How To Protect Your Azure Development Environment From These Malicious npm Packages?

JFrog security team has recently identified hundreds of malicious packages which are most likely created to target Azure developers. The report says that precisely there are 217 packages listed in the list of malicious packages aimed to steal PII (Personal Identifiable Information) information such as user names, home directories, IP addresses, and DNS configurations of the victim systems. It is recommended to know how to protect your Azure development environment from these malicious npm packages.

Victims Of Malicious npm Packages:

JFrog team says that after manual inspection of these packages, they found that this was a targeted attack against all npm developers who use packages under @azure@azure-rest@azure-tests@azure-tools, and @cadl-lang scope.

“After manually inspecting some of these packages, it became apparent that this was a targeted attack against the entire @azure npm scope, by an attacker that employed an automatic script to create accounts and upload malicious packages that cover the entirety of that scope.”

How Attackers Delivered Malicious npm Packages?

Attackers used the typosquatting attack method to perform the attack. Under this method, attackers simply create a new (malicious) package with the same name as an existing @azure scope package without the scope name. Moreover, massive downloads of this set of legitimate packages eased the attacker’s task of dropping malicious packages on victim systems. 

In addition to the typosquatting infection method, extremely high version numbers have been used in the malicious packages, indicative of a dependency confusion attack. “A possible conjecture is that the attacker tried to target developers and machines running from internal Microsoft/Azure networks and the typosquatting-based targeting of regular npm users. As mentioned, we did not pursue research on this attack vector and as such this is just a conjecture.”


@azure/core-tracing is the legitimate package.

How To Protect Your Azure Development Environment From These Malicious npm Packages?

core-tracing is the malicious package.

How To Protect Your Azure Development Environment From These Malicious npm Packages?

Moreover, attacker might have used an automatic scripts to create multiple user accounts to use them uploading malicious packages to hide the proof of origin.

List Of Identified Malicious npm Packages:

This list consists of a total of 217 malicious npm packages identified so far. Please visit this page for new updates.

agrifood-farming arm-managementgroups cadl-providerhub
ai-anomaly-detector arm-managementpartner cadl-providerhub-controller
ai-document-translator arm-maps cadl-providerhub-templates-contoso
arm-advisor arm-mariadb cadl-samples
arm-analysisservices arm-marketplaceordering codemodel
arm-apimanagement arm-mediaservices communication-chat
arm-appconfiguration arm-migrate communication-common
arm-appinsights arm-mixedreality communication-identity
arm-appplatform arm-mobilenetwork communication-network-traversal
arm-appservice arm-monitor communication-phone-numbers
arm-attestation arm-msi communication-short-codes
arm-authorization arm-mysql communication-sms
arm-avs arm-netapp confidential-ledger
arm-azurestack arm-network core-amqp
arm-azurestackhci arm-notificationhubs core-asynciterator-polyfill
arm-batch arm-oep core-auth
arm-billing arm-operationalinsights core-client-1
arm-botservice arm-operations core-http
arm-cdn arm-orbital core-http-compat
arm-changeanalysis arm-peering core-lro
arm-cognitiveservices arm-policy core-paging
arm-commerce arm-portal core-rest-pipeline
arm-commitmentplans arm-postgresql core-tracing
arm-communication arm-postgresql-flexible core-xml
arm-compute arm-powerbidedicated deduplication
arm-confluent arm-powerbiembedded digital-twins-core
arm-consumption arm-privatedns dll-docs
arm-containerinstance arm-purview dtdl-parser
arm-containerregistry arm-quota eslint-config-cadl
arm-containerservice arm-recoveryservices eslint-plugin-azure-sdk
arm-cosmosdb arm-recoveryservices-siterecovery eventhubs-checkpointstore-blob
arm-customerinsights arm-recoveryservicesbackup eventhubs-checkpointstore-table
arm-databox arm-rediscache extension-base
arm-databoxedge arm-redisenterprisecache helloworld123ccwq
arm-databricks arm-relay identity-cache-persistence
arm-datacatalog arm-reservations identity-vscode
arm-datadog arm-resourcegraph iot-device-update
arm-datafactory arm-resourcehealth iot-device-update-1
arm-datalake-analytics arm-resourcemover iot-modelsrepository
arm-datamigration arm-resources keyvault-admin
arm-deploymentmanager arm-resources-subscriptions mixed-reality-authentication
arm-desktopvirtualization arm-search mixed-reality-remote-rendering
arm-deviceprovisioningservices arm-security modelerfour
arm-devspaces arm-serialconsole monitor-opentelemetry-exporter
arm-devtestlabs arm-servicebus oai2-to-oai3
arm-digitaltwins arm-servicefabric openapi3
arm-dns arm-servicefabricmesh opentelemetry-instrumentation-azure-sdk
arm-dnsresolver arm-servicemap pnpmfile.js
arm-domainservices arm-signalr prettier-plugin-cadl
arm-eventgrid arm-sql purview-administration
arm-eventhub arm-sqlvirtualmachine purview-catalog
arm-extendedlocation arm-storage purview-scanning
arm-features arm-storagecache quantum-jobs
arm-frontdoor arm-storageimportexport storage-blob-changefeed
Arm-hanaonazure arm-storagesync storage-file-datalake
arm-hdinsight arm-storsimple1200series storage-queue
arm-healthbot arm-storsimple8000series synapse-access-control
arm-healthcareapis arm-streamanalytics synapse-artifacts
arm-hybridcompute arm-subscriptions synapse-managed-private-endpoints
arm-hybridkubernetes arm-support synapse-monitoring
arm-imagebuilder arm-synapse synapse-spark
arm-iotcentral arm-templatespecs test-public-packages
arm-iothub arm-timeseriesinsights test-utils-perf
arm-keyvault arm-trafficmanager testing-recorder-new
arm-kubernetesconfiguration arm-videoanalyzer testmodeler
arm-labservices arm-visualstudio video-analyzer-edge
arm-links arm-vmwarecloudsimple videojs-wistia
arm-loadtestservice arm-webpubsub web-pubsub
arm-locks arm-webservices web-pubsub-express
arm-logic arm-workspaces
arm-machinelearningcompute cadl-autorest
arm-machinelearningexperimentation cadl-azure-core
arm-machinelearningservices cadl-azure-resource-manager
arm-managedapplications cadl-playground

How To Protect Your Azure Development Environment From These Malicious npm Packages?

Ensure all the packages installed are legitimate. Check the list of packages that starts with @azure@azure-rest@azure-tests@azure-tools, and @cadl-lang scope. Packages you have installed for Azure development must contain these prefixes.

You can do this by running this command upon changing your current directory to the npm project you would like to test. npm list or npm ls is the command to list the installed packages. Pass this output of the npm list command to grep command to filter the output by the list of packages listed in packages.txt file. You should create a file named packages.txt with all the package names listed in it before you run this command.

npm list | grep -f packages.txt

It is always good to deploy intelligent supply chain security solutions like JFrog XRAY to prevent such attacks in feature.

We hope this post will help you know How to Protect your Azure Development Environment from these Malicious npm Packages. Please share this post and help to secure the digital world. Visit our social media page on FacebookLinkedInTwitterTelegramTumblr, & Medium and subscribe to receive updates like this. 


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