-(NSString *)databaseFilePath { //获取数据库路经 NSString *url = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES)lastObject]; NSString *fileName = [url stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"sqlTJL.sqlite"]; return fileName; } -(void)fmdbData { //获取数据库 _db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:[self databaseFilePath]]; //打开数据库 if ([_db open]) { //建表 BOOL result = [_db executeUpdate:@"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TJL_student(name text)"]; if (result) { NSLog(@"建表成功"); }else{ NSLog(@"建表失败"); } [_db close]; } } //插入数据 -(void)insetsqlto:(NSString *)string { [_db open]; if ([_db open]) { BOOL res = [_db executeUpdate:@"insert into TJL_student (name) VALUES(?)", string]; if (!res) { NSLog(@"error"); }else{ NSLog(@"success to insert"); } [_db close]; } } //删除数据 -(void)deleteopen:(NSString *)dataName { if ([_db open]) { NSString *deleteSql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"delete from TJL_student %@",dataName]; BOOL res = [_db executeUpdate:deleteSql]; if (!res) { NSLog(@"error when delete db table"); }else{ NSLog(@"success to delete db table"); } [_db open]; } } //修改数据 -(void)updataName:(NSString *)string { if ([_db open]) { NSString *updatesql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"UPDATE TJL_student'%@'",string]; BOOL RES = [_db executeUpdate:updatesql]; if (!RES) { NSLog(@"error when update db table"); }else{ NSLog(@"success to insert db able"); } [_db close]; } } //查询数据 -(void)seacher:(NSString *)seaharName { if ([_db open]) { FMResultSet *rs = [_db executeQuery:@"SELECT * FROM TJL_student"]; while ([rs next]) { _Devices = [rs stringForColumn:@"name"]; NSLog(@"is text---->>> %@",[rs stringForColumn:@"name"]); } } }