GIMP 是一个跨平台的办公图像编辑器由大眼仔旭(发布,可用于 GNU/Linux,OS X,Windows 和更多操作系统。 GIMP 是开源软件并且免费,您可以更改其源代码并分发您的更改。无论您是平面设计师,摄影师,插画家还是科学家,GIMP 都能为您提供完善的工具来完成您的工作。 借助许多自定义选项和第三方插件,您可以使用 GIMP 进一步提高工作效率。

免费开源图像编辑器 GIMP 中文版
GIMP 功能特色:
GIMP 提供高质量图像处理所需的工具。 从修饰到恢复到创意复合,唯一的限制是你的想象力。
GIMP 为艺术家提供了将图像转换为真正独特创作的强大功能和灵活性。
GIMP 是脚本图像处理的高质量框架,具有多语言支持,如 C,C ++,Perl,Python,Scheme 等等!
GIMP 通过与许多编程语言(包括 Scheme,Python,Perl 等)集成来提供可扩展性。结果是高级别的自定义,如社区创建的大量脚本和插件所示。
每个任务都需要不同的环境,GIMP 允许您按照自己喜欢的方式自定义视图和行为。 从窗口小部件主题开始,允许您将颜色,窗口小部件间距和图标大小更改为工具箱中的自定义工具集。 界面被模块化为所谓的停靠点,允许您将它们堆叠到选项卡中或在它们自己的窗口中打开它们。 按 Tab 键将隐藏它们。
GIMP 具有出色的全屏模式,不仅可以预览您的作品,还可以在使用大部分屏幕时进行编辑工作。
使用GIMP可以轻松补偿许多数码照片瑕疵。 修复由镜头倾斜引起的透视失真,只需在变换工具中选择校正模式即可。 使用功能强大的滤镜消除镜头的镜筒失真和渐晕,但界面简洁。
GIMP 是高级照片修饰技术的理想选择。 使用克隆工具摆脱不必要的细节,或使用新的修复工具轻松修补细节。 使用透视克隆工具,就像使用正交克隆一样容易克隆带有透视的对象并不困难。
GIMP 包含对开箱即用的各种输入设备的非常独特的支持。 压力和倾斜敏感的平板电脑,还有各种 USB 或 MIDI 控制器。 您可以将常用操作绑定到设备事件,例如旋转USB滚轮或移动 MIDI 控制器的滑块。 在绘制时更改画笔的大小,角度或不透明度,将您喜欢的脚本绑定到按钮。 加快您的工作流程!
文件格式支持范围从常见的 JPEG(JFIF),GIF,PNG,TIFF 到特殊用途格式,如多分辨率和多色深度的 Windows 图标文件。 该架构允许使用插件扩展 GIMP 的格式功能。 您可以在GIMP插件注册表中找到一些罕见的格式支持。
借助透明的虚拟文件系统,可以使用 FTP,HTTP 甚至 SMB(MS Windows共享)和 SFTP/SSH 等协议从远程位置加载和保存文件。
为了节省磁盘空间,可以使用 ZIP,GZ 或 BZ2 等存档扩展保存任何格式,GIMP 将透明地压缩文件,而无需执行任何额外步骤。
Microsoft Windows(XP SP3,Vista,7,8,10)
Mac OS X(10.6 及更高版本)
Sun OpenSolaris
What’s new in GIMP 2.10.24
March 31, 2021
Ignore Pentax and PentaxDng metadata at export because they are unsupported.
DBus calls (remote file open, typically with double click on file browser; and remote command run) are now processed after all command line files (in case of calls during startup) and in the call order (FIFO) for consistency. Some timeout has also been added to not spam the core process with non-processable DBus calls during startup.
Display profile name in “Color space” field of Image Properties and improve ellipsis & wrap on dialog fields whose contents’ size is not controllable together with better dialog size management.
Fix stack overflow when loading very large XCF files on Windows.
Point snapping now works outside the canvas. This is used for snap to guides, grid and vectors. Snap to grid only works off-canvas when “Show All” is enabled because off-canvas grid is not visible otherwise, though snap to guide and vectors will always work off-canvas.
Various metadata improvements:
Improve reading of iptc tags that appear more than once.
JPEG export will better advertize when metadata export fails, possibly with relevant error message. Image export would not fail, but at least we make the person aware metadata is not properly exported.
