wordpress 3.3 Release Candidate 3(RC)发布

12月11日wordpress官方发布了wordpress 3.3 RC3版本,同时表示预计最早下周将发布wordpress 3.3正式版本,RC3修复调整了前RC版发现的问题,要求插件和主题作者在RC3中做最好的兼容测试,此外希望测试wordpress 3.3 RC3版本的用户如有发现问题,请到论坛报告。


The third (and hopefully final!) release candidate for WordPress 3.3 is now available. Since RC2, we’ve done a handful of last-minute tweaks and bugfixes that we felt were necessary.

Our goal is to release version 3.3 early next week, so plugin and theme authors, this is your last pre-release chance to  test your plugins and themes to find any compatibility issues before the final release. We’ve published a number of posts on the development blog that explain important things you need to know as you prepare for WordPress 3.3. Please review this information immediately if you have not done so already.

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the Alpha/Beta area in the support forums. Or, if you’re comfortable writing a reproducible bug report, file one on WordPress Trac. Known issues that crop up will be listed here, but let’s all keep our fingers crossed for a quiet Sunday so we can get these new features into your hands early next week!



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