表包含三列,[id] ,[countNo],[type],id 表示仓库编号,countno表示货物数量,[type]表示货物类型
1 第一种方法,使用inner join和as给表取别名,语句如下:
select a.id ,sum(a.countno) countno1,sum(b.countno) countno2 ,sum(c.countno) countno3 from [Table_1] as a inner join [Table_1] as b on a.id=b.id inner join [Table_1] as c on a.id=c.id where a.type=1 and b.type=2.and c.type=3 group by a.id
或者是iner join的另外一种写法
select a.id ,sum(a.countno),sum(b.countno),sum(c.countno) from [Table_1] as a , [Table_1] as b ,[Table_1] as c where a.type=1 and b.type=2 and c.type=3 and a.id=b.id and a.id=c.id group by a.id,a.type
2使用case when方法,语句如下
select a.id , sum(case when type=1 then countno else 0 end), sum(case when type=2 then countno else 0 end), sum(case when type=3 then countno else 0 end) from [Table_1] as a group by a.id