PostgreSQL 9.5 Alpha 版都已经出来近一个月了,新增了不少重量级的功能,最近比较忙,一直没空来测, 挤点时间,测着玩下。以后博客更新不会像之前频繁,好在现在了解 PG 或者对 PG 有兴趣的人越来越多,而且阿里云也上了 PG 的 RDS, 还希望大家多写博客分享,推动 PG 的中文化。
之前版本 PG 在定义外部表时需要一张一张表定义,例如:
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CREATE FOREIGN TABLE ft_test_1 ( id integer , name text ) SERVER pgsql_srv OPTIONS (schema_name 'francs' , table_name 'test_1' );
假如源库有多张表,那么这样定义比较费力而且容易出错,记得之前做一个 MySQL 转 PG 的项目,MySQL 库不大, 100 来 GB 左右,表总数在 40 张左右,不包含分区表,当初这个项目的数据迁移是通过 mysql_fdw 外部表来做的,虽然只有 40 来张表,脚本量却很大,实施起来也费劲,好在当初经过多次测试,在项目组配合下最终完成了这个项目。
闲话少说,PostgreSQL 9.5 版本可以通过一个命令定义源库所有外部表,如下:
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IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA remote_schema [ { LIMIT TO | EXCEPT } ( table_name [, ...] ) ] FROM SERVER server_name INTO local_schema [ OPTIONS ( option 'value' [, ... ] ) ]
CREATE ROLE fdb LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'fdb' nosuperuser noinherit nocreatedb nocreaterole ;
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mkdir -p /database/pg95/pg_tbs/tbs_fdb_card create tablespace tbs_fdb_card owner postgres LOCATION '/database/pg95/pg_tbs/tbs_fdb_card' ;
CREATE DATABASE fdb WITH OWNER = postgres TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' TABLESPACE = tbs_fdb_card;
grant all on database fdb to fdb with grant option ;
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/c fdb fdb create schema fdb;
服务器上另一个版本为 pg9.3.3 实例
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[pg95@db1 ~]$ psql -h 127.0 .0 .1 -p 1921 francs francs psql (9.5 alpha1, server 9.3 .3 ) Type "help" for help. francs=> /dt+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description --------+----------------+-------+--------+------------+------------- francs | events | table | francs | 8192 bytes | francs | invoice_items | table | francs | 8192 bytes | francs | mkt_bean_shell | table | francs | 16 kB | francs | order_sn | table | francs | 0 bytes | 订单号表 francs | tbl_user_json | table | francs | 26 MB | francs | test_1 | table | francs | 3960 kB | francs | test_2 | table | francs | 16 kB | francs | test_3 | table | francs | 16 kB | francs | test_4 | table | francs | 16 kB | francs | test_bytea | table | francs | 16 kB | francs | test_count | table | francs | 0 bytes | francs | test_dup | table | francs | 8192 bytes | francs | test_time1 | table | francs | 8192 bytes | francs | test_time2 | table | francs | 8192 bytes | francs | test_trash | table | francs | 5912 kB | francs | user_ini | table | francs | 12 MB | (16 rows)
备注:目标在 pg 9.5 实例上创建到 pg9.3.3 的外部表。
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fdb=# create extension postgres_fdw ; CREATE EXTENSION fdb=# grant usage on foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw to fdb; GRANT fdb=# /c fdb fdb You are now connected to database "fdb" as user "fdb". fdb=> CREATE SERVER pgsql_srv FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '' , port '1921' , dbname 'francs' ); CREATE SERVER fdb=> CREATE USER MAPPING FOR fdb SERVER pgsql_srv OPTIONS (user 'francs' , password 'francs' ); CREATE USER MAPPING
9.5 之前版本: 创建外部表
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CREATE FOREIGN TABLE ft_test_1 ( id integer , name text ) SERVER pgsql_srv OPTIONS (schema_name 'francs' , table_name 'test_1' ); fdb=> select * from ft_test_1 limit 1 ; id | name ----+------ 1 | 1 a (1 row) fdb=> select count (*) from ft_test_1; count -------- 100000 (1 row)
9.5 版本: 一次性创建源库所有外部表
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fdb=> drop foreign table ft_test_1; DROP FOREIGN TABLE fdb=> IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA francs FROM SERVER pgsql_srv INTO fdb; IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA fdb=> /dE List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+----------------+---------------+------- fdb | events | foreign table | fdb fdb | invoice_items | foreign table | fdb fdb | mkt_bean_shell | foreign table | fdb fdb | order_sn | foreign table | fdb fdb | tbl_user_json | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_1 | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_2 | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_3 | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_4 | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_bytea | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_count | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_dup | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_time1 | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_time2 | foreign table | fdb fdb | test_trash | foreign table | fdb fdb | user_ini | foreign table | fdb (16 rows)
5.1 过滤功能
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IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public EXCEPT (reports, audit) FROM SERVER dest_server INTO remote;
5.2 指定某些表
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IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public LIMIT TO (customers, purchases) FROM SERVER dest_server INTO remote;