Fix: Parallels Desktop Network Initialization Failed

How Do I Fix “Network Initialization Failed” on Parallels Desktop?

Kill NetworkInterfaces and Disable Internet Sharing

  1. Launch Finder, go to Applications and select Utilities.
  2. Double-click on Terminal to launch the tool.
  3. Run the sudo rm /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/NetworkInterfaces.plist && sudo killall -9 configd command.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. Then, go to System Preferences, and locate the Sharing preference pane.
  6. Disable Internet Sharing.Internet-Sharing-macbook
  7. Launch Parallels Desktop again and checks the results.

Run the Client With Superuser Rights

If the error persists, run the Parallels Desktop client as a superuser.

  1. Close your virtual machine, and exit Parallels completely.
  2. After that, launch Terminal and run the following command:
    sudo -b /Applications/Parallels

⇒ Note: Some users complained the command worked, but they lost the integrity of the Home folders. If you’re experiencing similar issues, reinstall Parallels.

Use the Wi-Fi  Adapter

The “Network initialization failed” error may also indicate that Parallels Desktop is not reading the adapters correctly. In other words, Parallels automatically pushes Ethernet to the top of the Service Order list, disabling your wireless connection.

As a workaround, if you’re using Ethernet as your primary connection, tweak your Service Order settings, and select the Wi-Fi adapter. Of course, if Wi-Fi is your primary connection, select the Ethernet adapter.

Follow these steps if you’re using a wired connection:

  1. Enable Wi-Fi and wait until your device connects to the network. You should now have two IP addresses.
  2. Go to System Preferences, click on Network, and select Service Order (the gear icon). Check if your Ethernet connection is still the first on the list (main connection). Drag the Wi-Fi network to the first position.macbook-network-service-order
  3. Launch Parallels, and select Wi-Fi as the network to use on your virtual machine. Sometimes, you may need to select the wireless network twice on your VM.

Other users fixed the problem by switching from Shared Network to Bridged Network. Check which of these methods works best for you.

Edit Parallel Desktop Preferences

  1. Exit Parallels completely. Launch the Activity Monitor and close all the Parallels processes that might still be running in the background.
  2. Launch Terminal and run the sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml command.
  3. Locate the <UseKextless>1</UseKextless> line.
  4. Then change it to <UseKextless>0</UseKextless>.edit-parallels-desktop-network-preferences
  5. Press CLT and O to save the changes, and then CLT and X to exit the XML file.
  6. Restart your Mac. Launch Parallels again and check if Wi-Fi is available on your Windows 10 virtual machine.


If your Windows 10 virtual machine is unable to connect to the Internet, launch Parallels with superuser rights using this Terminal command: sudo -b /Applications/Parallels/ Don’t forget to disable Internet Sharing. If the issue persists, edit the Network.desktop.xml file, and change the <UseKextless>1</UseKextless> string to <UseKextless>0</UseKextless>.


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