Linux exit nano editor All In One

Linux exit nano editor All In One


$ nano ./env.js

# exit 
$ Control + X

# not save
$ n

Linux exit nano editor All In One

n 不保存修改

Linux exit nano editor All In One

y 保存修改,Enter 退出

Linux exit nano editor All In One

Linux exit nano editor All In One


Linux exit nano editor All In One

^X means Ctrl + X

for macOS ^X means Contrl + X

Linux exit nano editor All In One

the carrot ^ symbol in nano represents the use of the Ctrl key. 
If you are looking for how to exit or quit Nano then, you will press ‘Ctrl + x’ keys with the combination. 

While working on nano, you will press F2 or ^X means Ctrl + X to exit from the current buffer or quit nano. 
After that, you will be prompted to save the current file press ‘y’ and if you don’t want to make any changes then press ‘n’. 

You can also press Ctrl+o to save this file. Then, you need to enter the file name that you want to keep.


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