phpMyAdmin 是一个用PHP编写的,可以通过 web方式控phpMyAdmin制和操作 MySQL数据库。通过 phpMyAdmin 可以完全对数据库进行操作,例如建立、复制、删除数据等等。如果使用合适的工具,MySQL 数据库的管理就会变得相当简单。应用 MySQL 命令行方式需要对 MySQL 知识非常熟悉,对 SQL语言也是同样的道理。不仅如此,如果数据库的访问量很大,列表中数据的读取就会相当困难。
当前出现很多 GUI MySQL客户程序,其中最为出色的是基于 Web 的 phpMyAdmin 工具。这是一种 MySQL 数据库前台的基于PHP的工具。
PhpMyAdmin 的缺点是必须安装在 Web 服务器中,所以如果没有合适的访问权限,其它用户有可能损害到 SQL 数据。
v5.1.0 (2021-02-24):
Improve virtuality dropdown for MariaDB > 10.1
Added an option to perform ALTER ONLINE (ALGORITHM=INPLACE) when editing a table structure
Added ip2long transformation
Improvements to linking to MySQL and MariaDB documentation
Add “Preview SQL” option on Index dialog box when creating a new table
Add a new vendor constant “CACHE_DIR” that defaults to “libraries/cache/” and store routing cache into this folder
Add $cfg[‘CaptchaSiteVerifyURL’] for Google ReCaptcha siteVerifyUrl
Add the password_hash PHP function as an option when inserting data
Improvements to editing and displaying columns of the JSON data type.
Added support for “SameSite=Strict” on cookies using configuration “$cfg[‘CookieSameSite’]”
Fixed AWS RDS IAM authentication doesn’t work because pma_password is truncated
Add config parameters to support third-party ReCaptcha v2 compatible APIs like hCaptcha
Add $cfg[‘MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts’] to set the red text black when ssl is not used on a private network
Export blobs as hex on JSON export
Fix leading space not shown in a CHAR column when browsing a table
Added a rename Button to use RENAME INDEX syntax of MySQL 5.7 (and MariaDB >= 10.5.2)
Fixed missing option to enter TABLE specific permissions when the database name contains an “_” (underscore)
Fixed a PHP notice “Trying to access array offset on value of type null” on Designer PDF export
Fix for several PHP 8 warnings or errors, giving this release full compatibility with PHP 8
v5.0.4 (2020-10-15):
Two factor authentication was broken
Incompatibilities with older PHP versions.
v5.0.3 (2020-10-10):
Several important security fixes:
PMASA-2020-5 XSS vulnerability with transformation feature
PMASA-2020-6 SQL injection vulnerability with the search feature
将下载文件解压缩到 WEB 访问路径下。文件目录如phpmyadmin。
然后配置目录下libraries文件下的 config.default.php 文件。
$cfg[‘PmaAbsoluteUri’] = ‘http://localhost/phpmyadmin’;
$cfg[‘blowfish_secret’] = ‘123456’;
$cfg[‘DefaultLang’] = ‘zh-gb2312’;
$cfg[‘DefaultCharset’] = ‘gb2312’;
$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘auth_type’] = ‘cookie’;