
  1. WP-Pagenavi: This simple and light weight plugin decorate your pagination with number or next/previous button on a more attractive way.
  2. Wp-Recaptcha: By default, wordpress comment form doesn’t contain any anti-spam functionality, so that if you do not use another comment plugin, then definitely you will be tired deleting spam comment. But you can add recaptcha with the default comment form with this simple and light weight plugin. Just install the plugin and get the recapcha site id and private key, place it on this plugin’s integreation section and you’re free from spam!
  3. Force re-generate thumbnail: A website has different image slots. In the article, generally the full size images are shown. But on the recent post, popular post or on home page, your template may use some different image size. As an example, for the list view on front page, many templates use 300px X 170px image, But on that slot, the template loads the full size of image. It slow down your page, so that if you want to fix this, then the only solution is to resize the image to different size that your template use. This plugin do that job perfectly.
  4. Re-generate Thumbnail: This plugin works same as Force re-generate Thumbnail. On some templates, force re-generate thumbnail will not work. If that doesn’t work for you, then you should try re-generate thumbnail.
  5. Alexa Rank Widget: When an advertiser or any other see your website, first of all he/she will measure the site by checking the Alexa rank of your site. To gain a better rank on Alexa on a faster way, this plugin is very helpful.
  6. TAC (Theme Authenticity Checker): One of the biggest issue for any website, is the security issue. If your template contains a vulnerable line of code, then it’s enough to allow access o stranger to your site. Some plugins and themes contain hidden backlink, which are very bad for SEO. To check that if your theme or plugins contain any vulnerable code or backlink, this plugin is very helpful. It shows the vulnerable line of codes or backlink as well as how to fix it.
  7. Social Meta Tags: Social shares are the power to any website. To power-up your social shares with the exact meta description and tags, this simple plugin is one of the best. It insert the correct metas for Facebook, Twitter and Google plus to show the right image with the right title and more.
  8. Google Analytics: Google analytics codes should be placed in the template files. But if you host your site on a VPS, then every time you edit your template files, you need to change the file permission. Some templates have the option to place the analytics code in the theme option, but if no, then it is really a pain. So, the better option is to use a plugin, which will insert the codes on all your pages. This is the best plugin to insert the google analytics code.
  9. WordPress to Buffer: Buffer is the best app to schedule your post on social media. To post the wordpress post automatically when published to social media via buffer, you can use this plugin.
  10. Google XML Sitemaps: Sitemaps are very much important for the SEO of your site. For a better SEO, you need to submit a sitemap on Google Webmaster tool. To create an XML sitemap automatically, use this plugin, it adds every pages or posts to the XML sitemap when published.


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