开源免费 DJ 混音软件 Mixxx 中文版由大眼仔旭(www.dayanzai.me)发布。Mixxx 是免费的开源软件,并完全由社区推动的。Mixxx 背后没有公司 – 开发工作由热情的 DJ 和程序员共同承担,他们将自己的业余时间投入到自己喜欢的 DJ 软件上。Mixxx 永远都是免费的!Mixxx 是一个开源音频软件应用程序,具有双重功能,iTunes 集成,BPM 检测和同步,实时广播以及自动混音功能,可帮助您混音。

开源免费 DJ 混音软件 Mixxx 中文多语免费版
适用于所有 DJ 的强大功能
Mixxx 集成了 DJ 与数字音乐文件进行创意现场混音所需的工具。
无论您是仅带笔记本电脑的新 DJ 还是经验丰富的转盘师,Mixxx 都能支持您的混音风格和技巧。
BPM 按键检测和同步
BPM 和音乐键检测可帮助您从库中找到完美的下一首曲目。使用主同步来匹配四首歌曲的节奏和节拍,以实现无缝混音。
DJ 控制器支持
DJ 控制器硬件的内置映射使您可以手动控制Mixxx的功能。使用可编程映射系统自定义您的工作流程并添加对任何 MIDI 或 HID 设备的支持。
Mixxx 还包含 VU 电平表,线路衰减器,均衡器和增益旋钮,可让您调整耳机音量,设置提示点,应用特殊效果,在小型唱盘中播放简短的样本并聆听歌曲,然后再在混音中使用它们。专用甲板。
当您想要停止混音并让应用程序随机播放,跳过和更改下一首曲目的过渡时,自动混音功能会派上用场。混合的音频文件可以导出到 WAV,AIFF,MP3,OGG,FLAC 或 AAC。
Mixxx 是由 DJ 们,程序员,和艺术家组成的国际社区开发。由于 Mixxx 是免费的(如自由和价格一样),是开源软件,因此任何人都可以为使 Mixxx 变得更好而做出贡献 – 包括您在内!
What’s new in Mixxx 2.3.0
July 8, 2021
Add hotcue colors and custom labels by right clicking hotcue buttons or right clicking hotcues on overview waveforms #2016 #2520 #2238 #2560 #2557 #2362
Mouse hover cues on overview waveform to show time remaining until the cue #2238
Hotcue & Track Colors:
Add configurable color per track #2470 #2539 #2545 #2630 lp:1100882
Add customizable color palettes for hotcue and track colors #2530 #2589
Add hotcue color find-and-replace tool #2547
Importing From Other DJ Software:
Import cue points, track colors, and playlists from Serato file tags & database #2480 #2526 #2499 #2495 #2673 #3885
Note: Mixxx does not yet support multiple loops per track. We are working on this for Mixxx 2.4. In Mixxx 2.3, if you import a track with multiple loops from Serato, Mixxx will use the first loop cue as the single loop Mixxx currently supports. The imported loops are still stored in Mixxx’s database and are treated as hotcues in Mixxx 2.3. If you do not delete these hotcues, they will be usable as loops in Mixxx 2.4. Serato keeps loops and hotcues in separate lists, but Mixxx does not, so loops from Serato are imported starting as hotcue 9
Import cue points, track colors, and playlists from Rekordbox USB drives #2119 #2555 #2543 #2779
Note: The first Rekordbox memory cue is imported for the main cue button in Mixxx and the remaining Rekordbox memory cues are imported as Mixxx hotcues, starting with the next hotcue number after the last hotcue from Rekordbox
Note: Mixxx does not yet support multiple loops per track. Imported loops from Rekordbox are treated like imported loops from Serato, so refer to the note above for details
Intro & Outro Cues:
Add intro & outro range cues with automatic silence detection #1242
Show duration of intro & outro ranges on overview waveform #2089
Use intro & outro cues in AutoDJ transitions #2103
Deck cloning:
Add deck cloning (also known as “instant doubles” in other DJ software) by dragging and dropping between decks #1892 and samplers #3200
Clone decks by double pressing the load button on a controller (with option to disable this) #2024 #2042
Skins & GUI:
Aesthetically revamped LateNight skin #2298 #2342
Right click overview waveform to show time remaining until that point #2238
Show track info dialog when double clicking track labels in decks #2990
Show track context menu when right clicking text in decks #2612 #2675 #2684 #2696
Add laptop battery widget to skins #2283 #2277 #2250 #2228 #2221 #2163 #2160 #2147 #2281 #2319 #2287
Show when passthrough mode is active on overview waveforms #2575 #2616
Changed format of currently playing track in window title from “artist, title” to “artist – title” #2807
Workaround Linux skin change crash #3144 lp:1885009
Fix touch control lp:1895431
Fix broken knob interaction on touchscreens #3512
AutoDJ: Make “enable” shortcut work after startup #3242
Add rate range indicator #3693
Allow menubar to be styled #3372 #3788
Add Donate button to About dialog #3838 #3846
Add Scrollable Skin Widget #3890
Fix minor visual issues in Skins #3958 #3954 #3941 #3938 #3936 #3886 #3927 #3844 #3933 #3835 #3902 #3931
Music Feature Analysis:
Multithreaded analysis for much faster batch analysis on multicore CPUs #1624 #2142 lp:1641153
Fix bugs affecting key detection accuracy #2137 #2152 #2112 #2136
Note: Users who have not manually corrected keys are advised to clear all keys in their library by pressing Ctrl + A in the library, right clicking, going to Reset -> Key, then reanalyzing their library. This will freeze the GUI while Mixxx clears the keys; this is a known problem that we will not be able to fix for 2.3. Wait until it is finished and you will be able to reanalyze tracks for better key detection results
