Change style/font of the rows in a group in jqGrid
我有一个具有分组功能的 jqGrid。我的 jqGrid 代码类似于我之前的问题 here 或 Oleg 的工作小提琴。
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datatype: ‘local’, data: data.DOCS, colNames: [”, ‘Documents Received’, ‘Comments’, ‘NA’, ‘DocGroup’], colModel: [ { name: ‘Documents’, index: ‘Documents’, align: ‘left’, sortable: false, editable: false, width: 20 }, { name: ‘DocsReceived’, index: ‘DocsReceived’, align: ‘center’, sortable: false, editable: true, edittype: ‘checkbox’, editoptions: { value:"True:False" }, formatter:"checkbox", width: 140 }, { name: ‘Comments’, index: ‘Comments’, align: ‘center’, sortable: false, editable: true, edittype:"textarea", editoptions: { rows:"3", cols:"16" }, width: 180 }, { name: ‘NA’, index: ‘NA’, editable: true, formatter: ‘dynamicText’, width: 150, edittype: ‘custom’, editoptions: { custom_element: radioelem, custom_value: radiovalue} }, { name: ‘DocGroup’, index: ‘DocGroup’, editable: false, width: 1, sorttype: function (cellvalue, rowObject) { return cellvalue? cellvalue : rowObject.Documents; }} ], rowNum: data.DOCS.length, //rowList: [10, 20, 30], pager: ‘#statespagerdiv’, viewrecords: true, sortorder:"asc", sortname: ‘Documents’, grouping: true, groupingView: { groupField: [‘DocGroup’], groupColumnShow: [false], groupDataSorted: true, groupOrder : ‘asc’ }, localReader: { id: ‘ConfigId’ }, shrinkToFit: false, height: ‘auto’, loadComplete: function () { hideGroupHeaders(this); }, onSelectRow: function (id) { $(this).jqGrid(‘saveRow’, previouslyselectedRow, false, ‘clientArray’); previouslyselectedRow = setJQGridRowEdit(id, previouslyselectedRow, $(this)); }//, //width: 710 }); |
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function hideGroupHeaders(grid) {
var i, names = grid.p.groupingView.groups, l = names.length, $grp, j; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { $grp = $(‘#’ + +"ghead_0_" + i); if (names[i].value === ”) { $grp.hide(); } else { // hide the grouping row $(grid).jqGrid(‘groupingToggle’, +"ghead_0_" + i); for (j = 0; j < names[i].cnt; j++) { $(grid.rows[$grp[0].rowIndex + 1 + j]).addClass("grouppedRows"); } } } } |