1、在 Windows 10 中执行命令行,报错:Call to undefined function App/Console/Commands/posix_getpid()。如图1
PS E:/wwwroot/msi_main> php artisan migrate In ExportRecords.php line 65: Call to undefined function App/Console/Commands/posix_getpid()
2、参考网址:https://www.php.net/manual/zh/intro.posix.php 。此扩展在 Windows 平台上不可用。您也可以尝试使用 getmypid() 代替。如图2
3、posix_getpid — 返回当前进程 id。决定替换为:getmypid — 获取 PHP 进程的 ID。参考网址:https://www.php.net/getmypid。
4、编辑 /app/Console/Commands/ExportRecords.php 。将 posix_getpid 替换为 getmypid。
private function setLogPrefix() { // $pid = posix_getpid(); $pid = getmypid(); $ppid = posix_getppid(); //获取父进程id $this->log_prefix = "CommandExportRecords : pid:{$pid} : ppid:{$ppid} :"; return $this; }
5、继续执行命令行,报错:Call to undefined function App/Console/Commands/posix_getppid()。
PS E:/wwwroot/msi_main> php artisan migrate In ExportRecords.php line 67: Call to undefined function App/Console/Commands/posix_getppid()
6、posix_getppid 在 Windows 上不起作用。这是一个替代方案。参考网址:https://www.php.net/manual/zh/function.posix-getppid 。判断是否是 Windows 系统,如果是,就使用替代方案。如图3
private function setLogPrefix() { if(strncasecmp(PHP_OS, "win", 3) == 0) { $pid = getmypid(); // child process ID $ppid = shell_exec("wmic process where (processid=$pid) get parentprocessid"); $ppid = explode("/n", $ppid); $ppid = intval($ppid[1]); } else { $pid = posix_getpid(); $ppid = posix_getppid(); //获取父进程id } $this->log_prefix = "CommandExportRecords : pid:{$pid} : ppid:{$ppid} :"; return $this; }
PS E:/wwwroot/msi_main> php artisan migrate Migration table created successfully.