Remove VAMP plugin support and use Queen Mary DSP library directly. vamp-plugin-sdk and vamp-hostsdk are no longer required dependencies. #926
Improvements BPM detection on non-const beatgrids #3626
Fix const beatgrid placement #3965 #3973
Music Library:
Add support for searching for empty fields (for example crate:””) lp:1788086
Improve synchronization of track metadata and file tags #2406
Library Scanner: Improve hashing of directory contents #2497
Rework of Cover Image Hashing lp:1607097 #2507 #2508
MusicBrainz: Handle 301 status response #2510
MusicBrainz: Add extended metadata support lp:1581256 #2522
TagLib: Fix detection of empty or missing file tags lp:1865957 #2535
Fix caching of duplicate tracks that reference the same file #3027
Use 6 instead of only 4 compatible musical keys (major/minor) #3205
Fix possible crash when trying to refocus the tracks table while another Mixxx window has focus #3201
Don’t create new tags in file when exporting metadata to it #3898
Fix playlist files beginning with non-english characters not being loaded #3916
Enable sorting in “Hidden Tracks” and “Missing Tracks” views #3828 lp:1828555 lp:1924616
Fix track table being empty after start #3935 lp:1930546 lp:1924843
Audio Codecs:
Add FFmpeg audio decoder, bringing support for ALAC files #1356
Include LAME MP3 encoder with Mixxx now that the MP3 patent has expired lp:1294128 buildserver:#37 buildserver:9e8bcee
Add Opus streaming and recording support. lp:1338413
Remove support for SoundSource plugins because the code was not well-maintained and could lead to crashes lp:1792747
Add HE-AAC encoding capabilities for recording and broadcasting #3615
Audio Engine:
Fix loss of precision when dealing with floating-point sample positions while setting loop out position and seeking using vinyl control #3126 #3127
Prevent moving a loop beyond track end #3117 lp:1799574
Fix possible memory corruption using JACK on Linux #3160
Fix changing of vinyl lead-in time lp:1915483 #3781
Fix tempo change of non-const beatgrid track on audible deck when cueing another track #3772
Fix crash when changing effect unit routing #3882 lp:1775497
Make microphone ducking use strength knob the same way in automatic & manual mode #2750
Improve workflow for configuring controller mappings and editing mappings #2569 #3278 #3667
Improve error reporting from controller scripts #2588
Make hotcue and track colors mappable on controllers #2030 #2541 #2665 #2520
Add way to change library table sorting from controllers #2118
Add support for velocity sensitive sampler buttons in Components JS library #2032
Add logging when script ControlObject callback is disconnected successfully #2054
Add controller mapping for Roland DJ-505 #2111
Add controller mapping for Numark iDJ Live II #2818
Add controller mapping for Hercules DJControl Inpulse 200 #2542
Add controller mapping for Hercules DJControl Jogvision #2370
Add controller mapping for Pioneer DDJ-200 #3185 #3193 #3479 #3793 #3949
Add controller mapping for Pioneer DDJ-400 #3479
Add controller mapping for ION Discover DJ Pro #2893
Add controller mapping for Native Instrument Traktor Kontrol S3 #3031
Add controller mapping for Behringer B-Control BCR2000 #3342 #3943
Add controller mapping for Behringer DDM4000 #3542
Update controller mapping for Allen & Heath Xone K2 to add intro/outro cues #2236
Update controller mapping for Hercules P32 DJ for more accurate headmix control #3537
Update controller mapping for Native Instruments Traktor Kontrol S4MK2 to add auto-slip mode and pitch fader range #3331
Fix Pioneer DDJ-SB2 controller mapping auto tempo going to infinity bug #2559 lp:1846403
Fix Numark Mixtrack Pro 3 controller mapping inverted FX on/off control #3758
Gracefully handle MIDI overflow #825
Add CMake build system with ccache and sccache support for faster compilation times and remove SCons #2280 #3618
Make Mixxx compile even though QT_NO_OPENGL or QT_OPENGL_ES_2 is defined (fixes build on Raspberry Pi) lp:1863440 #2504
Fix ARM build issues #3602
Fix missing manual in DEB package lp:1889776 #2985
Add macOS codesigning and notarization to fix startup warnings #3281
Don’t trash user configuration if an error occurs when writing #3192
Enable CUE sheet recording by default #3374
Fix crash when double clicking GLSL waveforms with right mouse button #3904
Derive Mixxx version from git describe #3824 #3841 #3848
Improve tapping the bpm of a deck #3790 lp:1882776
And countless other small fixes and improvements (too many to list them all!)
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