
In math, an equation is a mathematical statement saying that two amounts or values are the same. A formula is a series of numbers or letters that represent a mathematical rule. 能被solve的是equation.

In science, a formula is a series of numbers or letters that represent a scientific rule.

formula [Origin: ‘small form’, from forma; FORM] a method or set of principles that you use to solve a problem or to make sure that something is successful ……的方法或原则,和recipe意思差不多。

  • The formula for water is H2O. 分子式
  • Infant formula, baby formula or just formula or baby milk, infant milk, false milk, or first milk, is a manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies and infants under 12 months of age 儿童配方奶
  • a formula for a happy marriage 美满婚姻的原则。处方是prescription
    • prescirbe [Origin: praescribere ‘to write at the beginning, order’]
    • describe [Origin: describere, from scribere ‘to write’]
    • inscribe [Origin: inscribere, from scribere ‘to write’] carefully cut, print, or write words on sth, esply on the surface of a stone or coin
  • Formula 1 racing cars 一级方程式赛车。此处formula意为classification

What is the difference between equation and formula?

Equations appear frequently in mathematics because mathematicians love to use equal signs… In your case, “mpg = distance/gallons” is best understood as “a formula in the form of an equation”, which means that in this instance the two words are interchangeable.

Equations and Formulas

Sometimes a formula is written without the =. For xxample, the formula for the volume of a box is lwh but in a way the =”is still there, because we can write V = lwh if we want to. 长方体的体积 = length * width * height

10 Maths Equations And Formulas that Changed the World

Logarithms are common in formulas used in science, to measure the complexity of algorithms and fractals, and appear in formulas for counting prime numbers.

六级/考研单词: mathematics, equate, recipe, infant, manufacture, prescribe, seldom, quart, prime



  • 数学中代数两端相等的式子,称为「方程」。
  • 方:办法,做法……
  • 程:衡量,考核……
  • 一秉合十六斛;一斛hú本为十斗,后来改为五斗。

九章算术 : 方程





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