Unicode 全功能文本和源编辑器 RJ TextEd 15.10 + x64 中文多语免费版

RJ TextEd 是一个支持 Unicode 的全功能文本和源编辑器。RJ TextEd 是使用 Embarcadero 的 Delphi 开发的,并作为免费软件发布。 它也是一个非常强大的 Web(PHP,ASP,JavaScript,HTML 和 CSS)开发编辑器。 功能扩展到文本文件之外,包括支持 CSS/HTML 编辑,集成 CSS/HTML 预览,拼写检查,自动完成,HTML 验证,模板等。 该程序还有一个双窗格文件命令器,以及一个(S)FTP 客户端来上传您的文件。 以下是一小部分可用功能。

Unicode 全功能文本和源编辑器 RJ TextEd 中文版

Unicode 全功能文本和源编辑器 RJ TextEd 中文版

RJ TextEd 特征

每个监控 DPI 感知。
处理 ASCII 和二进制文件。
CSS 和 HTML 向导。
高亮显示 CSS/SASS/LESS 中的颜色。
FTP 和 SFTP 客户端同步。
在代码页,Unicode 格式和文本格式之间进行转换。
Unicode 和 ANSI 代码页检测。
打开/保存没有签名(BOM)的 UTF-8 编码文件。
Unicode 文件路径和文件名。
HTML 验证,格式和修复。
可用的工具,如语法编辑器,颜色选择器,charmap …

上面没有列出许多功能。 包括拼写检查,电子邮件支持,带正则表达式的高级搜索。 要了解有关该程序的更多信息,您可以查看截图,或者尝试一下。 该程序是完全免费的。

RJ TextEd 许可证



What’s new in RJ TextEd 15.10
August 29, 2021
Terminal panel:
Added a new panel which works as a terminal window. It uses Cmd.exe in the background and should have most of the functions a real command prompt window has, and more.
The panel toolbar allows you to:
Enter a path manually in the combo box and move to it.
Select a favorite folder in drop down list and move to it.
Save current terminal directory as favorite.
Change terminal directory to the current document folder.
Open a folder selection window and change directory to it.
Change font (and background color if you’re not using a theme).
Restart the terminal (restart cmd.exe).
Keyboard action to start an external terminal window. Set shortcut in customize keyboard.
Keyboard action to open/hide or show/close terminal panel. If the panel is auto hidden (minimized) the action will open/hide the panel. Otherwise it’s closed or shown.
The panel use a standard windows edit control and only communicate with an open (hidden) command prompt window using standard input/output. There may be commands that doesn’t work properly, like “more” (it displays all of the text at once, but you don’t have the space bar control to switch page). Some special keys may work differently (since it’s an edit control).
Some features I had to add to the panel myself:
Command history (up/down arrow). It should work the same as in a real command prompt window. The command history is saved between sessions.
Auto completion (tab). Should work the same as in a real command prompt window.
Ctrl+C. Should work the same as in a real command prompt. If it doesn’t work use the restart terminal button instead.
Terminal – PHP interactive shell (php -a):
This should work fairly well, but it will never work perfectly over standard input/output.
Up/Down arrows can be used for history and use “exit”, or hit Ctrl+Z to exit the php interactive shell.
Terminal – Python interpreter mode (python or python -i):
This should work fairly well, but it will never work perfectly over standard input/output.
Up/Down arrows can be used for history and use “exit()”, or hit Ctrl+Z to exit the python interactive mode. The help utility is supported as well and should work normally.
Language server templates:
Templates make adding language servers much easier. Once you’ve added a language server as a template you never have to add the server settings again.
Several server templates have been added already for you to use. And you can easily change or add one yourself.
Open LSP templates located in the environment menu to modify or add templates.
You can add a language server as a template from project/sites settings if you’ve already added a server.
Some environment variables can be used in paths:
%appdata% = AppDataRoaming
%localappdata% = AppDataLocal
%programfiles% = c:Program files
%homepath% = c:Users
Text clips panel:
Changed the Keyboard action to open/hide or show/close terminal panel. If the panel is auto hidden (minimized) the action will open/hide the panel. Otherwise it’s closed or shown.
Return key should now insert selected item and close/expand folders.
Select color issue fixed with themes.
Added a new command-line switch /NOREOPEN. It allows you to open the editor without reopen the last open files. The next time you open the editor without this option – the old last open files are reopened.
A few issues on high dpi monitors.
A few reported issues from users.




上一篇 2021年9月6日 10:15
下一篇 2021年9月6日 10:15


