to install the rules file in the CMake install step when CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is / or /usr. #4126
Various build issues on FreeBSD are fixed #4122 #4123 #4124
.desktop file has be renamed to org.mixxx.Mixxx.desktop according to Freedesktop standards #4206
Uses system provided hidapi library if version >= 0.10.1 #4215
Please update PortAudio to 19.7 if you have not done so already. This is required for Mixxx to work with PipeWire via the JACK API for many devices.
Install multiple sizes of rasterized icons #4204 #4315
CMake: Fixed detection of SoundTouch pkgconfig file and version #4209
Fix AppStream metainfo #4205 #4317


官方下载Windows 32 位Windows 64 位MacOS


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