Fedora 22安装以后的优化和配置

Fedora 22安装以后的优化和配置




1.更新 fedora22 默认的是dnf而不是yum

sudo dnf update

2 安装图形驱动

第一步禁用屏蔽掉 nouveau

sudo etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

# generated by nvidia-installer
blacklist nouveau

options nouveau modeset=0

第二步生成不含 nouveau 模块的内核镜像
先备份 initramnfs 镜像文件:

sudo mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).nouveau.img

生成新的不包含 nouveau 模块的镜像文件

sudo dracut --omit-drivers "nouveau" /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)

–omit-drivers “nouveau” 去掉 nouveau模


sudo dnf install dkms kernel-devel kernel-headers


第五步开机重启,在gurb菜单中 编辑你的启动选项 按”e”编辑 把rhgb quiet  替换成 single(也就是文本模式)F10引导。

第六步 # sh /你的显卡驱动的路径/你的显卡驱动.run

第七步 reboot



1 gtk3:  命令如下

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides "{'Gtk/DecorationLayout': <'close,maximize,minimize:'>}"

2 gtk2: 命令如下

gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides "{'Gtk/DecorationLayout': <'close,maximize,minimize:'>}


添加主题图标源(上面图片有展示 Evepop theme)

sudo dnf copr enable satya164/numix

(numix-icon-them numix-gtk-them)

sudo dnf copr enable heikoada/gtk-themes

(paper Evopop zukitre vertex ozon ceti-2)


sudo rpm -Uhv http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-22.noarch.rpm

sudo rpm -Uhv http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-22.noarch.rpm

sudo rpm -Uhv http://goodies.ozon-os.com/repo/21/noarch/fedy-4.0.0-0.noarch.rpm

(这个命令安装的是fedy4.0 gtk3界面 而且安装时不容易出错)

sudo dnf install yumex-dnf


sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool

sudo dnf copr enable gusrub/corebird

(corebird gtk3twitter客户端)

sudo dnf install geary california

sudo dnf copr enable mosquito/myrepo


  • pidgin-lwqq (GPLv3) – Pidgin plugin based on lwqq.
  • pidgin-openfetion (GPLv2) – Pidgin plugin for the Fetion protocol.
  • pidgin-sendscreenshot (GPLv3) – The screenshot plugin for pidgin.
  • wiznote (GPLv3) – an opensource cloud based note-taking client.
  • fcitx-googlepinyin (GPLv3) – Googlepinyin module for Fcitx.
  • fcitx-rime (GPLv3) – Rime input engine support for Fcitx.
  • fcitx-libpinyin (GPLv2+) – Libpinyin Wrapper for Fcitx.
  • fcitx-sunpinyin (GPLv2+) – Sunpinyin Wrapper for Fcitx.
  • fcitx-configtool, kcm-fcitx (GPLv2+) – Gtk and KDE configuretool for Fcitx.
  • openyoudao (MIT) – A Youdao client for Linux.
  • deepin-music-player (GPLv3) – Deepin Music Player.
  • dmusic-plugin-baidumusic (GPLv3) – BaiduMusic Plugin for Deepin Music Player.
  • osdlyrics (GPLv3) – A third-party lyrics display program.
  • pointdownload (GPLv3) – Efficient download tool.
  • mvgather (LGPLv2) – An online video client.
  • deepin-screenshot (GPLv3) – Deepin Screenshot Tool.
  • deepin-translator (GPLv3) – Feature-rich dictionary lookup program.
  • xware-desktop (GPLv3) – An attempt to bring Xware to desktop Linux.
  • bcloud (GPLv3) – Baidu Pan client for Linux Desktop users.
  • screenfetch (GPLv3) – Fetches system/theme information in terminal.
  • musicbox (MIT) – A sexy command line interface musicbox.
  • moonplayer (GPLv3) – Video player that can play online videos.
  • gouyong (GPLv3) – A translation software on linux.
  • doubanfm-qt (MIT) – A douban.fm client written in Qt5.
  • douban.fm (MIT) – A douban.fm cli client based on Node.js.
  • kwplayer (GPLv3) – An elegant music player which can get songs from kuwo.cn.
  • simplescreenrecorder (GPLv3) – A feature-rich screen recorder that supports X11 and OpenGL.
  • guake (GPLv2+) – Drop-down terminal for GNOME.
  • tragtor (LGPLv2.1) – A GUI for FFmpeg for audio and video-conversion.
  • hoststool (GPLv3) – provides basic tools to manage the hosts file.
  • grub4dos (GPLv2) – This is GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader.
  • mu (GPLv2) – Fantastic music manager.


解决nautilus,gnome-music 打不开

sudo dnf reinstall tracker tracker-docs  tracker-firefox-plugin tracker-needle tracker-preferences

还有totem gnome-maps 打不开


$ CLUTTER_BACKEND=x11 totem &

$ CLUTTER_BACKEND=x11 gnome-maps &



sudo dnf copr enable yselkowitz/gnome-flashback



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