Inno Setup 中文免费增强版 免费易用的安装包制作工具由大眼仔旭(发布。Inno Setup 汉化中文版是来自风铃夜思雨的优秀作品,Inno Setup 汉化版是一个免费易用好用的安装制作软件,小巧、简便、精美是其最大特点,支持pascal脚本,能快速制作出标准 Windows 2000 风格的安装界面,足以完成一般安装任务。该软件用 Delphi 编写,其官方网站同时也提供源程序免费下载。它虽不能与 Installshield 这类恐龙级的安装制作软件相比,但也当之无愧算是后起之秀。

Inno Setup 汉化增强版
Inno Setup 主要特点
支持自 2006 年以来的每个 Windows 版本,包括:Windows 10、Windows 10 on ARM、Windows Server 2019、Windows Server 2016、Windows 8.1、Windows 8、Windows Server 2012、Windows 7、Windows Server 2008 R2、Windows Server 2008 和 Windows远景。 (不需要服务包。)
广泛支持在 64 位版本的 Windows 上安装 64 位应用程序。支持 x64、ARM64 和 Itanium 架构。
支持创建单个 EXE 来安装您的程序,以便于在线分发。还支持磁盘跨越。
标准的 Windows 向导界面。
包括对“deflate”、bzip2 和 7-Zip LZMA/LZMA2 文件压缩的集成支持。安装程序能够比较文件版本信息、替换正在使用的文件、使用共享文件计数、注册 DLL/OCX 和类型库以及安装字体。
创建注册表和 .INI 条目。
支持数字签名的安装和卸载,包括双重签名(SHA1 和 SHA256)。
Unicode 安装。
用于高级运行时安装和卸载自定义的集成 Pascal 脚本引擎选项。
完整的源代码可从 GitHub 获得。
占用空间小:包含所有功能的开销仅约 1.5 mB。
由 Microsoft Visual Studio Code 和 Embarcardero Delphi 使用。
Inno Setup 许可证
What’s new in Inno Setup Compiler 6.2.0
June 3, 2021
Graphics modernized:
Updated all Compiler IDE’s toolbar icons and the wizard images used by the Compiler IDE’s New Script Wizard wizard.
Updated the default application icon used by Setup and Uninstall if [Setup] section directive SetupIconFile is not set. To use the old icon again set SetupIconFile to compiler:SetupClassicIcon.ico.
[Setup] section directives WizardImageFile and WizardSmallImageFile now default to a blank value which makes Setup use new built-in wizard images. To use the old wizard images again set WizardImageFile and WizardSmallImageFile to compiler:WizClassicImage.bmp and compiler:WizClassicSmallImage.bmp respectively.
Updated Uninstall’s default small wizard image if [Setup] section directive SetupIconFile is not set. Before it would use Setup’s default application icon in this case.
Updated the folder, group, and stop icons used by Setup’s Select Destination Location, Select Start Menu Folder, and Preparing to Install wizard pages.
Updated the disk icon used by Setup’s Setup Needs the Next Disk form.
Pascal Scripting change: Added new InitializeBitmapImageFromIcon support function.
All these icon and images updates include the automatic use of higher quality versions (which were not available before) on higher DPI settings. This includes new automatic use of higher quality icons for the icon on Setup’s Select Setup Language form and Uninstall’s small wizard image if SetupIconFile is set.
Other changes:
Links displayed by [Setup] section directives LicenseFile, InfoBeforeFile and InfoAfterFile are now executed as the original user if possible when clicked.
Added new [Setup] section directives MissingMessagesWarning and NotRecognizedMessagesWarning to disable warnings about messages missing or not recognized for a language.
/LOG: Now logs more uninstaller actions.
The {localappdata} constant can now correctly trigger a used user areas warning.
Compiler IDE change: Fix: Autocomplete support for event functions listed some procedures as functions.
Pascal Scripting changes:
Added new CreateOutputMarqueeProgressPage support function to show marquee progress to the user. See the AllPagesExample.iss example script for an example.
Added new ItemFontStyle and SubItemFontStyle properties to the TNewCheckListBox support class. See the CodeClasses.iss example script for an example.
Added new IsMsiProductInstalled and StrToVersion support functions.
Added new AbortedByUser property to the TDownloadWizardPage support class.
Fix: CreateDownloadPage’s progress bar now supports files larger than 2 GB.
Support functions ParamCount and ParamStr now exclude undocumented internal parameters used by Setup and Uninstall.
The built-in download support now allows the download of files for which the server does not specify the file size and its hash checking is no longer case sensitive.
ISPP change: Added new StrToVersion support function.
Added official Bulgarian translation.
Various documentation improvements.
Minor tweaks.