mport std.array;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.range;
import std.algorithm;
struct FibonacciSeries {
int first = 0;
int second = 1;
enum empty = false; // infinite range
@property int front() const {
return first;
void popFront() {
int third = first + second;
first = second;
second = third;
@property FibonacciSeries save() const {
return this;
void report(T)(const dchar[] title, const ref T range) {
writefln("%40s: %s", title, range.take(5));
class SquaresRange {
int first;
this(int first = 0) {
this.first = first;
enum empty = false;
@property int front() const {
return opIndex(0);
void popFront() {
@property SquaresRange save() const {
return new SquaresRange(first);
int opIndex(size_t index) const {
/* This function operates at constant time */
immutable integerValue = first + cast(int)index;
return integerValue * integerValue;
bool are_lastTwoDigitsSame(int value) {
/* Must have at least two digits */
if (value < 10) {
return false;
/* Last two digits must be divisible by 11 */
immutable lastTwoDigits = value % 100;
return (lastTwoDigits % 11) == 0;
struct Together {
const(int)[][] slices;
this(const(int)[][] slices ...) {
this.slices = slices.dup;
private void clearFront() {
while (!slices.empty && slices.front.empty) {
private void clearBack() {
while (!slices.empty && slices.back.empty) {
@property bool empty() const {
return slices.empty;
@property int front() const {
return slices.front.front;
void popFront() {
@property Together save() const {
return Together(slices.dup);
@property int back() const {
return slices.back.back;
void popBack() {
@property size_t length() const {
return reduce!((a, b) => a + b.length)(size_t.init, slices);
int opIndex(size_t index) const {
/* Save the index for the error message */
immutable originalIndex = index;
foreach (slice; slices) {
if (slice.length > index) {
return slice[index];
} else {
index -= slice.length;
throw new Exception(
format("Invalid index: %s (length: %s)", originalIndex, this.length));
void main() {
auto range = Together(FibonacciSeries().take(10).array, [ 777, 888 ],
(new SquaresRange()).take(5).array);