/** * 复制来源的资源文件至渠道发布的资源目录,返回相对路径(同步) * @param string $source 来源 * 格式如下:spider * @param array $assets 来源的资源文件的绝对URL * 格式如下: * [ * [ * 'type' => 'image', * 'absolute_url' => 'http://localhost/spider/storage/spider/images/1.png', * ], * [ * 'type' => 'video', * 'absolute_url' => '月份北上广深等十大城市租金环比上涨 看东方 20180820 高清_高清.mp4', * ], * ] * * @return array $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePaths 渠道发布的资源文件的相对路径 * 格式如下: * [ * [ * 'type' => 'image', * 'relative_path' => '/2018/09/20/1537439889.2333.1441541478.png', * ], * [ * 'type' => 'video', * 'relative_path' => '/2018/09/20/1537439889.2403.62871268.mp4', * ], * ] * * @throws UnprocessableEntityHttpException 如果来源的资源文件不是以来源的 HOME URL + BASE URL 开头,将抛出 422 HTTP 异常 * @throws NotFoundHttpException 如果来源的资源文件不存在,将抛出 404 HTTP 异常 * @throws ServerErrorHttpException 如果创建目录失败,将抛出 500 HTTP 异常 * @throws ServerErrorHttpException 如果复制来源的资源文件至渠道发布的资源目录失败,将抛出 500 HTTP 异常 * @throws /yii/base/Exception if the directory could not be created (i.e. php error due to parallel changes) */ public static function copyAssetsSync($source, $assets) { // file_put_contents('/mcloud/www/channel-pub-api/console/runtime/copy-assets-sync-source-' . $source . '-' . time() . '.txt', $source); // file_put_contents('C:/phpStudy/PHPTutorial/WWW/channel-pub-api/douyin/runtime/copy-assets-sync-assets-' . $source . '-' . time() . '.txt', print_r($assets, true)); // 不是以来源的 HOME URL + BASE URL 开头的来源的资源文件 $notAbsoluteUrlStartKeys = []; // 不存在的来源的资源文件 $notExistsKeys = []; // 渠道发布的资源文件的相对路径 $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePaths = []; foreach ($assets as $key => $asset) { if ($index = stripos($asset['absolute_url'], '?')) { $absoluteUrl = substr($asset['absolute_url'], 0, $index); $asset['absolute_url'] = $absoluteUrl; $assets[$key]['absolute_url'] = $absoluteUrl; } // 检查来源的资源文件的绝对URL是否以来源的 HOME URL + BASE URL 开头 if (!StringHelper::startsWith($asset['absolute_url'], Yii::$app->params['source']['asset'][$asset['type']]['hostInfo'] . Yii::$app->params['source']['asset'][$asset['type']]['baseUrl'])) { $notAbsoluteUrlStartKeys[] = $asset['absolute_url']; } else { // 获取来源的资源文件的绝对路径 $sourceAssetAbsolutePath = Yii::$app->params['source']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . str_replace(Yii::$app->params['source']['asset'][$asset['type']]['hostInfo'] . Yii::$app->params['source']['asset'][$asset['type']]['baseUrl'], '', $asset['absolute_url']); // 检查来源的资源文件是否存在 if (!file_exists($sourceAssetAbsolutePath)) { $notExistsKeys[] = $sourceAssetAbsolutePath; } } } if (!empty($notAbsoluteUrlStartKeys)) { $notAbsoluteUrlStartKeys = implode(",", $notAbsoluteUrlStartKeys); throw new UnprocessableEntityHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202003'), ['not_absolute_url_start_keys' => $notAbsoluteUrlStartKeys])), 202003); } if (!empty($notExistsKeys)) { $notExistsKeys = implode(",", $notExistsKeys); throw new NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202004'), ['not_exists_keys' => $notExistsKeys])), 202004); } foreach ($assets as $key => $asset) { // 获取来源的资源文件的绝对路径 $sourceAssetAbsolutePath = Yii::$app->params['source']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . str_replace(Yii::$app->params['source']['asset'][$asset['type']]['hostInfo'] . Yii::$app->params['source']['asset'][$asset['type']]['baseUrl'], '', $asset['absolute_url']); // 获取来源的资源文件的路径信息 $pathInfo = pathinfo($sourceAssetAbsolutePath); // 渠道发布的资源文件的相对路径 $directory = date('Y/m/d'); $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath = '/' . $directory . '/' . microtime(true) . '.' . mt_rand() . '.' . $pathInfo['extension']; // 渠道发布的资源文件的绝对路径 $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePath = Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath; // 创建目录 if (!FileHelper::createDirectory(Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . '/' . $directory)) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202005'), ['directory' => Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . '/' . $directory])), 202005); } // 复制来源的资源文件至渠道发布的资源目录 if (!copy($sourceAssetAbsolutePath, $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePath)) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202006'), ['source_asset_absolute_path' => $sourceAssetAbsolutePath])), 202006); } $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePaths[$key] = [ 'type' => $asset['type'], 'relative_path' => $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath, ]; } return $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePaths; }
$copyAssetsResult = AssetService::copyAssetsSync( 'spider', [ [ 'type' => 'image', 'absolute_url' => '', ], [ 'type' => 'video', 'absolute_url' => '', ], ] ); print_r($copyAssetsResult); exit;
Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => image [relative_path] => /2020/11/24/1606187993.2607.476899553.png ) [1] => Array ( [type] => video [relative_path] => /2020/11/24/1606187993.2711.210785146.mp4 ) )
6、实现 HTTP 模型,/common/logics/http/asset_api/Download.php
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Qiang Wang * Date: 2020/11/24 * Time: 15:47 */ namespace common/logics/http/asset_api; use Yii; use yii/base/InvalidConfigException; use yii/httpclient/Client; use yii/httpclient/Exception; use yii/web/ServerErrorHttpException; /** * 资源接口的下载 * * @author Qiang Wang <shuijingwanwq@163.com> * @since 1.0 */ class Download extends Model { /** * HTTP请求,基于来源的资源文件的绝对URL下载文件 * * @param string $url 来源的资源文件的绝对URL * * @return string * 格式如下: * * @throws ServerErrorHttpException 如果响应状态码不等于20x * @throws InvalidConfigException * @throws Exception */ public function download($url) { $client = new Client([ 'transport' => 'yii/httpclient/CurlTransport' // 只有 cURL 支持此选项 ]); $response = $client->createRequest() ->setMethod('GET') ->setUrl($url) ->send(); // 检查响应状态码是否等于20x if ($response->isOk) { return $response->content; } else { throw new ServerErrorHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202218'), ['status_code' => $response->getStatusCode()])), 202218); } } }
/* HTTP请求,基于来源的资源文件的绝对URL下载文件 */ $httpAssetApiDownload = new HttpAssetApiDownload(); foreach ($assets as $key => $asset) { $downloadAsset = $httpAssetApiDownload->download($asset['absolute_url']); // 渠道发布的资源文件的相对路径 $directory = date('Y/m/d'); $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath = '/' . $directory . '/' . microtime(true) . '.' . mt_rand() . '.' . $asset['extension']; // 渠道发布的资源文件的绝对路径 $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePath = Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath; // 创建目录 if (!FileHelper::createDirectory(Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . '/' . $directory)) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202005'), ['directory' => Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . '/' . $directory])), 202005); } // 下载来源的资源文件后写入至渠道发布的资源目录 if (!file_put_contents($channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePath, $downloadAsset, LOCK_EX)) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202220'), ['source_asset_absolute_url' => $asset['source_asset_absolute_url']])), 202220); } $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePaths[$key] = [ 'type' => $asset['type'], 'relative_path' => $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath, ]; }
