ObjectMapper failed to serialize response error Code=2
我在使用 Alamofire 对象映射器
访问 Alamofire 获取请求时遇到错误
这就是我使用 API 的方式-
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APIService.shared.getSlots{ (success,weekSlots, error) in
if success { self.weekSlots = weekSlots! print("success!!") } else { print(error?.errorMessage ??"NOPE") } } |
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open func getSlots(completion: @escaping (Bool, [WeekSlot]?, APIError?) -> ()) {
sessionManager.request(APIRouter.getSlots()) .validate(statusCode: 200..<300) .responseArray(queue: nil, keyPath:"week_slots", context: nil) { (response: DataResponse<[WeekSlot]>) in switch response.result { case .success(let value): self.saveArraysToRealm(value: value) completion(true,value, nil) case .failure: let error = self.processFailure(json: JSON(response.data as Any)) completion(false, nil, error) print(error) } } } |
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import Foundation import ObjectMapper import RealmSwift class WeekSlot: Object, Mappable { //Impl. of Mappable protocol func mapping(map: Map) { |
我已经声明了执行get请求的请求,并且url也是正确的。 API 不接受任何参数,除了由 sessionManager 处理的身份验证令牌。但是,我在调试时收到以下错误响应-
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[Request]: GET http://beta.xamidea.in/api/v1/teachers/get_slots/
[Response]: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x600000434c80> { URL: http://beta.xamidea.in/api/v1/teachers/get_slots/ } { status code: 200, headers { Allow ="GET, POST, HEAD, OPTIONS"; Connection ="keep-alive"; "Content-Length" = 477; "Content-Type" ="application/json"; Date ="Tue, 10 Oct 2017 11:01:53 GMT"; Server ="nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)"; Vary = Accept; "X-Frame-Options" = SAMEORIGIN; } } [Data]: 477 bytes [Result]: FAILURE: Error Domain=com.alamofireobjectmapper.error Code=2 "ObjectMapper failed to serialize response." UserInfo=. {NSLocalizedFailureReason=ObjectMapper failed to serialize response.} [Timeline]: Timeline: {"Request Start Time": 529326113.851,"Initial Response Time": 529326113.985,"Request Completed Time": 529326113.986, "Serialization Completed Time": 529326113.987,"Latency": 0.134 secs, "Request Duration": 0.135 secs,"Serialization Duration": 0.001 secs, "Total Duration": 0.136 secs } a–? request : Optional<URLRequest> a–? some : http://beta.xamidea.in/api/v1/teachers/get_slots/ a–? url : Optional<URL> a–? some : http://beta.xamidea.in/api/v1/teachers/get_slots/ – cachePolicy : 0 – timeoutInterval : 60.0 – mainDocumentURL : nil – networkServiceType : __ObjC.NSURLRequest.NetworkServiceType – allowsCellularAccess : true a–? httpMethod : Optional<String> – some :"GET" a–? allHTTPHeaderFields : Optional<Dictionary<String, String>> a–? some : 1 element a–? 0 : 2 elements – key :"Authorization" – value :"Token 4d7ebe501bcd7c910cf1950ab53bc8aa2a4a569d" – httpBody : nil – httpBodyStream : nil – httpShouldHandleCookies : true – httpShouldUsePipelining : false a–? response : Optional<NSHTTPURLResponse> a–? data : Optional<Data> a–? some : 477 bytes – count : 477 a–? pointer : 0x00007f896a48aa80 – pointerValue : 140228170394240 a–? result : FAILURE: Error Domain=com.alamofireobjectmapper.error Code=2"ObjectMapper failed to serialize response." UserInfo= {NSLocalizedFailureReason=ObjectMapper failed to serialize response.} a–? timeline : Timeline: {"Request Start Time": 529326113.851,"Initial Response Time": 529326113.985,"Request Completed Time": 529326113.986,"Serialization Completed Time": 529326113.987,"Latency": 0.134 secs,"Request Duration": 0.135 secs,"Serialization Duration": 0.001 secs,"Total Duration": 0.136 secs } – requestStartTime : 529326113.85062999 – initialResponseTime : 529326113.98505801 – requestCompletedTime : 529326113.98612601 – serializationCompletedTime : 529326113.986781 – latency : 0.13442802429199219 – requestDuration : 0.13549602031707764 – serializationDuration : 0.00065499544143676758 – totalDuration : 0.1361510157585144 a–? _metrics : Optional<AnyObject> |
API 对成功的响应是这样的-
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"result": { "week_slots": [ { "date":"2017-10-10", "slots": [] }, { "date":"2017-10-11", "slots": [ { "start":"2017-10-11T20:00:00Z", "end":"2017-10-11T21:00:00Z", "availability": true, "booked": false }, { "start":"2017-10-11T10:00:00Z", "end":"2017-10-11T12:00:00Z", "availability": true, "booked": false } ] }, { "date":"2017-10-12", "slots": [] }, { "date":"2017-10-13", "slots": [] }, { "date":"2017-10-14", "slots": [] }, { "date":"2017-10-15", "slots": [] }, { "date":"2017-10-16", "slots": [] } ] }, "success": true, "error": {} } |
我在 1 天后找到了解决方案,问题在于 keyPath 访问”week_slots” ,因为我使用 swiftyjson 访问的正确方法是:
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class WeekSlot: Object, Mappable { dynamic var date : String? ="" var slot: [Slots] = [] //Impl. of Mappable protocol func mapping(map: Map) { |