上篇 blog: PostgreSQL 流复制 + Pgpool-II 实现高可用 HA 介绍了使用 pgpool 结合 PostgreSQL 自身的流复制功能搭建 HA 环境,之前听说 pgpool 会影响性能,那么今天利用上篇 blog 刚搭好的 HA 环境,简单做下测试,环境信息请参考上篇 blog。
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建用户 REATE ROLE pgpool_db1 LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'pgpool_db1' nosuperuser noinherit nocreatedb nocreaterole ; 创建表空间 ( 两节点操作 ) mkdir -p /database/pg93/pg_tbs/tbs_pgpool_db1 create tablespace tbs_pgpool_db1 owner postgres LOCATION '/database/pg93/pg_tbs/tbs_pgpool_db1'; 创建数据库 CREATE DATABASE pgpool_db1 WITH OWNER = pgpool_db1 TEMPLATE = template1 ENCODING = 'UTF8'TABLESPACE = tbs_pgpool_db1; 创建模式 postgres=# c pgpool_db1 pgpool_db1 You are now connected to database "pgpool_db1" as user "pgpool_db1". pgpool_db1=> create schema pgpool_db1; CREATE SCHEMA 创建测试表,并插入 500 万测试数据。 pgpool_db1=> create table test_1(id int8,name text,creat_time timestamp(0) without time zone default clock_timestamp()); CREATE TABLE pgpool_db1=> insert into test_1(id,name) select n,n||'_test' from generate_series(1,5000000) n; INSERT 0 5000000 pgpool_db1=> alter table test_1 add primary key(id); ALTER TABLE
Pgpool 配置
查询 pgpool_db1 md5 密码
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postgres=# select rolname,rolpassword from pg_authid where rolname='pgpool_db1'; rolname | rolpassword ------------+------------------------------------- pgpool_db1 | md594f532461c9e3e3a591e77a373da0493 (1 row)
pool_passwd 中加入密码信息
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[pg93@db2 load_test]$ echo "pgpool_db1:md594f532461c9e3e3a591e77a373da0493" >> /opt/pgpool/etc/pool_passwd reload pgpool [pg93@db2 load_test]$ pgpool reload
测试 SQL
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[pg93@db2 load_test]$ cat get_name.sql setrandom v_id 1 5000000 select name from test_1 where id=:v_id;
直连 PostgreSQL 测试
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pgbench -c 2 -T 20 -n -N -M prepared -d pgpool_db1 -U pgpool_db1 -f get_name.sql > get_name.out 2>&1 & 连接数 2 pghost: pgport: 1921 nclients: 2 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 2 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 61021 tps = 3050.684070 (including connections establishing) tps = 3051.633320 (excluding connections establishing) 连接数 4 pghost: pgport: 1921 nclients: 4 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 4 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 64743 tps = 3236.352239 (including connections establishing) tps = 3239.085678 (excluding connections establishing) 连接数 8 pghost: pgport: 1921 nclients: 8 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 8 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 47789 tps = 2387.004156 (including connections establishing) tps = 2390.072375 (excluding connections establishing) 连接数 16 pghost: pgport: 1921 nclients: 16 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 16 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 44099 tps = 2201.601035 (including connections establishing) tps = 2206.286789 (excluding connections establishing) 连接数 32 pghost: pgport: 1921 nclients: 32 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 32 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 42541 tps = 2125.029203 (including connections establishing) tps = 2135.919727 (excluding connections establishing)
连接 Pgpool 测试
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pgbench -h -p 9999 -c 2 -T 20 -n -N -M prepared -d pgpool_db1 -U pgpool_db1 -f get_name.sql > get_name.out 2>&1 & 连接数 2 pghost: pgport: 9999 nclients: 2 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 2 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 13570 tps = 678.426052 (including connections establishing) tps = 678.522323 (excluding connections establishing) 连接数 4 pghost: pgport: 9999 nclients: 4 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 4 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 20307 tps = 1015.210206 (including connections establishing) tps = 1016.593395 (excluding connections establishing) 连接数 8 pghost: pgport: 9999 nclients: 8 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 8 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 35957 tps = 1796.691134 (including connections establishing) tps = 1799.634067 (excluding connections establishing) 连接数 16 pghost: pgport: 9999 nclients: 16 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 16 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 33079 tps = 1653.351817 (including connections establishing) tps = 1661.947374 (excluding connections establishing) 连接数 32 pghost: pgport: 9999 nclients: 32 duration: 20 dbName: pgpool_db1 transaction type: Custom query scaling factor: 1 query mode: simple number of clients: 32 number of threads: 1 duration: 20 s number of transactions actually processed: 32259 tps = 1611.528149 (including connections establishing) tps = 1615.327601 (excluding connections establishing)
备注:从图中看到使用 pgpool 性能比直连方式降低很多,特别是在并发连接数少的情况差距越明显,达到 70% 左右,随着并发连接数数增加,性能差距缩小到 20%- 30% 左右。