GNU Hurd 0.6 发布,几十年后仍在早期开发阶段

Thomas Bushnell,BSG,Hurd 的主设计师日前正式发布了 GNU Hurd 0.6。Hurd内核设计目的是取代Unix内核,最早的开发始于1986年,1991年5月正式公布,名称是“HIRD of Unix Replacing Daemons”的递归缩写。

在几十年开发之后,GNU Hurd仍然处于早期开发阶段,还是不稳定的版本,可用于 32-bit x86 设备,运行于 64-bit x86 (x86_64) 的版本正在开发中。

由于 Hurd 蜗牛般的开发速度, 以至于 XKCD 上都有人画了一幅漫画来吐槽,不过主页君觉得,这幅漫画还是乐观了点 ;D

GNU Hurd 0.6 发布,几十年后仍在早期开发阶段

相比上一个版本,GNU Hurd 0.6 的新特性:

Numerous cleanups and stylistic fixes of the code base. Several problems have been identified using static analysis and exercising tools, and have subsequently been fixed.

The message dispatching code in the Hurd servers has been improved.Among other things, we now make use of the protected payloads introduced in GNU Mach 1.5.

The embedded gz and bz2 decompressor code has been removed, libz and libbz2 is used instead.

The native fakeroot tool has been greatly improved and is now able to build many packages. The portinfo and rpctrace tools now offer a better debugging experience.

The performance of the integer hashing library has been improved.

The init server has been split into the startup server (handling early system bootstrap and shutdown), and a SysV-style init program (aptly named `init’).

The procfs and random translators have been merged.

关于GNU Hurd

GNU Hurd 是 GNU 工程中取代 Unix 的核心。 Hurd 是一组运行在 Mach 微内核上的服务器,用来实现 Unix 或其他核心(如 Linux)实现了的文件系统、网络协议、及文件访问控制等其他功能。

目前,Hurd 运行在 IA32 系统上。未来 Hurd 应该、而且可能会被移植到其他硬件系统或微内核上。



  • GNU Hurd 0.6 发布
  • GNU Hurd历史:GNU Hurd/ history
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  • 整理丨GNU Hurd项目详解:ha97(中文)
  • 常见问题:FAQ
  • 交流探讨:The GNU Hurd – Bugs: Browse Items
  • 官网:GNU
GNU Hurd 0.6 发布,几十年后仍在早期开发阶段


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