Stickies 汉化版 绿色小巧的桌面便签小工具由大眼仔旭(发布。便条是个很神奇的东东,突然有些极具价值的发现或者偶尔冒出点灵感什么的,简单几笔马上记住,万一忘了那损失可就不小了。但是“机器时代”,纸质便条之类的大概只有在图书馆才能偶遇了,再说网上查资料,直接 Copy-Paste 那才叫方便,于是有了今天推荐的 Stickies 中文免费版!

Stickies 中文版
Stickies 电子便利贴,让你再也不会忘记任何重要的事项、工作内容或是待办事项,甚至是一些小琐事。Stickies文件虽然很小,但其功能真是不赖。中文支持度极高,还可以把它当做一个小闹铃,时间一到自动提醒你。若你的同事或朋友也有安装Stickies的话,你们之间的电子小纸条还可以利用电子邮件或 IP 地址的方式,互相交流呢!(其至把它当成一个留言的小纸条也可以唷!若你手上有PPC或Palm,并且有安装Stickies,你在外面用Stickies所记录的事项,还可以与PC上的 Stickies 做一个同步交换的动作。让你永远不用担在外面使用PDA所记录的事项,无法与计算机做同步交流的动作。
当然,Stickies 的功能自然没有这么简单,记录文本便条的时候还可以进行简单的文本设置和高亮批注,图片便条也可以涂鸦和荧光标注。每个便条还会有警报功能,规定时间一到就会一个劲的闪烁和声音报警,也就是说便条还可当闹钟使用,免费适合时间感不强的网虫朋友。另外,它也提供网络接口,(支持TCP/IP传输和电子邮件发送便条。
Stickies 虽然好用,但是如果标签太多了怎么办呢?这个也木有问题,Stickies 便条管理能够收集和整理已经使用过的便条。如果设置了关键字或者分组的话,管理起来就更加直观了。万一还是找不到也没有关系,它还有搜索功能。这似乎有点笔记软件的味道,没有太高要求的童鞋,(也可以把它笔记工具来使用。
绿色、小巧、稳定,可操作性也不错,这么好的工具,作者也完全没有私藏的意思,Stickies是完全免费的,而且还开放 API,有什么好的想法还可以扩展这个工具。Stickies 拥有很多便条皮肤、插件和本地语言支持(它是支持简体中文的,只要下载对应的语言文件就可以了)都已经被支持者们开发出来了。如果你喜欢的话,不妨试试。
Stickies 10.1a – May 2021
New features
Dark mode
The Home tab in Manage is now a bar chart
Control-Return inserts a horizontal line into text notes
The on-top setting when notes wake can be copied from what on-top is set to when sent to sleep
The Manage window can now be set on-top, and set less tall
Numbers on right hand side of the Manage tree, showing the count of items in that folder/stack/tag
Additional option for single-clicking the notification area icon: Toggle show/hide all
Desktop notes can be individually selected (hold control and click them) to move or perform an action on those selected
Holding shift to bulk-select desktop notes draws a border around them
Entering a password has moved to the bottom the main Manage window
Method which sets notes as on-top has been changed to improve reliability
Icons for stored notes in Manage now match their folder icon
The Settings screen is now shorter, and can be scrolled
Removed the status icons from ontop/rolled/scrollbar/readonly menu items
The Manage Choose window height is saved
Selecting text in a hyperlink is easier
The list in the Manage window remembers the position when deleting items
Skin paths when saved in the App or Data directories are stored as relative paths (to help portable app users)
Toggle switches are animated
The selection highlighing in the Manage tree feels a little more reliable
Option to show sample content and title now applies to both normal and compact lists
“60” in sleep menus is now the more useful “90” (60 minutes is an hour, 60 days is two months)
Lowered the brightness of the “Hole in white screen” screen grab whiteness
“Create new tag” and “Add to items” buttons are hidden from the tag set dialog when using it to set a search filter
Dropping an image into an empty text note now sets a title from the file, as the note gets converted to an image note
Moved a few dialog controls around to allow for easier translations
Desktop notes being put into a stack are now de-selected as they do that
Improved the colour choose window
Added plusminus to skins
Option added to always check desktop notes for rescue on create
Now saves the store dialog height on both cancel and OK
Skin actions for setting text case and tab stops added
The Manage window can now be maximized
Updated SQLITE library from 3.22 to 3.33
API: oncopyData now returns TRUE when the message is handled
Improved editing recurring notes – the next wake time is retained for “every X”
Right-clicking for a menu in the space under the tree in Manage lets you create a top-level folder
Deleting an item in the list in the Manage dialog retains the selection position in that list
New API command get list folders
New API command do reindex
Selecting Settings from the tray button jump list now works again
Two swapped drop lists on “New Notes” tab put back where they should be
“Wake a copy” icon fixed
Using control-shift-drag to copy multiple notes with mixed content (text and image notes) now works OK
Setting no longer sets 100% transparent (invisible!) notes
Bug with copying stored notes fixed
Menus are now per-monitor DPI aware (size correctly according to the screen they open on)
Storing notes to a force-encrypted folder now always works
Control-dragging mixed groups of text and image notes now copies both types
Can no longer open multiple title/source/text dialogs at once for notes
Column width in the Multiple Send Results dialog fixed
Negative numbers can now be put into “New note” co-ordinate boxes
Internal database lost categories saved better (may cause some long-lost notes to appear)
Better localisation of dates
Searching by note id now works for all note classes, not just desktop
Changing a note title in the Manage Choose dialog now works
Fix for search field not being filled when storing a note in Manage
Editing path links no longer strips the initial character of the friendly name
Fix for search field not being filled when storing a note in Manage
Saving styles from the context menu fixed
Bulk moving stack windows now saves all positions correctly