MKV 封装工具 MKVToolnix 61.0 + x64 中文多语免费版

MKVToolnix x64 中文版 MKV 封装工具由大眼仔旭(发布。MKVToolNix 是一组用于创建,更改,拆分,合并和检查 Matroska 文件(MKV)的工具。借助这些工具,您可以获取有关(mkvinfo)Matroska 文件的信息,从(mkvextract)Matroska 文件中提取曲目/数据,以及从其他媒体文件创建(mkvmerge)Matroska 文件。 Matroska 是一种新的多媒体文件格式,旨在成为未来的新容器格式。 您可以在 上找到有关它及其基础技术,可扩展二进制元语言(EBML)的更多信息。

MKV 封装工具 MKVToolnix 中文版

MKVToolnix 中文版

MKVToolnix 是一个高级应用程序,使您可以打开,检查,编辑和混合 Matroska 文件(.mkv)。它也支持其他流行的视频文件类型,以及音轨和字幕。

完整的软件包包括单独的命令行实用程序,用于合并和提取流,查看信息以及编辑标题和章节。它们全部包装在 Windows 版本的图形界面中。 Linux 用户可以使用 Linux 的 MKVToolnix。

检查和处理 Matroska 文件


还可以创建章并定义属性,例如开始和结束时间,标志,分段和分段版本 UID,以及章名,语言和国家/地区。可配置的全局设置集中于标记文件,是否创建 WebM 兼容文件,拆分模式,文件链接等。

值得考虑的一个重要方面是 MKVToolnix 提供对批处理作业的支持,这意味着您可以在该工具执行耗时的任务时让工作站处于无人看管的状态。

您可以检查当前命令行并将其复制到剪贴板,或将其保存到文件中以供将来的项目使用,管理队列作业,添加命令行选项,从外部文件加载章节,编辑标题以及保存项目是 .mka,.mkv 或 .mk3d 格式的文件。

在我们的测试中,该工具使用较低的 CPU 和 RAM 并不会给计算机性能带来压力。它可以在相当长的时间内执行任务,并且不会触发操作系统挂起,崩溃或提示错误消息。

考虑到其广泛的配置参数,MKVToolnix 应该满足大多数研究,创建,编辑和生成 MKV 文件的专家用户的要求。

MKVToolnix 许可证

GNU 通用公共许可证 v2


What’s new in MKVToolnix 61.0.0
August 30, 2021
New features and enhancements:
all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: implemented support for officially registered IANA language tag extensions.
mkvmerge: track selection: when using language tags for selecting which tracks to keep, mkvmerge will now use component-based language tag matching instead of comparing them verbatim. This means that only those components language, region etc.) the user specified will be required to exist and be equal. For example, if a file contains three subtitle tracks with languages es` (generic Spanish), `es-MX` (Spanish as spoken in Mexico) and `es-ES` Spanish as spoken in Spain), the user can use `–stracks es` to match all three tracks or be more specific with e.g. `–stracks es-MX` which would only match one track. Similarly inverting the selection with e.g. `–stracks es` would get rid of all three tracks, not just the one for the generic Spanish.
MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: deriving track languages from file names: the GUI can now detect full BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags in file names. Part of the implementation of #3173.
MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: deriving track languages from file names: the default list of boundary characters now includes `-`. Part of the implementation of #3173.
MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the GUI now defaults to the “lower” process priority setting for new installations in order to leave more room for other applications, especially interactive ones. Up to and including v59 the default was the “normal” process priority. v60 changed that to “lowest”, which turned out to be much slower on Windows for no real gain over “lower”. The setting will be auto-corrected by the GUI if the settings file were saved last with a version between v60.0.0.0 & v60.0.0.17 & “lowest” & it is still set to “lowest”.
HEVC dumper development tool: the tool has been renamed to `xvc_dump` and extended to be able to dump AVC/H.264 bitstreams, too. It now also detects the type of bitstream framing (ISO 14496-15 vs. ITU-T H.264/H.265 Annex B).
Bug fixes:
all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: fixed a corner case of wrongfully allowing scripts/variants not listed in any of the entries in the prefix list when the prefix list contains prefixes restricting scripts/variants and a prefix solely with the language at the same time (example: the variant ekavsk` with its prefixes `sr`, `sr-Cyrl` and `sr-Latn` where
e.g. `sr-ekavsk` and `sr-Cyrl-ekavsk` should be allowed but not sr-Bali-ekavsk`).
mkvmerge: HEVC/H.265: the frame type of B frames was often wrongfully signalled as P frames instead, both with `BlockGroup` (missing second references) and `SimpleBlock` (“discardable” flag not set) elements.
mkvmerge: SSA/ASS packetizer: the frame numbers will now be re-calculated when appending SSA/ASS tracks so that frame numbers of appended tracks are always strictly higher than frame numbers of the track they’re appended to.
mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI’s chapter editor: BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: when BCP 47 language tags are used with a language code that isn’t part ofISO 639-2, the programs will now write a legacy language element set to und` (“undetermined”) instead of not writing such an element at all or writing one with an invalid code. Fixes #3174.
mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI’s chapter editor: BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: the programs will ensure that the legacy and IETF language elements writte will be unique within the scope of the same “chapter display” element.
mkvinfo, MKVToolNix GUI’s info tool: in summary mode the frame type was reported wrong for `BlockGroup` elements in which the `ReferenceBlock` elements were located behind the `Block` element.
Build system changes:
all: `std::codecvt_utf8` is now used instead of Boost’s utf8_codecvt_facet`. The bundled copy the latter in `lib/boost` ha therefore been removed.



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