System Mechanic 使您的PC运行更快,更清洁,无错误。 其强大的50多个屡获殊荣的精密工具库可修复顽固错误,清除混乱,优化互联网和下载速度,确保个人安全并自动维护最高的计算机性能。
SM自动修复错误和碎片,清除混乱,并调整您的PC。 这样它运行平稳,可靠,速度提高了300%!
不要浪费钱给昂贵的“专家”来修理你的电脑。 System Mechanic将为您修复,调整和维护它! 再次享受新PC的感觉。
使用System Mechanic优化您的PC,以最快的速度播放最新的高性能游戏。 清除杂乱和错误,提高速度和可靠性。 加速下载和上网速度高达300%。
System Mechanic 将通过高级PC调整提高计算机的性能和稳定性。 System Mechanic为您提供了50多种自动工具,用于清理硬盘驱动器的混乱,修复注册表,对驱动器和内存进行碎片整理以及优化系统和Internet设置。
System Mechanic screenshotSystem Mechanic 包含五款屡获殊荣的产品,可在一个软件包中为您提供互联网安全和PC优化的基本组合。 保证您的PC安全,快速和无错误所需的一切。 修复问题,提高性能,消除崩溃,防范间谍软件,病毒和黑客威胁等等。 使用一个集中式系统仪表板自动执行所有重要的PC维护。
System Mechanic 专业功能:
Stability Guard拦截稳定性威胁,以保持Windows快速无问题。
Total Registry Revitalizer解决了注册表问题并稳定了Windows。
Memory Mechanic实时回收浪费的RAM。
CRUDD Remover定位并删除未使用的额外程序。
Startup Optimizer以22种方式自动加速PC启动。
Privacy Cleaner擦除互联网和聊天记录,杂乱和缓存。
包括System Shield AntiVirus和AntiSpyware:
游戏玩家和超级用户都很高兴 – 你不再需要禁用你的保护!
v21.0.0.14 (December 23, 2020):
System Mechanic has a new look
A modern redesign streamlines and simplifies the user experience. Enhancements include:
New Streamlined installation flow. We significantly reduced the steps to install System Mechanic, given you quicker access to the powerful suite of System Mechanic products.
New Clean and simplified dashboard. We gave System Mechanic a fresh new look to showcase the best System Mechanic has to offer, while also making it easier for you to navigate through the product.
New In-product tutorials. Helpful dialog bubbles point you toward and guide the best use of the powerful features within System Mechanic.
New Network Scanner
This new feature scans for devices on your network using bandwidth that could be causing congestion.
If you are experiencing significant slowdown, it may indicate that router ports are open and vulnerable to inviting spoofed DNS and other malicious queries.
Hackers use automated scanners to check for open router ports and label them susceptible to attack.
Open ports will eventually attract attacks that try and guess your router login credentials, but threats go far beyond this.
Security cameras, thermostats, gaming consoles, smart TVs, phones, speakers and many other connected devices can be exposed to hacks.
You could even be recruited as part of a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack, which saps bandwidth you’ve paid for.
Network Scanner finds and lists active and potentially vulnerable devices, helping you avoid unnecessary slowdown and protect your home from malicious threats.
New Process Scanner
Now you can also scan your computer for processes that are currently draining the most system resources, likely leading to preventable slowdown.
The perfect complement to the bloatware-finding feature Startup Optimizer
Lists unnecessary processes currently running in real time
The most system-taxing items are listed first
Recommends terminating or uninstalling apps you may no longer need
New in System Mechanic Pro and System Mechanic Ultimate Defense:
All of the above System Mechanic features are included in System Mechanic Pro and System Mechanic Ultimate Defense, plus:
Enhanced Antivirus Protection
The real-time antivirus protection System Shield® has been updated with a new AV engine to intelligently discover and block the latest threats.
AI-based threat detectionLike Malware Killer, System Shield now uses machine learning to spot potential new threats. The new artificial intelligence trains itself with ever-improving models to identify suspicious behavior without depending on existing malware samples as a reference.
Macro variant detectionThis new feature looks for new versions of known Macro viruses, which are particularly stealthy viruses written using macros typically found in word processing applications.
Packed executables detectionViruses that are “packed” have been compressed, and will decompress at run time. This malicious tactic turns known threats into something much harder for scanners to detect. The new System Shield identifies suspicious packed files, even if they are not yet recognized as malware.
Improved virus definitions The new streamlined infection signature process delivers a smaller footprint, with more efficiency and laser-focused precision.
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