8、运行代码,视频文件的大小为:396 MB,报错:Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 62918656 bytes)。如图3
{ "name": "PHP Fatal Error", "message": "Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 62918656 bytes)", "code": 1, "type": "yii//base//ErrorException", "file": "E://wwwroot//channel-pub-api//vendor//yiisoft//yii2-httpclient//src//CurlTransport.php", "line": 40, "stack-trace": [ "#0 [internal function]: yii//base//ErrorHandler->handleFatalError()", "#1 {main}" ] }
9、编辑 php.ini 文件,修改 memory_limit = 128M 为 memory_limit = 1024M。设置为 512M 时仍然报错。运行成功。查看日志,占用内存:406 MB。如图4
11、此方案的问题在于:内存占用随着下载文件的大小而变化。可能因为下载文件的大小超出 memory_limit 而失败。决定再想办法优化完善。
12、重构 HTTP 模型,/common/logics/http/asset_api/Download.php。使用方法:setOutputFile()。与 yii/httpclient/CurlTransport 一起使用以设置传输写入的文件。如图6
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Qiang Wang * Date: 2020/11/24 * Time: 15:47 */ namespace common/logics/http/asset_api; use Yii; use yii/base/InvalidConfigException; use yii/httpclient/Client; use yii/httpclient/Exception; use yii/web/ServerErrorHttpException; /** * 资源接口的下载 * * @author Qiang Wang <shuijingwanwq@163.com> * @since 1.0 */ class Download extends Model { /** * HTTP请求,基于来源的资源文件的绝对URL下载文件 * * @param string $url 来源的资源文件的绝对URL * @param string $absolutePath 资源文件的绝对路径(下载至的目标路径) * * @return bool * 格式如下:true * * @throws ServerErrorHttpException 如果响应状态码不等于20x * @throws InvalidConfigException * @throws Exception */ public function download($url, $absolutePath) { // 打开即将下载的本地文件,在该文件上打开一个流 $handle = fopen($absolutePath, 'w'); if (!$handle) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202220'), ['absolute_path' => $absolutePath])), 202220); } $client = new Client([ 'transport' => 'yii/httpclient/CurlTransport' // 只有 cURL 支持此选项 ]); $response = $client->createRequest() ->setMethod('GET') ->setUrl($url) ->setOutputFile($handle) ->send(); // 关闭一个已打开的文件指针 fclose($handle); // 检查响应状态码是否等于20x if ($response->isOk) { return $response->content; } else { throw new ServerErrorHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202218'), ['status_code' => $response->getStatusCode()])), 202218); } } }
/* HTTP请求,基于来源的资源文件的绝对URL下载文件 */ $httpAssetApiDownload = new HttpAssetApiDownload(); foreach ($assets as $key => $asset) { // 渠道发布的资源文件的相对路径 $directory = date('Y/m/d'); $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath = '/' . $directory . '/' . microtime(true) . '.' . mt_rand() . '.' . $asset['extension']; // 渠道发布的资源文件的绝对路径 $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePath = Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath; // 创建目录 if (!FileHelper::createDirectory(Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . '/' . $directory)) { throw new ServerErrorHttpException(Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', Yii::t('error', '202005'), ['directory' => Yii::$app->params['channelPubApi']['asset'][$asset['type']]['basePath'] . '/' . $directory])), 202005); } // HTTP请求,基于来源的资源文件的绝对URL下载文件 $httpAssetApiDownload->download($asset['absolute_url'], $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePath); $channelPubApiAssetAbsolutePaths[$key] = [ 'type' => $asset['type'], 'relative_path' => $channelPubApiAssetRelativePath, ]; }
14、运行成功。查看日志,占用内存:6.377 MB。下载文件的大小不再受到 memory_limit 的限制。如图7
15、为何采用 cURL ,原因在于:cURL 的性能优于 file_get_contents 和 fopen。但是可以肯定的是内存占用优于 file_get_contents。未经测试,此结论为 PHP 官方文档所述。链接:https://www.php.net/manual/zh/ref.curl.php 。如图8