create database NetBarDB --创建数据库create database 数据库名 go --批处理(数据库无法自动运行下一句代码,需要加go来继续代码的运行) use NetBarDB --打开数据库 go if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='PCInfo') begin drop table PCInfo end create table Stufo ( StuId int primary key identity, StuName char(10) unique not null, --姓名,约束:unique【唯一的】和主键一样有唯一标识,表示内容不能有重复数据,not null不为空; ) create table PCInfo ( PCId int primary key identity, PCScore int not null, --成绩 PCScore2 int --成绩 ) create table cardInfo ( id int primary key identity, age int not null , --年龄 sex char(2), --性别 ) insert into Stufo values('张三'),('李四'),('王五') insert into PCInfo values(5,40),(10,70),(60,100) insert into cardInfo values(18,'男'),(19,'女'),(20,'男') select * from Stufo select * from PCInfo select * from cardInfo
--联合查询: select * from 表1,表2,表n where 条件1 and 条件2 and 条件n select * from Stufo,PCInfo,cardInfo where StuId=PCId and PCId=id --两个表只需要一个条件就可以,and后面的条件可以不用 --联接查询:join 注意:返回的数据,与另一个表没有关联数据时,都是NULL --内连接:inner join 返回:两个表的公共部份数据(交集),不匹配的数据直接不显示。 select * from PCInfo inner join cardInfo on PCInfo.PCId=cardInfo.age select StuName as 姓名, cardInfo.age as 年龄, cardInfo.sex as 性别, PCInfo.PCScore as 成绩 from PCInfo inner join Stufo on PCInfo.PCId=Stufo.StuId inner join cardInfo on PCInfo.PCId = cardInfo.id --左连接:left join 返回:左表所有数据,及与右表公共部份数据 select * from PCInfo left join cardInfo on PCInfo.PCScore=cardInfo.id --右连接:right join 返回:右表所有数据,及与左表公共部份数据 select * from PCInfo right join cardInfo on PCInfo.PCScore=cardInfo.id --外连接:full join 返回:两个表的所有数据 select * from PCInfo full join cardInfo on PCInfo.PCId=cardInfo.age --扩展 select top 1 * from PCInfo inner join cardInfo on PCInfo.PCId=cardInfo.id order by PCInfo.PCScore desc --根据成绩排序,查成绩第一名 select top 2 StuName 姓名,(PCScore+PCScore2)/2 as 成绩 from PCInfo,Stufo where PCInfo.PCId=Stufo.StuId order by ((PCScore+PCScore2)/2) desc --平均分最高的两个人 --并集union:去掉重复数据,把两个表数据叠加在一起 select COUNT(*) from PCInfo where PCScore2=100 union select COUNT(*) from cardInfo where sex='女' --并集union all:不会去掉重复 select COUNT(*) from PCInfo where PCScore2=100 union all select COUNT(*) from cardInfo where sex='女' --交集intersect:两个表相同的数据显示出来 select PCInfo.PCScore from PCInfo intersect select cardInfo.id from cardInfo --差集except:自动删除两表重复行。并且只显示表1,不显示表2,表1在表2有的数据也不显示 select PCScore from PCInfo except select cardInfo.id from cardInfo