More robust TIFF import and export:
Better handling of Exif.Thumbnail.* tags on export.
Import now ignores TIFF pages with invalid directory (rather than freezing and output an error to warn of possible data loss).
Import attempts to count the directories by reading them when the headers does not announce any directory, which allows to salvage images with improper header. Also if reading of a directory fail, we now output a message to warn of possible data loss.
Fixed loading 2 and 4-bit TIFF images in grayscale and indexed.
Improve support of ExtraSamples fields with non-conformant TIFF files.
Improve loading of multi page tiffs with linear TRC.
More safety checks as a result of fuzz-testing.
Improve loading of MinIsWhite and MinIsBlack images.
GeoTIFF tag support added (recognized and stored into image parasites at import, then exported back when TIFF format is used) with appropriate “Save GeoTIFF data” checkbox (checked by default) to disable GeoTIFF metadata export when not desired.
The metadata viewer and editor got a big cleaning and refactoring
Pass, as well as various fixes and several improvements:
Fix handling of IPTC tags which can appear more than once (such as “Keywords”) in both the viewer and editor.
Always read both the IPTC and XMP equivalent tags in the editor, instead of assuming they are necessarily the same.
More IPTC equivalents of XMP tags added:
Iptc.Application2.LocationName <=> Xmp.iptc.Location
Iptc.Application2.BylineTitle <=> Xmp.photoshop.AuthorsPosition
Iptc.Application2.CountryCode <=> Xmp.iptc.CountryCode
Iptc.Application2.Writer <=> Xmp.photoshop.CaptionWriter
The editor now properly saves IPTC tags.
Improve UTF-8 conversion to avoid double string conversion (hence
actually breaking encoding).
Use proper unit abbreviations and proper label casing.
GPS data is now properly formatted with better precision and with
Translatable string parts and tooltips are added to explain how to
Correctly edit GPS data (latitude, longitude, altitude).
Also seconds part of latitude/longitude is now saved with more
Precision and altitude details now switch from .1m to .10m.
Better error reporting when the editor fails to write a tag, with proper GUI error, so that such error do not go unseen.
Better error handling when closing the editor or viewer too, and improve error handling when the calendar dialog fails.
Use a logging domain for debugging-only messages which pollutes the output.
Xmp.iptc.CreatorContactInfo/Iptc4xmpCore:* override the shorter forms Xmp.iptc.Ci* if both are present, since the longer form is more common.
Improve saving of XMP metadata.
And more bug fixes and refactoring steps to get rid of duplicate code.
PNG will now prompt only for layer offset different from zero. Some software were always setting an offset of 0 (e.g.: POV-Ray v3.7) so GIMP would unecessarily prompt the user until now for PNG created by such software.
Allow loading of BMP images with incorrect BI_BITFIELDS compression.
Support loading more bit depth such as 24bpp images.
Support updated Lua API of darktable 3.6 and beyond;
Adding environment contents to debugging output when
DARKTABLE_DEBUG env variable is set.
PDF import:
New option to reverse order of layer.
Support fractional DPI (allowing accurate page dimensions).
Set blue channel of BC5 dds images to 0 instead of 255.
Fix DDS BC5 compression/decompression with Red and Blue swapped.
We detect images created by an older GIMP on loading and swap the channels back.
Removes the “HDR” mention on HEIF 10/12-bit export because high bit depth does not necessarily means HDR.
Runtime detection of HEIC and AVIF file formats (depending on available encoders and decoders), which allows afterwards update of the dependency, but also allows usage for a single format (e.g. for distributions which want to support only AVIF).
With libheif 1.10, visually lossless export is possible for 10/12 bit depths too
More flexible reading of layer mask record size, skipping invalid or unsupported mask info size, hence allowing us to load more PSD files (at least the part of a PSD we support instead of failing the whole import altogether).
G3 fax images:
Improve error handling when loading.
Be more forgiving on bad lines which were quite frequent on older fax images, allowing to salvage some old images.
Some configure fixes for autoconf-2.70 support.
Adwaita’s legacy “software-update-available” icon is now bundled with GIMP to handle the possibility of them being absent from your system theme (typically it was missing on our Windows build).
New Slovak translation.
Kabyle translation added.
Bumping minimum GEGL to version 0.4.30.